Sorry, Liz. It’s been a good run. We’ve had some good laughs, mostly at your expense.
I’ve declared my love for you, and detailed all the things we (well, actually, your alter ego Tina) have in common.
Although you’ll always have a big place in my heart, I’ve moved on. Don’t worry. It’s not you, it’s me. Well, I take it back. It’s not you, it’s her.
I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Leslie Knope. Why have none of you DEMANDED that I sit down and start watching “Parks and Rec” these past couple years. I’m making up for lost time. Over the past couple weeks, we’ve spent every night watching episodes from Seasons 1 and 2 (and will finish Season 2 by the time you read this) on Netflix.
There are some episodes that we have to hit pause because we’re laughing so hard. Real tears have fallen from my eyes people. Actual real tears.
This clip right here is just one of the 1,000 reasons I now pledge my undying love to Leslie:
She’s my new feminist icon. Bitches be crazy
I tried finding one of my favorite moments so far online but couldn’t find it. It’s during the telethon and she’s so tired from being up for nearly 48 hours that she starts naming her favorite “Friends” episodes (“There was a box? Did I mention there’s a box? And Joey makes Chandler get in it. Were Phoebe and Ross there? I can’t remember”). Again, tears streaming down my face.
I’ve tried explaining to DadJovi why I’ve shifted my loyalty to Leslie, but I can’t quite find the right words.
I’ve always thought that Liz Lemon was the closest I’d come to finding someone like me on TV — she also works in TV, she has an unnatural affection for food and she’s known to go slightly nuts when people don’t listen to her. Yup, sounds about right.
But she’s also crazy and acknowledges her crazy. I don’t. I’m more like Leslie — I tend to think I’m normal and it’s the rest of the world that’s crazy. When, in actuality, I probably am just batshit crazy.
OK, let’s get off the crazy train. I just also adore Leslie’s devotion to all things politics and her girl crushes on female politicians. I hear you girlfriend. I hear you.
I know I don’t really have to choose between Leslie and Liz (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d be typing). It does make my heart soar that they’re real-life BFFs. And Amy Poehler is married to Will Arnett. I mean, c’mon. That’s just too much funny in one family.
I’m already stressed that only Season 3 is on Netflix. How quickly will Season 4 hit Netflix? I foresee a one-month subscription to Hulu Plus in my future to watch it over the summer.
So, you’ll forgive my lack of blogging this week, but I just can’t tear myself away from the Pawnee gang. This show is perfection.
Who is your favorite TV character? If you watch “Parks and Rec,” don’t ruin Seasons 3 and 4 for me, but tell me some of your favorite characters/quotes/episodes.
Thank you…I just added that to our Netflix list.
You’ll love it!
I’ve never seen more than 5 minutes of a Parks and Rec episode because I didn’t think I could get into another “follow you around” series like The Office. The camera was kinda annoying. But then Michelle sent me some video of a bunch of Rob Lowe clips from that show and I was DYING. So, I’m definitely going to watch it at some point!
My fave character is still Veronica Mars. Tho, I did like David Addison on Moonlighting. #OldSchool
He was just introduced as a character in the two episodes I watched last night (along with the hilarious douchy brother from Stepbrothers) and in his first five minutes on the show, I fell in love with him all over again. He’s HILARIOUS!
The camera doesn’t bother me for some reason, and I haven’t even begun to describe all the ways I love Aziz Ansari. There’s just too much fun on this show. You’ll love every episode, I swear!
Ah yes, Veronica Mars is one of those shows that I never watched that I know I MUST watch! One of these days.
Oooh, haven’t thought of David Addison in a long time. Loved him, too.
If I could have two BFFs in real life, I’d pick Liz and Leslie. I adore them both so much because they portray so much more accurately what it’s like to be a woman today. It doesn’t hurt that they’re witty and powerful in an impish way, either.
On a side note, I LOVE Tom Haverford on P&R. “TreatYoSelf 2011” was amazing if you haven’t seen that episode yet.
Other favorite TV characters: I’ll always have a special place in my formerly 15-year-old heart for Angela Chase from “My So-Called Life.”