I’ve been making a concerted effort to not spend every evening on the computer (sorry DadJovi), so I thought tonight was the perfect night to bust out a Things That Suck List.
It’s been awhile since I posted one, and I know you’re all bursting at the seams to vent here about the things you might not want to on your own blogs.
So, let’s get this suckfest party started!
1. Insurance companies. My husband has a good job and works for a fairly large company. So why does our health insurance suck so bad? I know, I know. We’re incredibly lucky to have it. Believe me, I’ve gone without health insurance for too much of my adult life, so I do appreciate it.
However, his coverage sucks. Every time we go to the doctor, we end up getting a giant bill a few weeks later. It’s always an additional $100-$200 for E’s regular check-ups at her pediatrician (and yes, we’re going in-network). Two weeks ago, I had bloodwork because my new primary care physician discovered I had not had a physical in about 9 years (pregnancy bloodwork should totally count, but even that has been 4 years now). I got the bill in the mail yesterday for the labwork — $100. That’s on top of the three co-pays I already paid (twice at the doctor — appt and follow-up — and once at the lab). Fun.
But my current rant is for birth control. I had my yearly at my OB-GYN last week and told her I want off the pill because I keep forgetting to take it and I want something with fewer hormones. We decided an IUD would be the best bet. Super. Sign me up. She tells me the office girls will check with my insurance company and let me know what’s covered, etc.
I got the call today. It’s not covered. At all. That means if I want the Mirena it will cost me $625 for the device and $205 for her to insert it. The ParaGard is a real value. It’s only $825, with that same insertion fee. Now, these are good for 5 and 10 years, respectively, so that does work out better than the $15 a month I’ve been paying for the BCP — but now I’d have to pay it all up front.
Screw you insurance company. I guess you’d rather pay the $50,000 for another C-section rather than birth control for the next 5-10 years. Makes sense.
2. Ariel. Now, there are a lot of reasons that Ariel sucks (defiant, bratty teen; apparent thief; stalker; using her looks and looks alone to snag the man of her dreams and of course, the whole giving her voice up for a man situation, but I digress). But the reason that’s really bugging me tonight is her boobs.
E’s favorite bath toy is a singing Ariel. She sings when you brush her hair or put her under water. She’s also demanding to know where Sebastian is and says obnoxious things like, “Hello? Are you still there?” if you happen to ignore her for 30 seconds.
OK, it’s bad enough that she has seashells for boobs, but do you know what those boobs do? They’re a fountain. You stick Ariel under water for a few seconds, let her fill her up, then turn her upside down and watch those girls drain.
Really Disney? Really? There was no where else to dump water out of Ariel? Now E is desperate to figure out how she can shoot water out of her breasts. Fun conversations. Thanks, Disney.
3. Speaking of water, so I finally joined our neighborhood pool. I get a couple sessions under my belt and I’m starting to get into a groove and bam! The pool’s pump breaks. It’s now been 5 days and the pool is still closed. I want a refund.
4. Apparently I have the world’s most destructive feet. When I got to work yesterday, I realized that the sole of my right shoe was split in half. You know you’re a mom when you’re so busy all morning getting everyone else ready that you don’t even notice your own broken shoe until you sit down for the first time in a day at work.
Well, today was like Groundhog Day. Once again, as soon as I got to work today, I realized the heel of my shoe was peeled back almost to my arch.
What the hell are my feet doing to my shoes? And more importantly, maybe it’s time I stop buying all my shoes at Target.
5. Having to wait 239 more days for The Hunger Games movie to come out. Ahhhh! I follow all the actors on Twitter now, and between them and all the fan sites, I’m getting so incredibly excited for the movie! And have you seen Peeta and Gale on the new cover of “Entertainment Weekly”?
Would you guys still read my blog if I added the Hunger Games countdown clock to my sidebar? It’s going to be so great. Can’t wait!
OK, your turn. What sucks for you this week? We’re in the trust tree … let it all out!
I CANNOT BELIEVE it costs so much damn money for an IUD!!! WTF???? I am super bitter for you. That’s just ridiculous. What if it doesn’t take??? Gah!
LMAO about Ariel. We haven’t watched that movie yet. I love it, but I hate it at the same time!
As for Hunger Games – I INSIST that you put the countdown clock on your blog. Ha ha. I cannot wait. Although, I’m not sold on Peeta and Gale. I really didn’t expect Peeta to be so…muscular? I mean, why wouldn’t she pick Peeta over Gale (based on that picture)? Maybe I need a countdown clock too. Hee. Time will tell!
Yeah, I’m pretty irate about the insurance situation myself. I’ve got to figure out — soon! — what I’m going to do about it.
And I just tried to add the countdown clock to the sidebar but it was too wide, even when I played with the sizes, it autoplayed the music and burning flames. That would get annoying — fast!
Oh well. I’ll just keep stalking them on Twitter!
Hilarious Ariel doll! wtf fo’ real
I found your blog because of the Sound of Music posts. I have discovered a kindred spirit! I am obsessed with Sound of Music (your daughter has great taste) AND Hunger Games. Thanks for writing… I love your blog. I laughed out loud at the Ariel picture. Lord, Disney… come ON!!!
Thanks for finding me Tena! I’m always looking for more pop culture obsessed peeps like me! Can’t wait to check your blog out too.
And yeah, Ariel is ridiculous. I’m trying to find a way for her to get lost at sea.
Are you kidding? I’d love your blog even more if you had a countdown to the Hunger Games on the sidebar — heck yes! I hope they do the books right, love the series!
I totally feel your insurance co pain. We are in dental insurance HELL at the moment. We have been paying for it for years and now my 7-yr-old needs oral surgery & orthodontics. Is it covered? Of course not! Grrr….
I will never understand insurance co.s & birth control. They need a woman in control.
The Ariel boob thing is just creepy.
Hey, if you need help with the insurance, let me know. That’s what I do for a living. I’d be glad to help you guys. 🙂 As of 10/1/2010, almost all plans are supposed to cover preventive visits at 100%.