If you’re eating strawberries right now, chances are they come from a field within 50 miles of me. Fresh strawberries are EVERYWHERE and the big annual Strawberry Festival in Plant City is just a few days away. I grew up in Pennsylvania, and I can remember many summers going to a strawberry patch behind the…
On the Road
Disney’s Royal Family 5K
So apparently I’m a runner now, huh? I have a lifelong hate/hate relationship with running. I’ve always been able to suck it up and soldier my way through it here and there. Hell, I somehow was even on the track team in high school. Someday I’d love to get that joy out of running that…
The Fountain of Youth
This weekend, we celebrated the glorious late-winter Florida weather by heading to the great outdoors. We’re lucky to have so many great state parks nearby, and this weekend we chose one of our favs — De Leon Springs State Park. This is the real reason to make the trek to De Leon: The pancakes are…
Birthday in the Kingdom
I promise, only one more post devoted to my birthday. But I promised you I’d let you know how California Grill was, so stay tuned for my not-so-great review (sorry Mickey). Our reservations were for 7:50, and since it was such an amazingly perfect Florida day, we decided to hit Magic Kingdom for a couple…
Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhhh
What could possibly possess me to belt out Justin Bieber’s greatest hit (well, at least according to my 2-year-old)? How about some smiles like this: and this … … and this precious, gorgeous, itty bitty little lady who was fresh out of the oven. This weekend was pure baby bliss. For my birthday, DadJovi bought…