As E. prepares to turn 5, some of the shows that once dominated her life (in the most non-brain-rotting way, naturally) are starting to fade to black. No longer does she beg to watch Dora, Mickey or (the one that hurts me the most) Yo Gabba Gabba. I can’t believe how much I miss DJ Lance.
Sure, she’s still obsessed with “Jake and the Neverland Pirates” and now the new Disney Junior show “Sofia the First,” but her preschool-show-watching days are definitely winding down. I know it’s only a matter of time before she wants to start watching those tween shows like “Good Luck Charlie” and, God-forbid, “Dog With a Blog.” Yes, that’s an actual show on Disney.
When E. was younger, I used to try and force my picks on her. Knowing what little you know about her, I’m sure you can guess how successful those efforts were. I can’t tell you how many times I pushed “Jack’s Big Music Show” because of my eternal dedication to all things Laurie Berkner. Instead, I just had to settle for the greatest hits CD … on repeat. Continuously. For days at a time.
But I also tried to push two different shows for very different, much more grownup reasons — because Mommy thought the guys were hot.
The first was “Lazytown,” which is a freaky Swedish show that barely makes any sense. But have you seen Sportacus?
Getting up at 5:45 a.m. for boot camp every morning would be SO much easier if he was my trainer.
But like all good women, I have layers. While Sportacus appealed to my physical attractions, another group of guys, one in particular, appealed to my intellectual attractions.
In case you’re not down with your kids shows, these guys are the Imagination Movers and the band includes, clockwise from the top, Rich, Smitty, Dave and Scott.
And when you’re home 24/7 with a kid and your social interactions are limited to mommy and me playdates and arguing with your husband over whose turn it is to do the bath and bed routine, well, even men in blue jumpsuits start to look pretty damn fine. Especially one who is thoughtful with thick, curly black hair and kind of resembles the hot dads you and your friends used to admire as a confused tween.
Yes, I’m looking at you Rich.
Dreamy, huh?
Listen, I’m not saying he’s necessarily list-worthy but he certainly makes being stuck in a house all day with a toddler more bearable.
So you can imagine my excitement when my friend A., who works for a local radio station, invited E. and me to join her for an Imagination Movers concert at SeaWorld … and a pre-show meet-and-greet with the band! Guys, do you remember my self-imposed ban on SeaWorld? Yup, I totally chose to ignore that in the face of meeting the guys. And if you makes you feel any better, we barely saw any sea creatures while we were there — no dolphin shows; no Shamu shows. Just rides and dance parties, with a little stingray petting thrown in for good measure.
The meet-and-greet occurred before the show. And like any good stalker fan, I did my pre-meeting research on the guys. Did you know that they’re based in New Orleans? And although I’d seen them perform on the show, I never realized they were a band full of such talented musicians. Go Movers!
Before we went into the meet-and-greet, our two preschoolers thankfully schooled us moms on the Movers’ names. Wait, there are ones other than Rich?
After waiting patiently with the other lucky families, it was finally our turn to meet the guys. From the moment they greeted our girls, I knew they were good people. I know it should be obvious that performers from a kids’ band would be good with kids, but these guys were GREAT.
I mean, look at how they’re all smiling and totally focused on the girls. So nice.
Before we hit the stage, we’d talked to the girls about getting autographs and how they should have them sign their passes. But honestly? A. and I totally forgot about it because we were too busy chatting with the guys. My friend even suggested a new bar in New Orleans to them, which a friend of hers from Orlando recently opened. What? You don’t suggest bars to the kids bands you meet?!?
And of course, we couldn’t leave without horning in and getting a photo of our own, too. For some reason, the girls refused to leave the shot. So rude. And, I got so flustered that I didn’t demand that I stand next to my boy Rich. That’s OK. Dave and his red cap (bonus points if you sang that to the tune of the Movers’ theme song!) were there to keep me company.
Bucket list item checked off the list! (Yes, I’m lame.)
