So it’s no secret that I’ve been in desperate need of doing something about my body and its extra baggage fees for some time now. I’m about three weeks from turning 36 and things are getting worse, not better.
I’ve reached some pretty scary for me numbers on the scale and I’ve reached the point where more things in my closet don’t fit, rather than fit.
And it sucks.
I keep giving myself these mini-goals … and I keep failing to reach them. I’ll do good for awhile, and even drop five or six pounds, but then it all comes back.
I started running more, in the hopes of doing a half-marathon with Michelle, who made me a very appealing offer in the hopes of tempting me to join her for the Zooma Florida race — she offered to share her room at the Ritz in Amelia Island for the race weekend!
I even followed a half-marathon training guide for about six weeks. I was running consistently and had worked myself up to a couple 6-mile runs … which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.
And the biggest surprise? I didn’t hate it. Oh, sure, I hated the early mornings, but I was starting to not despise every single second of the runs. You see, I really, really, REALLY want to do more races; I just don’t want to do any training runs. That’s totally doable, right?
With Amelia Island as my carrot, I kept on running, but then my cousin Rachel died. I kept trying to run the first few days through my sobs and tears. Then, I traveled to Pennsylvania for the funeral and when I returned, I just had a hard time getting myself out there in the morning. That rolled into Christmas, blah, blah, blah. You know how this story ends.
I did a couple runs over the holidays but nothing consistent. I know, I know. Excuses.
Given all that, as of a week ago, I WAS STILL considering just trying to wing it because it sounds like such a great event, but I just don’t think that’d be a good idea.
Here’s what kills me though. When I was running more consistently, I was GAINING weight. Then, I basically took three weeks off, and of course, I lost weight. Figures.
But there was definitely a difference in how I felt. Not only did my clothes fit better when I was running more, I FELT better.
Funny how that happens.
I know this time of the year is popular for new plans — new eating plans, new diets, new gyms, new goals. If at all possible, I’d really love to avoid a drastically new eating plan. I think I do a pretty decent job of eating. We try to keep our processed foods to a minimum. I pack my lunch for work every day. Other than a weekly trip to Tijuana Flats, we, for the most part, eat at home during the week.
I know I can always do better but I don’t think an extreme way of eating, like paleo or Weight Watchers is sustainable for me (no judgments for those who do these plans. I think they’re awesome and the results are amazing; I just don’t have the willpower) for the long term.
The missing link, though, is exercise. I need consistency and I need a plan.
And that’s where Tina Reale and her Best Body Bootcamp comes in.
I’ve been THISCLOSE to signing up before but I always had a reason not to — travel plans, work stresses, a busy time with E., etc. But I know it’s time to stop making excuses.
And if a 28-week pregnant chick can do it, what’s my excuse?
Today was Day 1 of the 8-week program. Tina does a great job of sending around VERY thorough documents. You get the upcoming two weeks’ worth of daily workouts at once, giving you plenty of time to look things over and do some schedule rearranging if necessary. The goal is to fit in five workouts per week.
The document also includes hyperlinks to videos that show exactly how to do each exercise of the program, and there are also suggested modifications and tips for each one.
Did I mention that the entire program is only $25? Pretty sweet deal, huh?
I’m not necessarily a stranger to strength training but I don’t know what anything is called. Sadly, most of my strength training knowledge came from doing Bodies in Motion on ESPN in junior high. My friend Elyse and I used to tape episodes … on our VCRS, you young things … and do them together all the time. So, yes, most of my fitness knowledge is 20-some years old.
On Sunday, I printed out all the documents and spent some time watching the videos. Clearly, this was going to require highly detailed notes.
Admit it — you’re jealous of my mad drawing skillz.
Those notes definitely helped, though, when I hit the gym at 6:15 this morning for my first full body strength circuit with cardio intervals.
I can’t believe I’m about to say this but gosh darnit, it was actually FUN! I know, I don’t recognize myself either.
The real challenge will be if I can keep it up. I am NOT a morning person but since each workout takes about an hour (you can modify them to only 35-40 minutes if necessary) the morning is the only time I’ll be able to do it.
Tomorrow’s plan calls for a 40-minute cardio interval, which I’ll probably do on the treadmill. Motivating myself to get up at 5:30 to run on a treadmill is going to be very difficult. But I tried to set myself up for success tonight by preparing a healthy post-workout breakfast for me (overnight oats in a jar, natch), packing my and E’s lunches for tomorrow and setting out my workout clothes.
And I figure if I blog it, it better come true, right?
It’s going to be an interesting eight weeks. Part of the program includes a fitness test with a series of measurements and fitness assessments (i.e. how long can you hold a wall squat or plank). If I really improve at four and eight weeks, perhaps I’ll share my “before” results (and photos, gulp) with you. If I don’t, I’ll pretend we never had this conversation.
So, here goes nothing!
Have you ever done a boot camp? Were you surprised by your results? Do you prefer strength training or cardio?
