Bright and early Wednesday morning, E. and I will be flying the friendly skies.
Yeah, I’m glad we’re flying. Doing that drive with a little one once was one time too many.
But this isn’t any old trip home. This is a really special one — we’re heading home to watch my mom get married!
You may have already thought that she was married because I sometimes call her partner my stepdad. The ceremony will just make official what our family has long believed — he’s as much a part of our family as anyone. E., for starters, thinks her Dee Dee walks on water. And as I’ve blogged before, everyone should have a Dee Dee in their lives to fix things.
And no one deserves a happily ever after more than my mom. The road from there to here hasn’t always been easy. Now that I’m a mom myself, I’m even more in awe that she was a single mom. I have no idea how she did it.
I hope the wedding is everything she’s been dreaming about over the past year. But how bad can things be when this is your setting?
The wedding will be at a vineyard set amongst the rolling Pennsylvania hills. I can’t wait to see the fall foliage!
When E. and I went to Pa. this spring for another wedding, we got the full tour … including sampling the wines that will be served (well, for me, duh).
If there’s one thing my mom is a rock star at (well, besides raising awesome kids), it’s planning a party, so I know the entire event is going to be a ton of fun. It’s also going to be a family affair. The wedding party consists of me (Maid of Honor, bitches!), DadJovi, E. (flower girl — which she has been talking about for MONTHS), my brother, his girlfriend and Dee Dee’s two sons and their girlfriends.
I have to admit that I haven’t been the world’s best Maid of Honor (I refuse to use Matron). It’s so hard being here when she’s up there but I’ve tried to provide as much moral support as possible. I’m hoping that I’ll earn my keep over the next couple days by getting everything finalized and set up for the big day on Friday.
See you next week everyone!
What are some of my MOH duties that I need to do, especially on the wedding day? What’s one thing yours did for you or you did for a friend that you’ll never forget? And can someone write my speech for me? All of my early drafts have been way too long (c’mon, you’ve read my blog. You know that brevity is not my strong suit).
Enjoy the foliage and the COOL WEATHER! I am super jealous because I am over the never ending summer already. I got married at the courthouse, so nobody did anything for me
I was the MATRON of honor at my sister’s wedding. I can’t remember anything really special that I did for her and I cried a very ugly cry during my entire speech at the reception. I’m no help at all. Just jealous.
Congratulations to your mom! What an exciting time! I too always wonder how on earthy mom raised me, my brother and my sister all on her own. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been…but she did a fine job if I may say so myself!
Hope you have a wonderful trip – say hi to good old PA for me!
Can’t wait to see you– it’s been WAY too long!
Hope it’s a perfect day for everyone. Have fun. Your mom looks just like you… or that should be, you look just like your mom!!!
Aww, happy almost wedding day to your momma and almost official stepdad! Congrats to them!
The weather is supposed to be good up here this weekend, so should be perfect! I bet just being there with your mom will be enough for her. Oh, and penis straws
Do you and your mom ever look alike! Wow!
Sounds like it’s going to be fabulous. MOH duties? Mine brought kleenex for me and had it on hand. She also had a little kit of fixers (safety pins, tape, chapstick, hairspray – that kind of thing). Finally, she reminded me repeatedly to eat throughout the day. This is what saved me and kept me happy and focused on fun rather than on the many things that needed to happen.
Have a blast!
Oh, hey, we’re going to Philly for a little family holiday over Thanskgiving. Remind me to ask for suggestions of things to do