I’m so glad we came back from vacation on Thursday. We definitely needed a long weekend to get back into real life groove.
Although try telling that to DadJovi or E. While I slogged through load after load of laundry on Friday, they decided to hit not one, not two, no, no, not three but ALL FOUR DISNEY PARKS — in one day! Insanity. He kept saying it was their last day for a couple months since our passes are now blacked out, so they had to go one last time. I tried to tell him that we WILL go again in August, but it was his day to suffer and swelter enjoy the happiest place on Earth so who am I to complain? I had 12 hours alone!
And at least they both got to spend some inappropriately special time with some Star Wars characters.
On Saturday, DadJovi slept in so I got to deal with E’s makeup-smeared face and change her out of the night before’s clothes. I thought we were years from such a special mother-daughter bonding moment.
After a quick bike ride for us to the free Father’s Day arts and crafts tent at Artistree Co-Op, we headed home for Operation Get the House in Order. My dad, stepmom and brother arrive from Pennsylvania for their annual trip this weekend. When my mom comes, I never worry about cleaning (that much) or entertaining but for some reason, I turn into an anxious, hypercleaning, stress basket when my dad’s family comes. I guess it’s partly because I lived with my mom growing up, so I sometimes feel less at ease around my dad. Not uncomfortable just not 100 percent myself. Let this be a lesson — divorce has lifelong effects on the children!
We spent the rest of Saturday doing yardwork and other chores around the house. E. also wanted to visit her flower seeds that we planted a couple weeks ago. She has an Olivia book in which Olivia tells stories to her seeds to make them grow, so E. has been dying to tell her seeds about our trip to Key West. She couldn’t even be bothered to put pants on before running outside.
Today, we had a lot more of the same on tap. But then we woke up to an awful smell. A couple weeks ago, I thought I smelled gas in the house. But then DadJovi didn’t, so I figured I was just paranoid since we had just had our gas-powered hot-water heater replaced.
Once again, I thought I smelled it yesterday, and this time DadJovi agreed. It was a faint smell but every time I came into the house, I thought I smelled it again. So I decided to call our gas company. Natural gas fumes probably shouldn’t be ignored.
After some scary warnings from the very nice operator (basically, she told me to get out of the house … NOW!), E. and I headed to Home Depot to get flowers for our containers outside (again, part of Operation Beautify) while DadJovi sat at home to wait for the Gas Man (anyone else thinking of “Dumb and Dumber” now?).
After using all his fancy detectors and gadgets he assured DadJovi that no, there’s no gas leak. Apparently they’ve gotten a few of these calls. Because of the lack of rain, methane smells are creeping up through the sewer pipes (gross) and jackasses concerned citizens like us think it’s a gas leak. Oops!
After that crisis was averted, we hit the outdoors and planted flowers, mulched some ugly spots and cleaned up all of E’s various outdoor toys. Newflash — sidewalk chalk is NOT waterproof, in case you were wondering.
Oh, and we got a pet … sort of. Something has taken up residence in the vines above our back deck. Look closely in the center of the picture …
See that long, thick pink thing dangling down (oh, get your minds out of the gutter!) — that’s our new “pet” Cameron the possum. It’s disgusting actually. At first I was convinced it was a rat, but after climbing up a chair and seeing its face (don’t worry, I didn’t get that close), I determined that it’s actually a possum (or is it opossum?). It’s creepy. But DadJovi and E love it. DadJovi named it Cameron (his first choice for our daughter’s name after Cameron Indoor Center at Duke. He has issues) and told E it’s her new pet and that they need to get a cage and a food bowl for it. He even put bread up there to feed the damn thing. I quickly made him take that down and I keep threatening to call an exterminator. I hope Cameron just wanders off on his own though.
Then I figured since I’ve been a closet cleaning fool lately, it was time to tackle the beast that taunts me daily — the kitchen pantry.
No wonder I go to the grocery store almost every single day. It’s impossible to find anything in here. First, everything came out.
I had no idea that one family could have so much rice (9 boxes/bags), sugar (5 bags, including brown, white, Splenda, confectioner’s and Agave) or cans of beans (5 chickpeas, 3 black beans, and various bags of dried beans). Hmm, wonder what I could make with rice, sugar and beans? Sounds good though!
The sad part was how many bottles, boxes and cans of expired foods that I had to toss. After way too much thinking on my part for a Sunday, I finally strategerized my new organizational system. No, seriously, it stumped me for a long time. But at last, there was order in the pantry.
I give it three weeks tops to stay this organized, but for tonight, I’m feeling pretty proud of myself.
What’s your system for keeping your cupboards organized?
Nice job on the Dumb and Dumber reference!
“How do they know I got gas?”
“These guys are good.”
Oh, and my system for keeping the cupboards organized: I don’t let my husband put anything away after we go grocery shopping. He loads the car with groceries and brings them in the house. I put everything away. Luckily, the bunny can’t reach the shelves to mess them up.
Our current system is there is no system. We use to have a system but now it’s non-existent. However, we bought and installed a new closet organizer system for little man’s room this past weekend and we are looking to tackle our pantry and downstairs closet next.
The old pantry system use to keep the cereals on the top shelf, then chips, cookies, crackers and other snacks on the next shelf, then canned veggies, fruit, soups on the third shelf, then pastas, sauces, mac’n’cheese, and rice on the fourth shelf, and then finally condiments, extra sugar, flour and cooking oils on the bottom shelf. We lucked out in the pantry that we ended up getting. Even though we got the smallest model home, we ended up with the biggest pantry. It’ walk in and U-shaped. So we have extra shelves for additional cooking pots, dishes, alcohol, cookbooks, baby bottles, etc that wouldn’t fit in the cabinets. However, since little man has been born, each shelf looks like a Tornado went through it.
Oh and that John Denver’s full of sh*t!
Baby E was what originally ruined our pantry too. I remembered the last time I organized them — just after she started crawling because she used to take EVERYTHING off the bottom two shelves. So I shoved as much of the “dangerous” stuff as I could on the top couple shelves and put everything else below, where she rearranged things daily.
And after your description of its spaciousness, I know have pantry envy.
And somehow I missed the Dumb and Dumber reference. DadJovi had to explain! Ahhh, the Sunshine State.
I found your blog today (in the ScaryMommy comments) and just had to check you out based solely on the “MomJovi” name. Love it! (Love Bon Jovi too, btw.)
12 hours alone sounds wonderful!
Thanks for coming over Jennifer! Yup, I love JBJ too! After way too many years apart, we were finally reunited last month!
And yes, 12 hours alone was pretty much a little slice of heaven.
Thanks for the comment!
First of all, I’m jealous of your pantry, organized or not. We don’t have one.
Secondly, don’t get close to the possum! They can be viscious. My parents live in the woods in Tennessee and there was one eating the cat’s food on their deck. The possum and the cat apparently got into a tiff and the possum bit my cat’s leg off. My Mom found my cat almost dead and the leg was dangling and only still attached by some skin. Very sharp teeth and strong jaws! The cat ended up fine after an amputation and from then on we called him “TLC” instead of “Sugar” which was his previous name. TLC = three legged cat.
I’m just going crazy commenting on old posts, but I thought you’d like to know that possums are transient and generally don’t stay in one place for more than a few days. I recently became an expert on possum’s after my dog attacked one in our backyard. http://www.opossumsocietyus.org/