This weekend, I’m going back in time to an era when I barely knew what the Internet was and I sure as heck didn’t have a blog.
That’s right folks, I’m going back to my old stomping grounds at Syracuse University!
Except, it’s going to look more like this …
Specifically, like this:
Even though this now wimpy Floridian has been freaking out for days over what to pack, the old Syracuse girl in me let out a squeal of delight when I saw the relatively balmy forecast for Saturday. Considering it’s 15 degrees there as I type this, the town has a lot of warming up to do over the next 24 hours before my arrival.
I’m flying out of Orlando tonight for Boston and making the drive up on Friday with my BFF and college roommate for all four years (well, technically we weren’t assigned to be roommates our freshman year; we just sort of made it that) Missy.
You may remember Missy from this post, specifically this photo of us from our freshman year in our normal spot on bed, watching hours and hours of TV. We lived LARGE, I tell you. Large.
We’ve been best friends for almost 18 years now! And yes, we’ve come a long way from jean overalls and acid-washed jeans.
We have not been back to campus together since 2000, the year after we graduated. And I was only back one other time when I dragged DadJovi up there in 2004 for his first Syracuse game. It was in December, and all he kept saying was, “How did you survive here? Seriously, do students die all the time? It’s SOOOO cold.”
Oh, wait. That’s going to be me this weekend.
The reason for this big trip is it’s the last Syracuse-Georgetown game at the Carrier Dome. I’m in denial that Syracuse is joining the ACC next year, and in the process destroying our thus-far harmonious house. E.’s love for the Blue Devil better be solid because me and Otto are coming gunning for her loyalty.
There may be some bribery involved after I see what I can find at the on-campus shops this weekend.
Originally, more of our girlfriends were supposed to go but they’ve all had to drop out for various reasons — moving, babies, work trips. Lame. Just kidding. But man, it’s tough to plan girls weekends in your 30s when everyone keeps having babies!
Men have no such troubles, so we’ll be joined by a group of about 10 of our guy friends, too, many of whom I haven’t seen in years.
I predict it’s going to be a weekend filled with a lot of reminiscing, eating at our favorite spots, boozing (obviously), and laughing (don’t worry, I’ve packed extra panty-liners because my still-weak post-baby bladder can’t stand to laugh for more than 10 seconds without relieving itself. Killjoy.).
Be sure to tune in to CBS at 4 p.m. Saturday and watch us crush the stupid Hoyas. It’s going to be PACKED. The game is a sellout; 35,012 tickets have been sold (and I’ve got one to sell if anyone needs one!).
Until my return, say it with me:
Oh, lucky girl! You guys are going to have so much fun!! I know what you are saying about ladies being more busy than dudes. We are planning a girls lunch, literally just a few hours long, and we had to make it 6 weeks in advance to get everyone there! But it will be worth it, much like your trip with your bestie. Have a great one and keep warm!!
Go SU! I hope you have a fantastic time. Campus has changed a lot, for the better! Newhouse 3 and the Life science building are really cool.
Enjoy your week-end!
Thanks! Wish there was more time so I could actually meet you, but you know how whirlwind trips go! Can’t wait to see campus. I’m sure I’ll barely even recognize it. As long as Faegan’s is still there, I’m good!
I hope you are just getting primed for the next time you see me when I WILL be drinking again. Your bestie can keep you in practice. I’ve known my bestie for 30 years now. Crazy when you look back on all that history. Getting back together is totes the BEST.