I’ve sort of been adrift with my fitness routine lately. I’ve been doing a little bit of running since the Winter Park 10K but not a whole lot of it.
I really LOVED the Best Body Bootcamp this winter, but I didn’t sign up for the next round because just as I was about to, I lost my gym membership (it had been free for years thanks to our work with a client but that has now ended) and I knew myself well enough to know that I probably wouldn’t stick with it if I was just doing modified versions of the moves at home.
I’ve gotten back into going to Dance Trance slightly more regularly but our weekends tend to be jam-packed and it’s just so hard for me to go to the weeknight classes. Between making dinner, bathtime, getting E. ready for bed and any other commitments, it really it just a hard thing to work into my schedule. I did it one night this week and it involved prepping that night’s dinner the night before and then not eating dinner myself until 8:45 that night — after I got home and helped get E. ready for bed. I’m lucky to have a husband willing to take over the bedtime duties every other night but things just don’t seem to run as smoothly when it’s just one of us doing it all. How can one kid be so much work??
I recently bought a Groupon for something called MetaBody Fitness. It’s pretty cool actually. The Groupon was $20 and it’s good for 30 classes (!) at 15 different fitness locations. So cool, huh? I’ve used it for Dance Trance a couple times and plan to use it at a nearby yoga studio and boot camp/kickboxing studio I’ve been wanting to try out.
Today, for the first time, I used it on something else I’d been eyeing for awhile — Jazzercise.
I had no idea what Jazzercise was. In my mind, it was going to be Richard Simmons-type sweating to the oldies. I was so wrong.
From the moment I walked in, I knew I’d found my people. There were about 10 or 12 of us in this morning’s 6:30 a.m. class and I’d say age-wise, we were all within five years or so of each other. Some of the women were super fit; some were in the middle like me and others were just beginning their fitness journeys. But everyone was so dang friendly.
They all jumped in to show me how to sign in and how to set up. Before I even arrived, I got an email at 5:45 this morning from the instructor welcoming me and telling me to bring a bottle of water and a sweat towel. Some days they use mats but today she said we would not need one.
I knew when I got that I better not miss the class. How nice is that?
There were two teachers today — one just became certified two weeks ago and the other is one of the owners I believe. They took turns throughout the one-hour class, teaching different sections.
All of the songs were hip hop like Dance Trance, although they tended to be the radio edits (meaning not as much cursing; I don’t mind an f bomb as you all know but I’m sure it’s more welcoming to some this way).
The instructor stood on a bit of a raised platform and had a headset with a microphone. She’d explain the moves as we were doing them and give us counts. There was a lot more repetition and fewer moves/song than Dance Trance but as a first-timer, I found it much easier to keep up and learn the routines.
The hour flew by. And by the third song, my legs were BURNING. I can’t even tell you how many lunges and calf raises we did, but there were a ton.
Here is a video of all the Orlando-area Jazzercise classes performing at Magic game. We did this routine this morning (although I think there were a few changes), so this gives a little flavor of what it’s like.
About 40 minutes into the hour, they brought out a cart of light hand weights. I grabbed two five-pounders and for the next 4 songs, we incorporated arm work into the dancing — but the lunges never stopped. My ass is going to be burning tomorrow (TWSS).
The best part was the instructors. They were not only great leaders but so funny. As we were burning away, she’d ask things like whether any of us had ever drank the worm in a bottle of tequila or make fun of some of the song lyrics. Snarky and booze-hounds? Yup, I’ve found my people.
OK, that’s the second best part. The best part was when I realized halfway through class that this is the first time in I can’t remember how long that I wasn’t self-conscious about my jiggling belly bits during a workout. It was very liberating.
During the cool down songs, we did some nice stretching, including a bit of yoga. It was great.
After class, everyone came up to see how I liked it and to encourage me to come back. I have 9 visits on my MetaBody plan, so I will definitely be back and often. I’m going to give it a couple of weeks, seeing if I can get myself up for the 5:30 a.m. classes (the 6:30 one is only on Mondays/Fridays), and if I keep liking it like I expect, perhaps I’ll start buying monthly passes and FINALLY have a “thing” I like. It’s about time.
