This afternoon, I did a friend a solid by bringing her daughter home from preschool with us when I picked E. up (it takes a village here, people. We all need to pitch in whenever we can).
Her daughter, K., is E’s BFF. They’ve been thick as thieves since about this time last summer, and well, when you’re 4, that’s one-quarter of your life. So yeah, they’re tight.
Needless to say, both girls were THRILLED. K’s mom has been nice enough to have E. over for a couple of playdates but for a variety of reasons, it’s just never worked out before that K. has come here to play.
As soon as they got here, E. took her on the grand tour. And it was hilarious.
She pointed out all of her toys, obviously, including her Star Wars stuff, dress-up clothes, Barbies, dollhouse and Legos. Each got the appropriate “oooh” and “ahhhs” from her little friend.
They started sampling a little bit of everything during the tour. Because, let’s be honest, when is it ever a bad time for a quick game of “Hungry, Hungry Hippos?”
After E showed her friend all her toys, she continued with the tour, and that’s when it took a turn for the weird.
“Do you want to see my bathroom?”
“This is my shower curtain. And this box with the princesses — that’s what my Mommy uses to wipe my poops.”
Wow, that is a thorough tour.
It actually reminded me of the time Krazy Eyez Killah gave Larry David a tour of his house on “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” To see that scene, jump ahead to about 2 minutes in. And, in case you’ve never seen Curb, well, consider this your language warning. But, oh man, it’s worth it. So worth it.
Best line? “This is the floor. It’s made of, um, floor shit.” That’s basically the same tour E. gave to her friend.
It was all very sweet though. And God bless preschoolers for their natural curiosity without judgment. Her friend asked where the stairs are. We don’t have any — it’s a one-story home, as are most homes in our neighborhood.
E. thought about it for a moment and said, “We don’t have any. Oh wait. Yes, we do! Come with me!”
She then took her to her bedroom and showed her the two-step stepstool she uses to climb into her high bed.
And I heard her friend say, “Oh, there they are!”
I love 4 year olds. I could just hear the excitement with just a touch of shyness and apprehension as E. showed all of her most prized possessions to her best pal for the first time. Can’t you just remember that feeling? I know I do. And thankfully, preschoolers, for the most part, aren’t yet sarcastic and too cool for school (well, unless they’re striking The Pose). So her friend seemed just as excited to see everything as E. was to show it. I even heard the highest praise one girl can get from another, “You’re so lucky!”
My favorite moment may have been when K said to E., “Oh, here’s your Princess Leia sword.”
E. quickly corrected her.
“That’s not just any sword. That’s a LIGHTSABER.”
The girls then got all dressed up in nearly every piece of dress-up clothing that E. owns. Just as they were putting the finishing touches on their Rapunzel and Tinkerbell outfits, K’s mom called saying she was done at work and ready to get her. We agreed to all meet for dinner at the Tijuana Flats in our neighborhood.
I told the girls it was time to get changed because we were going to dinner, and they were crushed. And, well, I just couldn’t bring myself to make them change.
So, off we went, costumes, lightsabers, stuffed animals and all.
Because when you’re 4 year old, there’s never a bad time for dressing up and setting off for your own fairy tale adventure … even if it is just dinner up the street.
Do you remember the first time you had a friend over to your house? What were you most excited to show them? And who loves “Curb Your Enthusiasm” as much as me? I suspect I’m a season behind though and now I’m off to HBO On Demand to investigate.
Ohmygosh, MJ…that last picture of the girls in their costumes is PRICELESS!!! I want those wings!
What a fun tour! And yes, Larry is our absolute favorite in our house, And last season was awesome! When i was pregnant with A, I even dreamt I met him and told him I was going to name my baby “Larry” after him ( I have crazy dreams…)
Oh how cute!! I love the stairs part – “Oh there they are!” 🙂 Little kids’ conversations are simply the best.
Love Love Love… and yes they are quite the besties 🙂