Perhaps you caught a line in yesterday’s blog about the new home for the Orlando Food Trucks. Yeah, you know the line I’m talking about:
“… that could explain why the owner of a certain food truck that will remain nameless made a comment about me being pregnant tonight.”
Little did I know that it would ignite such a firestorm. In fact, I’ve heard from so many other Mistaken Preggos that I’m working on a future post about what you should and should never ask a person. Stay tuned!
But there was a reason I didn’t out the pregnancy accuser. I like the guy. I really do. And I adore his food.
But then he outed himself this afternoon anyway with this Facebook status:
If you don’t know his name, you know his food. Tony is the chef and owner of Big Wheel Provisions, which was just voted Orlando’s No. 1 food truck and is far and away (at least I think) the most popular one.
My favorite part just might be his own comment under the status. Oh, poor Tony! When I heard about this status from our mutual friend Carolina of Peas in a Blog, I really felt so bad for him and for even saying anything in the first place.
Here’s the thing — he’s the third person in recent weeks to say something similar to me, and I just kind of snapped. I know I’ve got a few lbs to lose but I’m starting to get a complex.
I told Carolina to let him know to not worry about it. I’m not sure if she did or not, but a couple hours later, I got the most incredible email from Tony. With Tony’s permission, here’s a little bit of what he wrote:
Hi Jackie,
Holy crap. I’m sorry. Foot in mouth of the century. Bad timing. Long day. Wet clothes, not thinking clearly.
I wanted to contact you to say that I’m really sorry for making any type of judgement call last night about saying anything about anyone being pregnant. That group of families right in front of our truck had like three pregnant ladies … and three newborns and for some reason, well, I saw you talking to them, and the shirt you were wearing was poofed just right (or wrong), and, well, I made an ass of myself. I want you to know, I immediately knew that, not only because, #1 you never say anything like that to a female, but also because #2, as soon as you turned to leave (probably in disgust at my idiocy), the shirt shifted and I could see that you clearly weren’t pregnant.
I’m not sure if there is any way I can make it up to you, and I was so horrified last night, I couldn’t even bring myself to say anything to you afterword, and even started thinking maybe you didn’t hear me or something. But alas, wrong again.
I’m. So. Sorry. Please come see us again at Big Wheel. We would love to have you. And next time will be on us.
Sincerely to the max,
That is just about the nicest email I’ve ever received. It’s so heartfelt and sincere. And it confirmed what I already suspected — Tony is good people.
As I told Tony himself, even with the Pregnancy Incident, nothing could ever keep me away from Big Wheel. There’s a reason it’s No. 1 — it’s amazing. Long before there even was a Big Wheel food truck, I used to get dinner for our family from Tony and his crew every Thursday night at the College Park Farmer’s Market.
For longer than I can remember, I’ve been on Big Wheel’s mailing list, and it’s been so fun to watch his business grow. His enthusiasm for local, good food is infectious, and Big Wheel was honestly one of the first things that made me, a Florida import, start to think that Orlando really is a cool city.
Tony and his partners in crime have also made me a chicken thighs convert (what the hell took me so long?), I’ve used their provisions to make dinners for our family, and I’ve gulped down gallons of their amazing beverage concoctions (lychee soda, organic blueberry lemonade and local-sugar sweetened lemonade to name a few).
And then there’s the reuben fries. Seriously folks, these things are the stuff of legends. Pastrami-salted fries with a homemade thousand island dressing. My husband and I nearly came to blows over it. And I think we both could have been acquitted of any abuse charges if the fries were admitted as evidence. They’re THAT good.
Every time there’s a food bazaar or pod, Big Wheel is — and always will be — my first stop. Sometimes they’re my main dish and sometimes just the side. See those tater tots below? We got those at our first Firestone food truck pod, and they were accompanied by foie gras parfait dipping sauce and blueberry preserves. I mean, c’mon!
And every time E. gets a hot dog from somewhere else, she’s always disappointed when it doesn’t look like Big Wheel’s famous Angus beef dog.
So, Tony, my new friend, I really, truly appreciate your apology. It was very sweet, and let me apologize for making you feel like a schmuck. But I bet you’ll never make that mistake again! 🙂
And friends, how many people, let alone someone busy with a thriving business that is always on the roll, would take the time to track me down and send me such a heartfelt email within hours of an awkward conversation? I know I probably wouldn’t have.
Yup, Tony is good people.
That’s just awesome that you wrote to you!
P.S. He’s CUTE!
I obviously can’t write. I meant it’s awesome that HE wrote to YOU.
Hahaha! Tony is a very nice guy 🙂
That’s so big of him to man up, confess and apologize! I’m relieved too that he did because I too love his food truck and would hate to feel like I was funding a jerk 🙂
The wifey, little man, and I are planning on going next week. That will be the first truck we hit! 🙂 Very awesome that he hunted you down to apologize.
Maybe he was just so impressed by your natural beauty that he thought it had to be a pregnancy glow!
Regardless, that email was very sweet of him to write! Good move Tony 😉
It doesn’t surprise me that he wrote you an email Jackie, he’s one of the good ones for sure. I can attest, Tony is AMAZING. He’s not only a ridiculously talented chef, he’s a good friend, all around nice guy you always want to be around. And yes ladies he’s easy on the eyes too, even better in person…
Everyone should stop by Big Wheel & say hello, get to know this man, you won’t regret it!