I truly do not understand spammers. I don’t know what they get out of it or how it’s a worthwhile vocation. Surely there are other things one can do that pays more and isn’t as mind-numbing.
At my day job, we’re constantly swatting spammers, who seem to know how to stay one step ahead of the system. We batten down the hatches in one area, and they strike another. To quote Jack Byrnes in “Meet the Parents,” I picture them like an unstoppable rebel force eating away at all our hard work.
Thankfully, I have my own unstoppable force here on MomJovi.com — the genius product that is Akismet (just don’t ask me to pronounce it — I say it differently every time).
I love logging into the plug-in and zapping all the suckers that got caught up in it. It brings me joy. But yesterday, I was just annoyed. When I logged in, there were 63 spam comments! What’s up, yo? That’s about a month’s worth of legitimate comments for me.
At first, I was annoyed as I sat there checking boxes of spam comments to kill. But then this caught my eye:
And no, I’m not going to black out “her” email address. I hope she gets spammed right back.
Now, clearly I’ll accept any and all forms of flattery — even ironically misspelled types.
But then I started to realize that a) maybe I really am awesome and b) these spammers just may have a sense of humor:
@TheGreatAskini nailed it and said I should promote the fact that: “People don’t hate my site.” I was tired of “I may be the kid’s roadie but I still like to rock” tagline anyway. “People don’t hate my site” really has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
So as I started rolling the new tagline around in my head, I found what could be the greatest spam comment of all time:
Wow. I mean, what could ever top that? So even though you drive me loco spammers, at least you made me smile for a change.
What’s the best worst spam comment you’ve ever received on your blog? Any personal favorites?
HAHA! Who knew that spammers would start to get so creative…
Butch the spammer’s comment was my favorite– I actually have NEVER consciously read through my Akismet but I might just do that now. These are epic!
I’ve been reading them more closely lately because I discovered through Akismet that my site was scraped and my content is showing up on some other sites (I’m going to post about it soon). So at least these comments made the annoying task more enjoyable!
These are fabulous. I am kind of jealous. I don’t get spam (the meat bi-product or the emails/comments). I think I have received one in 2 years. To get so many you must be hitting the big time…:~)
Mmmmm, Spam. Actually I can’t say that I’ve ever really had it — although I hear it’s huge in Hawaii. It’s even on sushi. So if I ever make it to Maui as I hope, I’ll let you know then — and only then — how it tastes!
And clearly I’m on my way to overtaking Dooce as the World’s Most Popular Mom Blogger. Any day now. Any day.
Aw man, I wish I saved all of the SPAM that accumulated during my 2 month hiatus. It was too much, so I did a bulk delete. I will have to pay more attention to them now as they come in. The comment from Boston is awesome!
Hee! I always read through my spam and it really cracks me up. Especially the spam comments I get on reply comments.
I get a lot of “this article was very helpful” when it’s me whining about something. Sure it was helpful – crazy spammer dude. There was one day right after I switched to WordPress when I got 150 Spam comments. Good ‘old Akismet to the rescue 🙂