Over my lunch break today, I ran to DSW to find some new shoes for this weekend’s Wine, Women and Shoes event benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank. I’m so excited to be going! I won two tickets at last year’s Florida Blogging Conference (coincidentally, tickets go on sale on Wednesday. Make sure to get yours early!), and of course I’ve waited until four days before the event to realize I have no shoes. Well, no shoes worthy of an event with the word “shoes” in the title.
I picked out a new dress on Friday night, with a lot of assistance from Michelle and her friend Tracy. I’m pretty sure watching me try on 14 dresses sent Michelle into labor. Even in utero, Evan couldn’t deal with listening to me say “Does this make me look fat?” another single time. He had to get out of there!
Of course, I spent entirely too much time perusing the shoes, way overthinking my options. Apparently I wasn’t alone. A woman came up to me in the clearance aisle and asked, “What do you think of these shoes? Honestly.”
And my immediate reaction was to quote “Steel Magnolias.” Do you know how hard it was for me to not say, “Cute shoes, Miss Clairee” or “They’re just too cha cha for words.” These two would have approved.
Is this a normal response in social situations? I just can’t seem to help myself. And it’s not just me. My husband and I frequently have entire conversations consisting entirely of movie and TV quotes.
Who says I’m not bilingual? My second language just happens to be quotes. A few of our favorites include:
“That’s just, like, your opinion, man.” (The Big Lebowski — this just has so many uses. Try it sometime.)
“Two weeks. Two weeks.” (Money Pit — You can imagine how many times we used this line during the renovation project that seemed to last forever when we first moved into our house.)
“Twin! Oh, twin.” (Overboard — If you have a twin or are a twin, you’ve probably heard this from me more times than you’d like.)
“Phone’s ringing, Dude.” (The Big Lebowski — yup, pretty much every time one of our phones ring, the other says this.)
“Blerg” (30 Rock — I mean, this is the word gift that keeps on giving. I’d say I drop this on average of 28 times a time. That’s just a conservative guess.)
“He never has two cups of coffee at home” (Airplane — this one has a lot of uses. Every time DadJovi likes something at a restaurant or at someone else’s home that he claims to not like at home, i.e. tomatoes, I drop this quote.)
“This is the good one. That’s the good card. Just give it a rub.” (Best in Show — pretty much every time there’s the slightest delay in a credit card processing at a store or restaurant, we drop this gem. And it always makes clerks SO uncomfortable)
“My wife is not a forgetful person” (Best in Show — Well, I’ve already dedicated a full post to this one)
“‘It must be nice to be married to a rich Louisiana lawyer.’ ‘Louisiana lawyers do well whether they want to or not.'” (Steel Magnolias — basically any time someone shows any display of wealth, we use this. And I’m going to stop listing Steel Magnolia quotes because, frankly, we quote the entire movie almost on a daily basis)
I’m sure I’m forgetting others, but these are the only ones I can think of as I feed my addiction — watching more TV. We’re currently rewatching “Arrested Development” from the beginning to prepare for its return (yeah!), so I’m sure I’ll have a few new lines for the repertoire. That is if I can hear anything through my hysterical laughter every time Will Arnett appears on the screen. Why did he and Amy Poehler have to break up?? Why????
What are some of your favorite movie or TV quotes? Do you find yourself dropping them into everyday conversations, too?
Didn’t you quote Steel Magnolias to me this weekend? Oh yes – just looked at my texts… “this will not interfere with my ability to do good hair.” Lol.
So — did you find shoes?
Ha! See, I just can’t help myself. Damn you Steel Magnolias for being some dang quotable!
Yup, got two pairs. A pair of yellow wedges to go with the blue and cream striped dress and a pair of nude pumps for the purple one! I really missed having you and Tracy with me!
I quote movies/shows all the time. Steel Magnolias is a favorite, especially “blush and bashful”.
Steel Magnolias is just a goldmine, isn’t it? “Her colors are pink and pink.” “No mama, they’re blush and bashful.”
“Looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket” is another favorite, which I usually use on myself. “Honey, does this dress make my body look like two pigs fighting under a blanket?”
J and I do it all the time.
