Friends, I’m still blown away by the amazing response to my Sexism by the Slice post. If you’re a new reader, thank you for coming over to share your opinions. And to my old friends, thanks as always for your insight.
Many have wondered what the boy version of the placemat looked like, and I’m still kicking myself for not requesting one! This weekend, I’m sending DadJovi on a super-secret reconnaissance mission to snag one and I’ll report back with our findings!
But I’m taking a few days off from fighting the good fight for seven very good reasons … these girls.
These are my college besties (and I really hope they don’t mind I’m putting them up here!) and I miss them terribly.
I live in Florida, two live in Massachusetts, one lives in D.C., two live in Manhattan, one lives in New Jersey and the other lives in Long Island.
Since this picture was taken in 2009, four babies have been born (bringing our group total to 7!) and two have gotten engaged. This was the last time we were all together. Last summer, all but one of us went to Atlantic City for the weekend and the New York girls get together often, obviously. I’ve also gone to DC to visit Colie (to my right) when she had her baby boy and Missy (to my left) came here this spring.
But a big group get-together is LONG overdue.
I’m flying up to Boston Thursday night to stay at Missy’s, and the rest of the crew will arrive on Friday and Saturday. I’m already dreaming of no humidity, cool, crisp fall weather and lots of laughter, food and wine! We’ve already made our plans for Friday night …
Somehow, none of us have seen it yet. Oh, wait, I know why we haven’t seen it — babies. They really cramp your movie-going style.
I’ll be back next week, probably a little hungover and as usual, I’m sure my stomach will ache from laughing all weekend (who needs sit-ups when you have girlfriends?). And I guarantee that I’ll be a little sad too since I already know I probably won’t see everyone again until one of the crew’s wedding in Martha’a Vineyard next June (is it June yet? I can’t wait!).
And I’ll also be busy being extra nice to DadJovi for taking over solo parenting for the weekend. Don’t worry because he and E. already have big plans for “father-daughter weekend.” I’m picturing a lot of donuts for breakfast, late bedtimes and Star Wars marathons. Whatever it takes, though, for me to get some much-need girlfriends time.
How often do you take girls or guys only trips?* Where did you go for your last big weekend getaway? And I’m going to love “Bridesmaids,” right?
**special credit to iJason for reminding me that I sometimes suffer from gender bias, too! Guys take trips, too. Just ask my husband.
I just went to California for a weekend with two girlfriends to meet another friend’s new baby boy. It was a wonderful, low-key time, just lounging in pjs, having cocktails and playing catch-up which cuddling the adorable new addition to the group (squee!). I want to do that every month, twice a year seems more likely. And yes, you’ll like Bridesmaids. It’s pee-your-pants funny 🙂
Have fun! We just did a college get-together (minus Katy, boo!) in the Boston suburbs this summer. Every mom deserves a break from husband and children to just relax and not have anyone to clean up after!
Woohoo! Have fun! I usually go on one big girls’ trip a year (Tahoe last February) and then have smaller girls’ sleepovers, or girls nights fairly often. I’m lucky that Chad is very supportive of keeping Mama happy. Jealous of you right now!!! Especially for escaping this miserable fucking heat an humidity.
I hope you had a blast! It’s so funny you posted this b/c I just did the same thing with a group of girlfriends last Friday night. There was a showing of Bridesmaids on a huge inflatable movie screen down at our local lakefront and it was fantastic – food, wine, and lots of laughs. One of the girls and I ended up staying out until bar time afterward. Um, now I know why I don’t do that anymore with a 1 year old in our house. 😉 But I totally hear you on the girls’ nights – they are a must!!