Since my brain dump last week was so popular (well, at least with this girl), I’ve decided to launch a new feature — Week in Review. Here’s the deal. Every Friday afternoon, I have one hour to blog while E. is in ballet class. Usually, I arrive here with an idea in mind. Lately, though,…
Random Rant
Inside My Brain
At the risk of looking like I’m ripping off this girl and this girl, I swear I had this post half-started and mentally planned before I read their Friday random musings posts. I just can’t seem to get a regular blogging schedule together these days. So, in no particular order, here’s what I’ve been doing…
No Santa or Tooth Fairy? So Is This a Thing Now?
E had a sleepover with one of her friends the other night. They had a great time playing and being silly, and when it was time for bedtime, it took them a long time to settle down. Long after the lights went out, they were chatting away in there. That was the first night of…
It Was Bound to Happen Eventually
When you blog long enough, you begin to anticipate two eventual things: 1) at some point, you’ll discover someone has scraped your content off your site and/or plagiarized one of your posts and 2) someone will take one of your photos and use it without credit and out of context. I guess I’ve officially arrived…
Getting Back to (the New) Normal
Hello everyone. Eventually I’ll get back into the blogging routine. Again, many, many thanks for all your sweet and thoughtful comments, emails and tweets about my cousin Rachel’s death. It was, obviously, an incredibly difficult weekend. There’s just this big piece that is suddenly missing from all our lives. I’m one of the “lucky” ones,…