“Mahalo” – when someone’s rude – Forgetting Sarah Marshall
“my, oh my, got a wonderful slave…and you are a genius!” – (Overboard
“Go frost yourself.” – How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days – we added the “go”
“It hurt and it feel good.” – Couples Retreat
I’ve never seen Couples Retreat! I need to add that to the movie queue.
Love the addition of “go” to frost yourself! I loooove that movie. I forced J. to watch it very early in our dating career and of course any time “You’re so vain” comes on, we sing Andy’s version.
“I can feel it, we’re very very close.” -Pete Venkman, Ghostbusters. Multiple uses in social situations when I’m having to wait for somthing or someone.
“Thats interesting, that’s fu*king interesting man” -Lebowski. My wife and I say this at least once a day to each other when one of us is droning on about somthing that the other could care less about.
“Helloooooo! LA LA LAAAAA!” – Sienfeld. this one needs no explanation of when it’s used.
I also drop at least one Ferris line a day. It’s a gold mine.
Ha! How could I forget “That’s fu*king interesting”?? Yup, we use it daily, too. Basically, we just quote Lebowski constantly so I couldn’t list them all.
We don’t always drop so many Seinfeld quotes but we constantly find a Seinfeld/Curb link to nearly everything we do.
Frankly, I also quote you almost as much as I quote movies:
— Long time, not that long
— Gives. Cares. Matters.
— What, like I’m going to throw a Not Haymaker.
— Hello, I like Bud Light and hamburgers (I’ll leave the punchline off)
I can’t wait to see you guys in a few weeks!
haha, i read this after i tweeted you this AM, so you are prob not surprised to hear that my husband and i often yell “steve holt!” when something good happens or at randoml moments. we also like to say “annyong” in the same vein, esp when one of us comes in the door. when we are sleepy, we say “it’s tired in here” from the episode when buster is in the trunk of the car.
one of my older references that i continue to use is from zoolander – when something exciting happens “orange mocha frappuccino!”
How did I leave off Zoolander?? We use a ton of quotes from that movie too. “So hot right now. So hot.” or “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. IT’S THE SAME LOOK.”
Ha! We never made it past season 1 of Arrested Development first time around so I’ll have to catch up to your quotes. We haven’t gotten to Steve Holt yet!
I have the same idea for a book, though I call it the Swayze Bible. Just three of his gems:
“Pain don’t hurt.” – Dalton, Roadhouse. This is useful when trying to push through the end of a long workout/bike ride, when somebody makes a particularly bad choice in a fantasy draft, when taunting friends in drinking contests, when yelling at the TV when imploring a member of the team you are rooting for to get up after what is clearly a devastating injury, when parenting sons who like to overplay the slightest injury, or when eating a particularly bad piece of sushi.
“Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.” – Bohdi, Point Break Quite frankly there’s hardly a situation that can’t be made better with a Point Break quote, but this one is particularly good if somebody starts talking like Yoda and you want to confuse them.
“C’mon! We’re all going to die, die standing up!” Jed Eckert, Red Dawn. Pretty much applies to all the same situations as the Roadhouse quote, but is especially good when given an enormous amount of work on a short deadline.
“Ditto.” – Sam Wheat, Ghost. A bonus Swayze. Universal application.
Situations where the Swayze Bible is automatically overridden: at a pub, where Shaun of the Dead quotes rule the day, at a bowling alley (Lebowski, duh!), at an Italian wedding or restaurant (That is exclusive domain of the Godfather) or in Vegas (Swingers).
My hubby uses movie quotes all the time and I usually don’t know half of them so it’s totally lost on me. Since I didn’t grow up here and saw a lot of movies in German I don’t know the lines… I’m very excited about FlBlogCon and can’t wait to get my ticket. Will you be speaking again?
I seriously get so excited when I see a new post from you…I know something good is coming!
This post is hilarious!
I tend to quote “When Harry Met Sally” all the damn time.
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” is also quoted all the time in my house.
My 9-year-old is starting to quote “Austin Powers” to me…and it’s hilarious and will totally win me the mother of the year award for parenting skills…
“We do not gnaw on our kitty…”
“That’s not your mother, it’s a man, baby!”
” I can’t stand to be asked the same question three times. It just irritates me. ”
“OK, you’re an animal! You’re a tiger! You’re Tony the Tiger! You’re grrreat! Very good. Loving it. Now you’re a lemur. That’s right, you’re a lemur. And I’m spent. “