But the fun didn’t stop there. We still had a concert to attend. Sadly, the SeaWorld folks wouldn’t let us stay in the theater after our meet-and-greet. We had to go queue up outside like all the commoners. Don’t they know who MomJovi is?!?
Frankly, though, our seats didn’t matter. By the end of the first song, the band was urging the kids to come dance in the aisles with them. You didn’t have to tell my girl twice.
And thankfully, she heard my mental pleadings and got as close to Rich as she could.
Like any good Pied Piper, Rich had a plan for the kids. He wanted them to come to the front of the stage for the show. At first, I wasn’t sure if the girls would go all the way up there, about 10 rows from where we were sitting, without us. But then, genetics took over. E. may have her father’s running skills, but she has her mother’s stage-rushing rock show skills.
You see the girl in the pigtail braids? That’s her BFF and the person she was supposed to be standing with. That’s also as close to the stage as she was supposed to get. But like her mother before her, there was no stopping her when a stage full of musicians was in sight.
Sadly, The Man was having none of it.
Yes, my baby was busted by concert security and told to move away from the stage. It, quite possibly, was my proudest moment of motherhood.
Thankfully, the temporary setback didn’t stop her from rocking out.
She wasn’t the only one rocking out.
My friend and I agreed that it was the most fun — SOBER — we’ve ever had a concert. The Movers really did rock. Sure, they played a few of their kids songs but they also played some rock songs, too, that A. and I appreciated. I was less excited when they played that horrible One Direction song “What Makes You Beautiful.” Why do people think that’s a girl power song? Essentially, the guys are saying, “Hey girl. It’s really good you have no self-esteem and think you’re hideous. Because the moment you get any self-confidence, you’ll stop being beautiful.”
So, thank you Movers for being a kids show and band that doesn’t make me want to puncture my own eardrums.
And Rich, call me maybe. Next time I’m in New Orleans, don’t be surprised if a superfan stalks you tracks you down. Just make sure that hoochbag Nina isn’t around.
What’s your favorite kids show or band? Have you ever had an unconventional crush? I may stare at it all night long.
You crack me up. So glad the girls had fun and the guys are nice. When my kids were little they loved The Wiggles!!! Haven’t seen these shows in a while… with a tween in the house Good Luck Charlie and Wizaeds of Waverly Place are on repeat.
Bahahahaha hoochbag Nina!!!
Braeden was really into these guys — Livie doesn’t like Warehouse Mouse, so it’s been a while since I’ve heard their songs. Hee.
Loved this post. Our, I mean Morgan’s favorite group right now is Big Time Rush. She has gone to two concerts and we, I mean she has loved them…lol
Hahaha! I don’t know why but E has never asked to watch Big Time Rush yet. I knew you guys were fans from your pictures from last summer so I thought thought the BTR gene would have kicked in by now but it hasn’t. So funny that you love them too! That’s a win-win!!
i’m obsessed with yo gabba gabba and have been from long before daphne was born. i’ve been gradually upgrading my brobee ensemble for years now. unconventional crush? ok here’s one for ya. i’ve got it bad for ralph fiennes as voldemort. except in the last movie when he got all weird/pervy on harry, that didn’t do it for me. but when he first comes back to life in the graveyard? super hot.
Yeah, I could watch Yo Gabba Gabba all day without E even around. She doesn’t know what she’s missing!
And yeah, your unconventional crush wins for creativity and for being one of the most specific ones I’ve ever heard about. I adore Ralph Fiennes too, especially the unconventional way he pronounces Ralph, but I can’t get on board w being attracted to him when he first comes back to life. His face is far too snakelike for my comfort. But he can be my English patient any day.
Omg tbis made my day!!! Rich IS hot…I’m a sahm too so I totally get it. Anthony from the Wiggles looks yummy some days too lol. This whole thing made me laugh so hard, and yes, Nina is a slutbucket;)