As if I hadn’t had a great enough experience, as we were getting ready to leave, a women came up to me and asked, “Are you the car with the Duke stickers?”
Turns out, she’s a Duke grad like my husband. But that wasn’t all we had in common. Basically, I met myself today. Her son is one year older than E. but he went to her same preschool (I knew she looked familiar in class). The two of them had all the same teachers for their whole run there. He’ll be back this summer, too.
Plus, like me, she’s an NPR-, Obama-, Star Wars- and happy hour-loving momma. When we became Facebook friends right after class, I had to laugh because she and I have basically shared the same 10 articles over the past two months.
Sorry for my excitement over one class, but this never happens guys. I’ve been waiting so long for something to click for me fitness wise. I keep trying to force myself to love running. I’m terrified to try a boot camp or CrossFit. I like swimming but I always feel like I’m seconds away from drowning.
Who knows. I may have just found my thing.
Bring on the endorphins!
What was the last workout you loved? What’s your favorite way to sweat? Have you ever been scared to try a new class?
So you and my friend Devon (who you’ve met a few times now) could be BFFs. She is the queen of Jazzercise (she gave us Jazz Hands stickers for Christmas). I should give you her email address so you guys can go on a Jazzercise date together (you live pretty close to each other). Your kids could date too. I feel this could be a set up for life…
I actually thought of her this morning and wondered if I’d see her. I’ll have to figure out which studio she goes to. I loved her at your shower, so perhaps Jazzercise is the new way I make all my new friends! Although now that I’ve told J. about another Duke-loving kid in our neighborhood, I’m pretty sure he’s already started planning their wedding!
I JUST saw a Jazzercise bumper sticker on a car. I assumed it was an old lady’s car. Wrong. Hip chicka younger than me climbed in. Learned my lesson.
I admire your dedication. I could never wake myself up enough ti dance at 5 or 6 a.m. Heck, last time I tried zumba, I decided I’d need a glass of wine if I ever tried again (this girl has no rhythm sans alcohol).
Have fun. That metabody pass is an awesome deal!
Well, at least at our Jazzercise studio, a lot of the classes are during the day, so perhaps there’s one near you you could try out when the kiddo is at school in the morning? Just a thought! I too felt the same way about Zumba. My hips just do NOT move that way. This was interesting because it was more exercise moves than dance moves, but they were just set to the music. It required a lot less rhythm than other dance fitness classes I tried. I really liked it (as you can tell!).
Yeah, there weren’t many women that much younger than me there, but I’d say most of us were between 35-45, with perhaps some a tad older than that. No gray hairs in there (although they just might come later). Believe me, after all the stories we do at work, I know that the majority of 50+ers could kick my butt any day! 🙂
Keep your eyes out for another MetaBody deal. It’s pretty great so far!
That sounds like so much fun! I told you that I recently found what I think is my “thing” in spinning so can totally relate to this. Keep it up and my next visit I will have to join.
I know! I wish I had done it before you were here; we could have gone. I found out that their Friday morning class even has childcare! But I’ll still probably try and do the early one. We’ll see.
I really need to try spinning. I should have included that on the list of things I’m scared to try.
My former boss, who is like our age, was a big, big Jazzercise fan. She would always tell me that it was a great workout and nothing like the 80s leotard Richard Simmons class that we all picture.
You gave me goosebumps…I’m so happy you found your place…I’m still looking!
I have been an avid Jazzerciser for more years than I care to admit. It was the one exercise program that I found to be so much fun, I never wanted to stop. Now it is so in my blood, it would kill me if I ever had to stop! I actually became an instructor a year and a half after I started taking classes! If you’re ever in the Spring Hill area, come see me! So glad you found your niche with Jazzercise.
Thanks for the comment Becky! It’s definitely a lot of fun, and I can see how one would want to become an instructor. I’ll keep your class in mind!
What a great article! Glad that you found us at Jazzercise Orlando Mills-50. I love the workout and it has helped me lose 30 lbs. As I’m sure you know too, we love to have parties so we are having the 1950’s themed workout party the evening of 9/13 to welcome our 50 new members. I hope to meet you there. Best, Kate