I’m right there with you, Jackie, except that I am doing it 100% from home with no running and no machines. I took no photos before and I will take no photos during or after. I will feel as if I have succeeded if I can fit better into my clothes and if I don’t get winded watching other people run. At least you have Katy to help spur you on!
I’m SO proud of you for doing it! There were some great idea in the FB group for at-home modifications for cardio that I wouldn’t have thought of (jump rope, running in place and even dancing!). There will probably be some days when I do it at home so I’m going to keep them in mind.
I agree that my biggest measure of success will be fitting COMFORTABLY into all my clothes again. That would be a very happy day!
Keep it up!
I started the last round of Best Body Bootcamp and really liked it! I fell off the wagon completely after week 4 though and I still regret that I didn’t finish. I will definitely participate in another round someday.
Sounds like you have the right attitude about everything – hope you have a great run of it!
I’m so afraid that that’s going to be me. I definitely have a tendency to start things and not finish them. But part of it, for me, is looking down the road to see what’s on my schedule. I have one weekend trip and some visitors coming planned over the next 8 weeks but that’s about it. With the pressions sessions, I had too many travel plans and I knew that’d be my downfall.
Hoping the time helps me out this time. And the fact that I’m too cheap to buy clothes the next size up!
Thanks Theresa!
You can do it! I know you can.
I’m in the exact same boat. Well, except the clothes I’m turning to when my regular ones don’t fit are maternity! I need to throw those out. It sucks. But do-able. I’ll cheer you on. I bet you’ll cheer me on too. Good luck!
Thanks Christine. And um, I’ve still got a few maternity things kicking around too. Not pants, but certainly dresses and shirts. I figure they’re just clothes right. Just because the label says maternity doesn’t make it so. At least that’s what I’m telling myself!
I will DEFINITELY cheer you on. Since we share a love of good, REAL food, I’m putting you in charge of coming up with our weekly diets. My part will be to test the food you make. Seems like a good deal to me. 🙂
Have you ever kept a food diary? Cuz I gotta be honest here, every trainer I’ve ever had will say that it’s 80% what you put in your mouth and 20% “other” like exercise. genetics, etc. You may think what you’re eating is healthy but it might not be. That was my main problem before I lost a bunch of weight. Of course, it’s still my problem now. I work out hard 5-6 days a week and I can still gain weight like a champ.
I think the boot camp is an awesome idea to get motivated and get active and feel great, but I also think you need to look at what you’re eating if you really want those results.
Paula = killjoy. True story.
Hee! Just teasing you. Yeah, I KNOW you’re right, I just don’t WANT you to be. It’s not the same thing but I sort of keep a mental tally. The thing that helps is I’m really not much of a snacker, especially during the week. The only thing I eat is what I bring from home, and it’s usually fruit or a handful of nuts.
My downfalls are the weekends or when I go out. I just can never force myself to do a “good” order and then to give myself allowances for things like a cheeseburger. I blame it on my hatred of salad. If more places served spinach, I’d be better. I swear.
But I know you’re right. And I’m sure I’m going to get there sooner rather than later.
Why can’t I just be a skinny bitch you eats what she wants, whenever she wants? Sigh.
Snacking is good though. It keeps your metabolism working instead of forcing your body into starvation mode where it stores fat instead of burns it.
When you’re ready, change that mental tally to a real tally because nutrition statistics can be shocking. Like, 14 chips at Tijuana Flats is a serving. I can easily eat 30 of those before they ever bring the food out. Plus, I eat my meal and like, 4 bites of Fabian’s. Obviously, I need some help in the weight department too.
I want to be a skinny bitch too. At least we have half of that down?
Paula is right, for years I thought I ate super healthy & mid way through last year I actually began to keep a food journal — boy was I wrong! Most of it came down to portions, my portions were huge. Once I started eating the right portions & continued to exercise I finally saw the scale move, clothes fit better, etc. I’ve learned a ton from all of this so if you ever want to chat hit me up, I’d love to 🙂
PS. You better come to Central FL Lady Bloggers yoga next week, I’m also talking to you Paula. Excited to see you gals!
YAY! I just got the biggest smile that you had fun with the workout! hope the intervals went well too. You beter believe I’m cheering you on and believe you can do it. Never hesitate to email if you need an extra dose of motivation or anything.
Thanks Tina and thank you for such a great program!! I’ve tried to not add to your I’m-sure-very-full email inbox by asking my dumb questions to BBB veteran Michelle (Crazy Running Legs). But if something specific pops up, I’ll be sure to email you … or for a good kick in the butt!
Your example of health and honesty is so refreshing, so I’m really glad to be going on this journey with you as my fearless leader!
And yes, I got up this morning (begrudgingly!) and did the intervals on the treadmill. I had to take a couple of walk breaks during some of my recovery sections but I finished it! Hopefully I’ll get faster over the next several weeks!
Looking forward to seeing what’s next and thanks for stopping by with some encouragement!
Good luck with everything, truly. Hope all goes well for you.