Last week, I shared 22 Things I’ve Never Done. This week, inspired by VinoBaby, I’m listing 22 Things I Have Done.
This was actually a really fun, albeit challenging, exercise. I’ve had some incredible experiences so far, and I can’t wait to see what this list looks like in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, etc.
So, here are some of the things that have made me me.
1. I met the love of my life in a dive bar. Five months later, we moved in together. Three years after that, we got married in Key West.
2. We made this.
3. I’ve seen nearly every musician on my bucket list (Wilco, Paul McCartney, Bon Jovi, Elton John, Billy Joel, Kings of Leon, Radiohead, The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Paul Simon, The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Phish) and most of them I’ve seen multiple times.
4. I’ve met two presidents of the United States (Clinton and H.W. Bush) and I’ve been in the same room as another (W.).
5. I’ve been to the Super Bowl only one less time than the Eagles.
6. I watched my Phillies play in the World Series with an 8-month-old attached to me the whole time. Sometimes she was in her Baby Bjorn, the rest of the time she was nursing. In the stands. So yep, I also breastfed at the World Series. Know what I learned? Babies hate cowbells. And drunks love babies.
7. I saw a Grammy Award-winning act in concert just before they had to give their Grammy back. Can you name that group? Just blame it on the rain.
8. I’ve woken up to monkeys frolicking on my porch in a Costa Rican jungle.
9. I got engaged in Napa after the week of our lives.
10. I lived in London (for a semester) and criss-crossed Europe every weekend with my five best friends.
11. I was drunkenly accosted by a gold medal-winning international hockey superstar as I covered the Winter Olympics. And my friends cheered him on.
12. I’ve been to Disney World more times than I count and I still get a thrill when I walk down Main Street USA.
13. Once upon a time, I worked at a major television network and met everyone from Sean Connery to Placido Domingo to Ben Affleck. Yet I wouldn’t trade my current life for the world.
14. I’ve found a job that brings me deep personal satisfaction and I get up every day, excited to get to work.
15. I watched my grandmother take her final breaths and it was perhaps the most poignant moment of my life.
16. I’ve ridden horses on tropical islands, through the lush mountains of Pennsylvania and across barren American deserts.
17. Since leaving home for college, I’ve lived with 29 different roommates in seven places (including my final stop, DadJovi in our current home) across three states and the District of Columbia (stole this idea from Vinobaby. Man, that was hard to count! I’m sure I’ve forgotten at least one person).
18. I almost convinced Josh Hartnett that I was the love of his life … twice.
19. I drank amazing wines in Paris on my 21st birthday and saw my favorite musician (Jeff Tweedy) and drank Hurricanes and ate beignets in New Orleans on my 30th birthday. 40 better bring it.
20. I’ve seen musicals on Broadway and about a dozen plays and musicals in London (see item 10).
21. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon.
22. I’ve been to the place where the sunrise first hits the U.S. (Cadillac Mountain, Maine) and watched it set over the Hawaiian islands.
What are some of the things that you’ve done that mean the most to you? What are some of your funniest memories? And do you think I stood a chance with Josh?
You could totally come visit me. Every summer we have the WILCO fest in my teeny tiny town. They are loud and I can hear them from my open windows.
Free parking at my place 🙂
SHUT UP! Where are you again? Is it in Mass where they have the Solid Sound Festival? So jealous. Someday I’m going to travel the world, following Wilco from city to city. And when I do, I’ll take you up on your offer for the free parking!
What a life! Loved reading your list!
Dang, Girl–you have had one heck of a busy life! I love, LOVE your passion for travel and music (I STILL haven’t seen Clapton or been to Paris). With all the fabulous things you have done, this list should have been easy for you…unless there are another 100 or so amazing things you are leaving off.
Thanks for the shout out and for hopping on the bandwagon. We need to get some drinks sometime so I can hears some of these stories– Cheers!
Yes, let’s go get drinks soon. It’s been too long! And I’d pick Clapton over Paris any day! It’s been years and years since I’ve seen him, but it was amazing. I feel like I was too young to appreciate him so I really want to see him again.
Thanks again for the idea! It was a ton of fun to take a stroll down memory lane. I’ve been looking for an excuse to post my Josh Hartnett pics on the blog.
Haha I love this! You have quite the list of accomplishments, and that beautiful baby was a great one to start with 🙂
The Josh Hartnett one was pretty awesome too, I shall not tell a lie.
LOVE this!! I think you DEFINITELY stood a chance with Josh. Dad Jovi is a lucky man 🙂
I annoyed my friends for months and months by saying of Josh Hartnett that all I needed was 30 more minutes. I was SO CLOSE. It’s actually a pretty funny story involving him and Jerry Bruckheimer’s wife and author Mark Bowden playing matchmaker (believe me, that sentence makes me sound way cooler than I actually was. I just had a great job with great access). I’ll tell you all!
Alright, I have to hear the Josh Harnett stories. He was definitely one of my major crushes when I was a teen. 🙂
They’re good ones! I probably could do a blog post but I don’t know if I want the world to know forever and forever about what a stalker I once was! But I’ll tell you during our Disney date!
I dated a guy that looks a LOT like Josh Hartnett. So in my mind, I’ve slept with Josh Harnett. You are welcome, Josh.
GOOD CALL! I have no celeb-look-alike exes. My husband is the closest — I think he kind of looks like James Spader. But he definitely looks more like Steff James Spader (Pretty in Pink) than Robert California James Spader (office).
Awesome list!! I must admit, I’m more than a little jealous on many of those. 😉 I think mine would probably be pretty boring. Your birthday celebrations sound especially amazing!
I remember really, really wanting to see Milli Vanilli in concert. My best friend had a poster of them on her ceiling and I thought it was just the coolest.