Now, you didn’t think I’d actually keep up with weekly monthly updates on my Disney Princess Half Marathon training, did you? The good news is that I have actually been keeping up with the training itself.
Considering that the training has fallen during Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s and my husband’s final weeks of training for his Disney Marathon next weekend, I’ve done a pretty good job of sticking with the plan. It was a lot easier when my mom was here to watch E. One day, my husband and I even passed each other on the trail.
Of course he was on mile 19/20 while I was only on 6/8. So why does he look so much more refreshed than me?
The training itself hasn’t been without its up and downs. Here’s a report, Good, Bad and Ugly style.
The Good:
This is the most dedicated I’ve ever been to a training program and it’s showing in  my times and how I feel on the runs themselves. When I first started, a 2-miler felt long and hard. Now, I barely blink at 4-milers. That’s weird. And a bit unsettling, to be honest.
I’ve also put in more miles in a 9-week period than I have since my high school track days (I know, I can hardly believe I was on the track team either. I use the term “on the team” loosely. It was mostly social for me, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have to run during practices).
I ran 58.1 miles in December. What the what?
I’m also getting faster. During my first week of training, my average pace was 11:45/mile. So far this month, I’m averaging 10:43/mile. I’m not going to win any speed awards, but at least I’m heading in the right direction.
Seeing how successful Meghann was with intervals during her Ironman marathon was all the convincing I needed that it’s a good plan of action. For the most part, I’ve been following a 5/1 plan (run for 5 minutes, walk for 1 minute). Sometimes I blow through that and it’s more of a 10/1. Other days it’s a 3/1. It all just depends on the day.
As Michelle told me early on, there are going to be good days and bad days. I’m hoping to still tip the balance toward the good runs. I’m getting there. Slowly.
And as for the real reason everyone really runs — to get skinny (oh tell the truth) — well, that’s been a mixed bag. I definitely feel like I’ve lost weight. My pants are all fitting much looser. I haven’t necessarily gone down a size but I’ve moved over a notch on my belt. And it’s probably been at least four weeks since someone asked if I’m pregnant, so I’ve got that going for me.
When the weather isn’t God-awful humid, I’m also enjoying just being out in the world, seeing things I normally miss. The other morning I spent a good 10 minutes watching a lake otter enjoy his breakfast of either an eel or snake. Hey, I never realized how much I loved otters!
And yes, I paused my Garmin while I watched him. Obviously.
The Bad:
There’s a reason all the magazines, books and been-there-done-that runners tell you to keep track of the mileage on your shoes. When you don’t, they revolt on you. In a major way.
Even though Paula publicly mocked my beloved Brooks Ghost 5s, they were loyal and true blue shoes.
But probably a little too loyal. I grew spoiled by the fact that they were the only shoes I’ve ever owned that never once gave me blisters, foot issues or significant shin splints. So I wore them and then wore them some more. They took me through training for last spring’s Winter Park 10K, this summer’s triathlon, several months of Jazzercise and the bulk of my Princess Half Training.
Last week, they called uncle the only way they knew how — by giving me some vicious shin splints. About a mile into my planned 6-mile run, I could barely walk. I almost called my husband three times to come get me but I tried to keep going. I eventually gave up and ended up hobbling home (seriously, I looked pathetic) after 5 miles.
For several days, there wasn’t a lot of running but there was a lot of this.
Since my husband knew this day was coming, he got me a Track Shack gift certificate for Christmas. On New Year’s Eve Day, me and 200 of my closest friends (seriously, it was the most crowded I’d ever seen it), all decided we needed new kicks for the new year. All my running buddies had armed me with tons of suggestions through Twitter and Instagram, so I went in resolved to try something other than Brooks.
Despite trying on at least half-a-dozen pairs of non-Brooks shoes and coming THISCLOSE to getting the Mizuno Wave Riders, it should come as no real surprise what I walked out of there with.
And this is where the bad turns to the good. I took my new Ghost 6s out for a spin today for my 9-mile run, and from the get-go, I felt fantastic. The miles were flying by (believe me, those are words I never thought I’d type) and my shins were magically not killing me with every step as they had been. It’s amazing how good weather, new tunes and most importantly, new shoes can turn your attitude around.
I didn’t even cheat myself when I realized I’d have to go over the big Cady Way bike trail bridge (and back over it again) in order to reach my turnaround point.
