Back by popular demand (OK, fine, two of you liked it but trust me, this is going to be a thing. And when it is, you can say you were there on the groundfloor), it’s time for this week’s Things That Suck List.
C’mon, there must be something that’s irritated, irked or pissed you off this week. As usual, I’ll get us started. Oh boy, I have some doozies after having a house full of company for the past week, but if I’ve learned anything from Weinergate it’s that things ALWAYS get out (you see how I did that? That’s called a double entendre, which that phrase itself always sounded a bit dirty to me, too. But I digress). So, I won’t be telling all about the week (I’ll save those nuggets for Scary Mommy’s confessional), but there’s always something to gripe about, right?
So, without further ado, here’s this week’s list of Things That Suck:
— Being sick. Very sick. And not knowing whether it’s urgent care (and its nearly $200 bill) worthy or a suck-it-up-and-ride-it-out illness. I’m on day 4 of a very sore throat and now my ears hurt. I never hesitate to call the pediatrician when E. shows the slightest symptom of illness, but why do we never send ourselves to the doctor. If I’m still sick tomorrow, I’ll think about calling. But that leads me to my next item …
— Not having a primary care physician. I really keep meaning to get around to finding one of those. Why can’t my OBGYN just see me for all my medical needs?
— $200 co-pays. I just paid off the money we owed to the urgent care for our last trip there for E’s pink eye. $200? Really? REALLY? And we have insurance.
— Working during the summer. OK, I don’t really mean that. I love my job. I truly do and there’s never been a day where I wasn’t happy to be there. But summer has a way of making me want to lounge all day, every day. I’d love nothing more than to have the summer off with E. spending our days at the pool, beach and eating popcicles. But I think that’d get old after two weeks, and I’m sure E and I would get on each other’s nerves spending that much time together!
— Reading a really, really, really good book and having to put it down to go to work, make lunches and dinners, doing the bed and bath routine, etc. Although finding a really good book is actually a good thing, so I probably shouldn’t have it on this list.
— Hosting houseguests for seven days. Enough said.
— Getting sick on roller coasters because you’re so flippin old. I used to be able to ride roller coasters all day, every day. I took one ride on the Dragon Challenge at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (more on that later) and I was sick for HOURS.
— Having about 10 blog posts I want to write but feeling too sick and tired to write them.
— Living in Central Florida in the summer and not having a pool. Desperate times call for desperate measures — redneck pools.
— Not having a live-in housekeeper. Seriously, how DID the Brady Bunch afford Alice? Was it because she saved them money on meat by bangin’ the butcher?
— When you’re blogging and your spouse keeps asking, “What are you blogging about?” Am I the only one who doesn’t like to discuss blog posts until after I hit the Publish button? Before that, they’re just thoughts swirling in my head and I need to sort them out.
— Watching HGTV and seeing all those damn “My Yard Goes Disney” commercials. Fun fact: we made it to the second round of the process. After filling out our online application, they emailed me back 12 hours later and said they wanted a video of us in our yard by the end of the day. We rushed home during lunch on a workday, Katy shot it and edited it on her iPhone, and then we never heard from them again. I blame DadJovi. E. nailed her parts. He was the weak leak (see how cranky being sick makes me?)
OK, your turn. Let ‘er rip!
When you’re sick, do you ever wish that you had a wife to take care of you instead of a husband? Because I do. 🙂
I hope you’re feeling better soon and a 200 dollar copay is redonkolous. I think ours is 12 bucks and that’s with military medical insurance, so you know we’re getting quality care. 😛
Every time I’m sick I think the same thing — why am I not available to take care of myself?
The $200 was what we owed after the insurance payments were sent in. Redonkulous is right. But yippee! I got an appt today with a PCP this morning, so hopefully I start feeling better soon!
Thanks for the comment!
I JUST found a PCP last year because I was tired of not having one. It’s kinda awkward. I made an appt for a physical (even though there was nothing wrong and I will always go to my OB/GYN for my annual because I love him), they freaked out b/c my white blood count is low (it’s always low – did they not read my records?), and then I haven’t had to go back. The one time I WAS sick was on the weekend and I went to the CVS minute clinic (which, by the way — why don’t you just go there?). What a waste!
Things that suck for me – getting stuck in the rain 3 days in a row. My (youngest brother) finding excuses to not go out with us on both Friday and Sunday (but had no problem bar hopping on Saturday). Dan having to work this entire weekend (Saturday/Sunday and Monday). I might go insane!
Love the redneck pool – we have one of those too (our community pool is tooooo far :)).
You’re like my husband with dentists — he keeps switching b/c they yell at him about not flossing. Drives me crazy!
I thought about the Minute Clinic but then I saw that it was about $90. So I actually found a doctor in my ‘hood who can see me today! I was going to go to CVS though if I couldn’t get in. Hopefully a PCP co-pay will all be more reasonable!
And that’s BS about your brother! And sorry about the single parent duty. I’m pulling that next weekend, and I’m preemptively exhausted!
When it’s finally a sunny day but the pollen makes it feel like your brain is falling out through your nose.
When your husband is sick and you take care of him but he doesn’t “like germs” why you are sick.
Ah yes, the old brain falling out of the nose. Never a pleasant experience.
And seriously — are husbands just the worst nurses ever or what? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again — it’s no wonder women give birth!
Thanks for the comment! Glad to find your blog. Just took a quick look at your About and I’m so impressed with you! Looking forward to reading more about you and Hunni!
I don’t have a primary care physician either. But I DO have an OB/GYN. So, yay for that? I’ve got healthy lady bits!
Oh, and you need to go to the doctor. Especially if that stuff is in your ears. But seriously, walk-in clinics are SO much cheaper than Urgent Care. I went for pink eye once and paid $60. What the crap is that about $200?! That is insane. Plus, I’m sure you had to pay for the antibiotics seperately.
Things that suck: I still think Michelle is going to run faster than me in Savannah and leave me in the dust and that makes me a little sad (thinking about 26 lonely miles) even though she says she’s not going to but her training is WAY faster than mine.
Also, I bought a rack to hang up on the wall for my necklaces and now can’t find a spot where it won’t look ghetto on the wall. So it’s sitting on my bathroom countertop. Along with all the clothes I try on and don’t wear and my sweaty gym clothes I’m too lazy to put in the hamper.
My job also sucks. But that’s nothing new.