Forgive the mini-blog hiatus. But as I mentioned in my last post, I was enjoying having my mother in town for the past 12 days. So, instead of blogging, we were … — Discovering that there are starfish on Daytona Beach! I can’t believe we’ve never seen them there before. My husband grew up across…
On the Road
Ice, Ice Baby: Disney on Ice Giveaway
It’s hot as Hades in Central Florida. I’m already fantasizing about fall (I think the back-to-school mania has something to do with it), but the truth is, fall won’t arrive in Orlando for at least another 2 months. But I’ve found something else to help us cool off — Disney On Ice presents Dare to…
My First Giveaway: A Staycation for You!
After our trip to Key West in June, it seemed like the entire summer was stretched out in front of us, blissfully unencumbered by a lot of plans. For the first time in ages, we had no weddings, no extended family trips and no major events planned for the summer. But then August snuck up…
A New Home for Food Trucks
You all know that I’m a big fan of the Orlando Food Truck scene (hmmm, that could explain why the owner of a certain food truck that will remain nameless made a comment about me being pregnant tonight. Seriously, I’m burning all empire-waisted shirts in my wardrobe). Nearly every Wednesday, we head to downtown Orlando…
Family Fun Overload
So much for thinking the rest of my summer was light. This was a jam-packed weekend. We kicked the weekend off with a long overdue date night (actually I kind of hate the phrase date night, so we’ll just call it a night out). First we checked out the newish restaurant Ceviche Tapas Bar and…