I figured the uphill running was good practice for Disney’s famous and much-dreaded overpasses.
Believe me, I barely recognize myself either.
The Ugly:
OK, this is the TMI part. Feel free to skip past to the end. Without going into too much detail, running really is hard on the body isn’t it?
For starters, there’s the chafing … in the strangest places. After my 8-mile run a couple weeks ago, I discovered a line of chafing across my lower back. I’m guessing it was either from the waistband of my shorts of the SpiBelt I was wearing, but it was painful.
Today brought a new level of painful chafing — in my sensitive ladybits. Really?
Sadly, it’s not the first time this area has caused me issues with running. I’ve suffered from hemorrhoids on and off for most of my life. Running seems to have exasperated them, making running VERY uncomfortable and painful at times. My constant Googling confirms this is a big issue for a lot of runners, but mostly long-distance runners, which clearly I’m not. Given that it’s been something that’s plagued me for awhile anyway, though, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised it’s come back to bite me in the, well, ass.
So, that’s the big running catch-up. Seven weeks left until the big day!
Any advice for keeping my body intact until race day? I’m thinking of going back for those Wave Riders so that I can alternate between the two pairs of shoes. When you’re running, do you switch your shoes up or stick with the same tried-and-true pair?
And I’m in the market for an entirely new playlist. Hit me with your favorite running/workout songs!
I didn’t know we had lake otters! Where have I been?
YAY on the training! I’ll have to re-read this again for motivation sometime after June. 🙂
Yes! I’d heard about them for years but only recently started seeing them since I’m out a whole lot earlier than I used to be! This was the only time I only saw one on his own. Usually there’s a least three or four together.
You’ll do great post-baby! By June I won’t be running anymore so you’ll have to motivate ME!
Great work, so awesome to see you enjoying running! Yay!
Once I get late into training, I try to really make sure I am eating right. “Food is fuel” becomes my mantra. I also try to sleep a bit more, that seems to really help me feel refreshed and ready to take on the longer workouts and the race.
I am a huge fan of BodyGlide. I keep a regular sized one for most of my body and a teeny one for more sensitive areas (since the idea of gliding my underparts and then using the same stick all over the rest of me grosses me out!). The only times I have gotten chafing on my lower back are when I’ve worn a small pack so my guess is that it is the SpiBelt.
Fav tunes to run to right now: Run by Kill it Kid, Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men and Back in Time by Pitbull (it’s the theme song from Men in Black III but it’s extra awesome if you are a Dirty Dancing fan and really, who isn’t??).
Good luck at the race!!!!
Thanks for the music suggestions. After I was out on the run, I was kicking myself for not having more Pitbull. That Back in Time is a good call. Also need to add Timber. And I can’t believe I don’t have any Of Monsters and Men on it already!
I’ve used Bodyglide on my thighs but stupidly didn’t think to do it around my underwear lines. It wasn’t a problem til this weekend and since I have a 10-miler on tap next weekend, that’s a great call! Thankfully I didn’t get the chafing from the SpiBelt on this last run (I use it to stash my phone and car key). After the back chafing, I made it tighter so I think that helped.
Thanks, as always, for your great tips!
P.S. Let’s not go crazy and start accusing me of “enjoying ” running. I’m just tolerating it better. 🙂
Hi! New poster here (from Michelle!). I had the hemmoroids issue after my first 10 mile run in training for my first half… I vowed I would never run more than 5 miles again after that, so I feel your pain- literally! Lots and lots of tucks pads. ;). Thankfully they haven’t returned, and I’ve run two more halves since then. For the chafing, I slather myself in good ol Vaseline! Great job with your training, I’ll be lol owing along! Lisa
Following- not lol owing. Auto correct!
Hi Lisa. Thanks for stopping by to say hello! Seriously, how awful are hemorrhoids?? I think I own stock in Tucks and Prep H at this point! Good call on the Vaseline. I’m terrible at remembering to properly lube myself before runs (again, another sentence I never thought I’d type!) but I’m learning the painful way that I have to be more vigilant about it as I get into longer runs territory. Glad to hear yours haven’t returned. That gives me a glimmer of hope!
