Every day last week, E. asked if we could dye Easter eggs. But frankly, there wasn’t a spare moment to fit it in.
Well, this week, we finally got around to it. This year, I decided to go old school — the Paas all-in-one kit, please. I know, I know. With so many great ideas out there on Pinterest, surely I could do better. But no, I can’t.
Seeing this picture totally give me an inspired idea — let’s start an Easter egg dye pong team. Instead of beer, we toss ping-pong balls into a concoction of food dye and vodka. I’m pretty sure this could be the greatest game ever. The ping pong balls even look like eggs. Someone start this league IMMEDIATELY, then send me the royalties.
But back to the task at hand. This one didn’t seem to care about her mother’s lackluster effort. She just wanted to color some eggs.
She took her job very seriously.
We tried to use the Magic Crayon. It wasn’t very magical. But the glitter was a big hit. BIG hit. And when she was done, she had messy egg-dye stained hands, which thrilled her (I promise, I let her do crafts … sometimes).
I had one fantastic egg fail. I try to make a Syracuse egg every year — orange and blue. For some reason, this year, I dyed the whole egg orange first, then tried dipping half of it into blue. It resulted in brown. That pretty much is a symbol for Syracuse’s NCAA tournament — they laid a rotten, stinking, shit-colored egg.
And the rest of them? Well, I dare you to pin this picture.
The only thing that matters is that E. loves them, every last ugly one of them. And yes, how rude of you to notice that there are only 10 eggs in that dozen container. What was I going to do, NOT make an egg salad sandwich for lunch when I had a fresh batch of hard-boiled eggs just begging to be eaten?
But now I don’t know what to do with them. For now, they’re back in the fridge. What do you do with dyed eggs? Leave them out in the basket? Does the Easter Bunny put them into the basket when he hops through here on Saturday night? Do we put them in the basket before he comes? How can I not know the answer to this? Is it in the New Testament?
Someone tell me how to create some kick-ass traditions. I’ve already failed to produce some tradition-worthy eggs. The least I can do is to know what to do with them.
My boss and I were just talking about this – can you peel and eat the eggs after you dye them? I never know.
Yeah, I usually peel and eat them eventually. But I’m just not sure what to exactly do with them in the meantime. Just keep them in the fridge then put them in the basket Easter morning? No clue.
The Greek tradition is to dye the eggs red and then after Easter dinner we would have an egg cracking contest. The winner has good luck for a year – or something 🙂 Then we would eat them — or my mom would put them in potato salad because we had a TON of eggs.
Just don’t hide them 🙂
What is this egg cracking contest? How is a winner determined? I can be Greek! I need traditions!
Potato salad is a GREAT call. I usually OD on egg salad after day 2.
And I remember a lost hidden egg at my grandmother’s one year — it was NOT pleasant.
I was a brown bag lunch kinda kid and I loved taking a hard boiled egg to school every day before and/or after Easter (depending on when we would dye them). I also loved (ok, present tense, still do love) a hard boiled egg sandwich on toast – something about how the the dye leaks into the white of the egg has always put a spring smile on my face.
I laughed out loud at the “I dare someone to pin this picture” comment. I think I may have to now!