The trailers for the new Spiderman are inescapable. For months, it’s been Spiderman, Spiderman, Spiderman. Of course, I remembered Andrew Garfield from his stellar turn in “The Social Network.” I loved him so much in it that I someone subscribed to the real Eduardo Saverin’s Facebook feed (newsflash: he’s no where nearly as charming as Andrew Garfield).
But I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew Andrew (I hope you don’t mind, Andrew, but I’m just going to go with your first name from here on out) from somewhere.
Then, it suddenly hit me. It was a relief to solve the mystery but that relief came with a price — I suddenly felt very icky for thinking that Andrew is cute. You see, Andrew is basically my little brother’s doppelganger. See:
I don’t know if this picture really captures it because it’s basically impossible to find a picture of Andrew smiling and of my brother not smiling. Andrew is trying his best these days to portray Mr. Serious Actor. And my brother? Well, you can’t stop that smile.
I texted BroJovi this week to ask if he’s heard it from anyone else, and he said at least five people have told him that in the past week, including his girlfriend of many years. See, I’m not crazy! I saw my grandmother this weekend and she mentioned that she’d seen the new Spiderman and before I could share my Doppelganger theory, she immediately said that the whole movie she kept thinking how much Andrew looked my brother, too.
We both agreed that it’s their mutual big downs. What are downs, you ask? When BroJovi was a wee young lad, he, for some reason none of us ever knew, called eyebrows downs. The name has stuck in our family.
DadJovi and I have differing views over who we think his Doppelganger is. A hundred years ago, one of his friends dubbed him Mickey Rourke. Yes, this guy.
OK, his friend may have been thinking more of this era of Mickey Rourke:
Even though old school Mickey Rourke is surprisingly good looking, I still don’t see it. Do you?
Personally, I’ve always thought he looks more like Boston Legal-era James Spader.
Although, I would LOVE if he grew his hair out a la Steff in “Pretty in Pink.”
As for me, I usually get the, “Oh, you look just like my sister/cousin/neighbor/ex-girlfriend.” The last one always makes me think that the person clearly hates me.
I’d say there’s only one celebrity that I’ve ever seen any resemblance to:
I mean, it’s like looking into a mirror.
OK, fine, I probably look more like this version of Drew Barrymore.
I’ve gotten the Drew Barrymore lookalike comments a few times. I think it’s because we both have inappropriately loud laughs and are both just a tad bit dorky without going full adorkable. Yeah, I’m talking to you Zooey.
I was in high school when “Interview With a Vampire” came out and one of my teachers was convinced that this girl was my younger sister.
It could have had something to do with the fact that I had a bit of a flair for the dramatics back then. And some unfortunate hair choices. I mean, have you seen this girl’s post featuring some of my hair’s greatest hits? Oh, like this one, perhaps.
You’re jealous right now, aren’t you? I suddenly see where my brother got his big downs from. Why wasn’t eyebrow waxing a thing when I was in high school?
OK, it’s your turn. Who is your doppelganger? Perhaps they aren’t even a celebrity. My friend in New York met her doppelganger at the Martha’s Vineyard wedding. Both of them have been getting mistaken for each other in New York for years and it was really freaky — they looked and talked almost exactly the same.
I’ve ALWAYS thought that DadJovi looked liked James Spader – even when he was at Mile 23 of the Disney Marathon. I don’t even see Mickey Rourke. WTF?
I used to think that nobody looked like me until Dexter came along. Pretty sure Jennifer Carpenter and I are related in some way!
Oh – and my brothers also have dopplegangers — AJ has been asked for his autograph SEVERAL times — people think he is Michael Phelps. Ben looks a lot like Pacey. It’s hard to crush on Joshua Jackson when he reminds you of your brother – but yet I still do.
No, there is zero resemblance to Mickey Rourke. I think it probably referred more to J’s former drunkenness. Oh, those crazy 20s.
And yes, you are completely Jennifer Carpenter’s twin. You just need to start cursing up a storm at any and all times to really drive home the resemblance.
Brothers who look like your crushes is just an awkward and weird thing. Yet, I can’t help but crush on Andrew just a wee bit myself.
I honestly don’t think I look like anyone. However, I do think that Michelle (above) looks exactly like Jennifer Carpenter.
Michelle and Jennifer Carpenter are basically the same person now in my mind. I’ve already told her that I’m going to need her to kick up her swearing about 100 notches, though, to really embody Deb Morgan.
And you look just like you, and that’s wonderful!
My brother looks like Hugh Jackman and I’d still bag Hugh Jackman, so there’s that. Don’t feel bad for loving Andrew Garfield.
Over the years, I’ve gotten Kirsten Dunst (the Spiderman KD), Laura Prepon (Donna on That 70s Show), and Dominique Swain, but I get Claire Danes most often. I don’t think I look like any of them.
I think even Hugh Jackman’s siblings (male or female) would bag him. Hey, if it works for the Lannisters …
Hmmm, I’m going to have to think about the Claire Danes one. The other I see a tiny bit (esp Spiderman KD, although maybe I”m just saying that so we can look like the same person) but I’m not sure I see the Claire one. I feel like I’ve thought before that you look like some celebrity but since I have no memory, I can’t remember who anymore. Guess it wasn’t that good of a call.
James Spader all the way!
I don’t know if I have a doppelganger. Although now that I think about it, one of my friends in college always called me Rosie because he said I reminded him of Rosie O’Donnell…I just hope no one thinks that now…
Um, I’ve never once thought you look like Rosie. Maybe he just meant you remind him of her because you’re hysterical and you do really good things for people? And maybe you also have an undying love of Tom Cruise? Otherwise, I don’t see it. Nope, not even the hint of it.
Boo! I don’t have a doppelganger either :(. Nobody has ever come up to me and said, “You look like so and so.” Anyhow, yes your brother totally looks like Andrew and your HubJovi looks like young Mickey and like James Spader. And I wouldn’t have thought it from knowing you, but that pic of you totally looks like the kiddo vamp. But the thing that struck me dumb reading this was that James Spader was in Pretty in Pink. How did i not realize that? I will never look at him the same again!
Yes! James Spader is Steff! That’s why I had such a negative reaction to him as an actor for the first few years after the movie! So of course, I’d obviously marry someone who looks like him!
Maybe I should start spiral perming my hair like that again huh? Or just drop about 100 pounds to look like Kirsten Dunst now. Nah, eating and drinking wine is way too much fun!
Totally agree with the James Spader for your husband! I don’t get any comparisons, besides that generic “you remind me of someone….” and I think that is either because 1. I have a generic Irish girl look going on and 2. my sister and I look identical (even though we are not) that people always mistake us for each other, esp if they only know one of us.
I did recently meet a guy who is a ringer for Conan O’Brien and he had a funny story. He travels a lot for work and once he got an upgrade for looking like COB! He told them “look, you know I am not him, right? I just look like him.” And they said “yup, but we still want to give you the suite”. So either they thought he was being coy and were hedging their bets or they figured that a dude who looks like a famous person might be good for business since people might be fooled into thinking a celebrity was staying at their establishment!
I LOVE that Conan O’Brien story!!!! That’s hilarious!
And yeah, I usually just get the “you remind me of someone” too. I always just hope they mean it in a positive way. One time I met someone who I’d reminded someone else of, and yikes, it was NOT a compliment! 🙂
haha, I never thought of it that way! maybe i am assuming they are thinking “you remind me of a childhood friend i loved” and really they are thinking “yeah, you remind me of that really annoying girl i used to work with at the coffee shop.” i say ignorance is bliss on this one!