Thanks for lol owing along! 🙂
I don’t have any advice, but I wanted to tell you that I’m seriously impressed! You went from always expecting to hate running to actually thinking that 4 miles isn’t bad (do what?!)
I can’t wait to hear how this half goes!!
Also, that Cady Way bridge…ugh…I wanted to throw my bike off the side during that part.
Here’s a secret: just because I don’t think 4 miles are that bad anymore doesn’t mean I still don’t hate them. 🙂 My husband keeps saying I’m the only person he’s ever met who is angrier AFTER a run than before.
Yeah, that bridge is brutal. Every time I want to complain about it though, I think back to the days when E used to sit in the backseat on the back of my bike and I’d have to go up it with her on the back! It suddenly feels easier then. If you ever want to borrow a bike seat and a 45-pound kid just to make all subsequent trips up it seems easier, you’re welcome to!
I just hope I can stay injury-free between now and race day. At this point, I at least feel I can (hopefully) finish it. There just may be ALOT of unplanned stops, er, photo ops with characters. Why else do you think I picked Disney for my first half. 🙂
Hi Momjovi!!!
You’ve inspired us here at Training for a Marathon! One of our team members is currently undergoing a 4 month marathon training challenge! His Achilles has actually bugging him quite a bit over the last few days but he literally can’t afford to not run! He came from a crossfit/power/speed kind of background, the other day he ran his first 4 miles EVER for a workout! lol I’ll be sure to pass on your blog to him! Good luck and try not to watch too many otters in the morning 😉
Man, this post made me so happy. It’s like you’ve joined the cult!
I’m super curious what you’re thoughts on are the difference between the 5s and 6s. I came THISCLOSE to getting a pair of the 6s yesterday (after seeing your Instagram pic of the yellow/siver) because they’re not bad looking at all and they worked well for me. But I’ve been running in the WR17s for a few weeks now and I notice the Ghosts are a full 2oz heavier so I’m kinda scared to go back. So I ordered the WR17s in another color. But I still might get the Ghosts. Because obviously, I need more shoes.
I got 600 miles out of my Ghost 5s, which I think is amazing for a shoe. I’m not really counting miles on my current shoes though. I should probably do that.
So, um, I never got a notification of this comment and since I don’t even read my own blog anymore, I’m just now seeing this. Sorry!
Anywho, the biggest difference to me in the Ghost 5 v Ghost 6 is I had to go up a half-size! I don’t know if it’s the shoes or my feet suddenly growing, but that was a surprise, especially since I always thought I had plenty of room in the 5s.
The 6s feel a bit lighter than the 5s (but that could be my imagination) and they seem to be a little more cushiony (but that could just be because I haven’t run 5,000 miles in them … yet).
On my first long run in them, I had a bit of a blister on the ball of my foot (which never happened in the 5s) but I don’t know if that’s just a distance v shoe issue. I’ve run a few more times in them and haven’t felt that same thing happening again.
As you know, I bought the WR17s at the expo but I haven’t tried them out yet. I might use them on this weekend’s long runs, although I guess it’d be better to do a short run in them first huh? Ugh, I’m the worst at this kind of stuff.
So there you go, a whole lot of not very helpful info for you. You’re welcome.
GREAT running 🙂 You’re going to rock PHM!! My best advice would be go for the second pair of shoes, body glide the HECK out of yourself and reward yourself for little victories. That’s how I really get through the end of a tough training runs {of which they’ve all been tough recently, but you’ll have that!} Keep going!!
Thank you Lauren! At the Marathon Weekend expo I ended up buying the Wave Riders from the Track Shack booth since they were 15% off what they normally are at the store. They didn’t have a lot of sizes but they had mine, so I figured it was fate!
I’ve always Body Glided my thighs but I’m now painfully realize I need it ALL OVER. My most recent reward was new music but I’m already sick of it so I’ll be getting a lot more. And I’ve been saving a massage gift certificate I have for a swanky spa for after the race. I’m already dreaming of it!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello and for the advice! Now I’m off to check your posts out!
Good job on your training, Jackie! The longest I run is a 5K – go get ’em!
If you are looking for a fun tutu for your princess run, this company custom makes tutus for events such as yours. I am looking for word of mouth advertising (two thousand for a booth as the expo). If you are interested, just let me know. I can give you 20% a tutu!
Good luck and have fun with your run 🙂
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