Yesterday morning, as he was scrambling to get out the door for work, DadJovi suddenly remembered that it was Ugly Tie Day at work (yes, he works in a professional office, not a high school in the midst of Spirit Week. Surprising given the day, no?).
He never wears a tie so not only doesn’t he have many, he hasn’t been collecting them long enough for any of them to really reach ugly status yet.
Suddenly, his eyes zeroed in on one. “This is perfect,” he says.
“No, you’re not taking that one. It’s not ugly,” I respond.
“Well, it’s going to have to do.”
What was this mystery tie? The tie he wore on the second most important day of our lives (the day E. was born being the first).
Let’s take a closer look:
I mean, c’mon. It’s a J. Crew silk striped tie. Luly Pulitizer-style green and pink combos may not be your thing, but ugly tie? I think not.
Here’s another shot of it in action, this time from the front.
OK, fine, I only included that picture because I think it’s a good one of me. Guilty as charged.
So I said to him, “Sure, take it in. You’re not going to win.”
Famous last words.
A few hours later, I get this email from him:
I won the ugly tie contest. Someone asked me if I got married at a circus.
How rude!
Perhaps they needed to see the full wedding party to put the tie in context.
Crap, could those dresses win an ugly bridesmaid’s dress contest, too? Care to weigh in Missy and Jules? I swear, they turned out MUCH pinker than I thought they would when I ordered them for the girls. I had a dream that I would actually be the one wedding where the girls could get additional wear out of the dresses. Guess not.
I’m still waiting for the group shot to see what the Ugly Tie competition looked like. But it’s taking a suspiciously long time for DadJovi to produce the shot. Perhaps he knows I’m going to rip all the other ties and he just doesn’t want to hear it.
I’m still calling bullshit. There’s no way his tie was the ugliest. Or am I just delusional? Tell me the truth. I can take it — is it an ugly tie?
So much for the timeless elegance of my tropical wedding. Whatevs. I still wouldn’t change a thing.
What are some of your regrettable fashion choices? Any big-time embarrassments from a major event like a prom or wedding?
I love the pink and green color combo. In Richmond, I see guys wearing ties like that to work on a regular basis. His coworkers just don’t know what an ugly tie is. I can’t believe that no one had a fish tie or one with animated characters on it or something from the 70s.
Those are some pretty bold color choices for a wedding! I would say if that tie is on and you are in a room with one of the bridesmaids, it’s perfectly acceptable. Otherwise, on it’s own, yeah…it’s a little dated. Hee
I kinda like those pink dresses!
I love your wedding look! I just got married in the fall – all the ladies worn different color dresses and the guys wore flip flops, i was a fan! my embarrassing moment came at my wedding – my strapless dress refused to stay up! i was a little nervous about it at the last fitting, but she assured me it would stay up. i jumped up and down a few times and when there was no nip-slip, i figured it would be ok. fast forward to wedding day annnnnd not so much. by the end of the ceremony, my dress was sliding down! thanks to the bra underneath, all of our loved ones were spared in-depth looks at my girls, but it made for some brutal pics! i changed btw the wedding and reception into a super short, totally inappropriate for a wedding dress (i have limited options in my closet and it was either that or jeans!) and called it a day. in the end, most people thought i changed on purpose since they were surprised i wore a traditional dress to begin with and i was wayyy more comfortable and was able to tear up the dance floor as planned, so no harm, no foul. but it made me feel embarrassed bc i am terrible about fashion and could not even get it together for my own wedding! ah well, still the best day of my life 🙂
Thanks Chris (sorry, just catching up on blog comments. Crazy week!)
But I couldn’t not write back to apologize for laughing hysterically at the picture you painted of your wedding wardrobe malfunctions! I had the SAME issues with mine. My dress never actually slid down but it kept gapping out. So anyone that got near enough could look right down my dress. Why is it impossible for wedding dress tops to fit properly? I had mine adjusted by the seamstress at least three different times.
I thought about changing too but thankfully, either then the gappy top (which I stopped care about after a few mojitos!) my dress was surprisingly comfortable, even in the Key West humidity.
Sounds like you have the right attitude though — let the show go on, no matter what you’re wearing! Besides, if starlets can change five times at awards shows, you can change at least one time at your own wedding, right?
Thanks for sharing your story!
As long as you were happy with the pink dress I was happy wearing it!
Your wedding photos are beautiful. Love that last one, with the brick archways! Maybe it’s not really an ugly tie, but in an office setting nope it doesn’t work! You’ve got a great sense of humor!
My 20’s were spent in the 80’s, so lets not talk about fashion regrets. Parachute pants? Bandanas tied around your leg? Big hair? Check, check and check! 😀
Thank you MaryBe! When we were scouting stuff for our wedding in Key West we knew we HAD to take wedding pictures at Fort Taylor. We actually did them before the ceremony so that we’d have time to do them! Sure I was a little disappointed that my husband didn’t see my dress for the first time when I was walking down the aisle but I’m SOOO glad to have these gorgeous photos.
And just give me another few years — my 20s in the 00’s will soon look ridiculous enough!
Actually, you’re trendy! The big thing now is a ‘reveal’ before the walk down the aisle. And since you’re about the same age as my daughter, pretty sure you’re already reminiscing about jellys and slap bracelets!
Well i thought your colors were awesome and those are the colors i’m doing for mine
Thanks! And you’ll love the color combo. There really is so much fun stuff you can do with pink and green. I still stand by that I think his entire office is clearly stodgy and boring and don’t know a good look when they see one. Enjoy your wedding!