When my mom came down a couple weeks ago, she brought a big piece of my childhood with her — my Barbies! I know, I know. I’ve read and thought deeply about Barbie, her unrealistic body size and the doll’s tendency to promote frivolous, fashion-focused play for girls. But I can’t help it. I love…
Pop (Culture) Rocks
Junk Food Books
Speaking of bad books, there are two books in my house that harass me with their awfulness. The book on the left is my No. 1 nemesis, and of course, it’s E’s favorite. It’s not just snippets from various Disney movies. Each story is the complete movie. Like scene for scene. The stories are at…
50 Ways to Roll My Eyes
Below, I’ll be discussing “Fifty Shades of Grey.” In case you somehow haven’t heard of it, it’s the erotic novel (read: soft porn) that’s taking the world by storm. Although I don’t give many plot points away below (not that there are many to begin with), you may want to avoid reading this if you…
Welcome to the List, Jeremy Renner
On Monday, DadJovi and I went to an advanced screening of “Marvel’s: The Avengers.” It was even more fun because Michelle and her husband were there, too! Once we got past the super tight security (being forced to check in our phones at the doors and getting wanded by security — no, I’m not kidding),…
Scary Good Fun
I’m not sure when or how exactly I discovered Scary Mommy’s blog, but it was one of those a-ha moments. It just clicked. FINALLY, there was someone out there who wasn’t pretending motherhood was all rainbows and unicorns. Yet, at the same time, her fierce love for her children came shining through every post. I…