From the start, today was just not fun. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it sucked because every day above ground is a good day, right?
But, to quote that guy-whose-song-played-over-montages-of-crying-American-Idol-rejects, “I had a bad day.”
It started with me sleeping through my alarm. I set it for 5:30 a.m. to try and make it to the gym for the first time this week for Week 7 (of 8) of Best Body Bootcamp. I have no conscious memory of turning the alarm off but when I finally heard it, it was 6:20, way too late to go to the gym. I know I probably should have gotten up then and gone for a run instead but I decided I’d go to the gym during lunch, so I rolled back over and went back to sleep for awhile longer.
Hey, wait, maybe that’s not such a bad start after all.
The morning was its normal chaos with everyone more disorganized than usual since it was E’s first day back to school since Thursday. Stupid federal holidays closing schools. I’m still nursing a bit of an annoyed hangover that I had to pay $75 for the day just to go to work. It’s fine, I know it is. That’s part of the deal with having kids. And she had a BLAST with her favorite babysitter (one of the teachers from her school). But it still bugs me that we’re paying a monthly fee and the school still closes on federal holidays. Don’t get me wrong — we LOVE our school and wouldn’t switch, but the spring semester seems to have holidays every damn week.
We finally got out the door, only a few minutes later than usual, and I rushed my stuff together so I wouldn’t be too late for work. I was already cranky and tired and feeling blah and when I got to work, my attitude took a big turn for the worse when I opened my computer bag and discovered I’d accidentally grabbed my old, banged up laptop instead of my shiny newish one. Not only did I have to work with a computer that crawls along at a snail’s pace, but it was missing most of my work files.
After an annoying morning with the computer, I hit the gym.
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that I have a new mortal enemy:
On Thursday, I got cocky with my training and I was doing sprint steps on that step. Suddenly, one of the grooves of my sneaker caught on the edge and I went flying backwards, landing on my ass. It was a spectacular sight, I’m sure. As I came down, I tried to brace my fall and came down hard on my right wrist. It’s been killing me ever since. It’s not broken and I don’t even think it’s sprained. Normal movements don’t hurt it too much but whenever I put any weight on it, it KILLS.
I still worked out on Friday and Saturday but it was pretty sore. I used it all weekend for our pressure-washing and spraypainting project but it was definitely bothering me. I thought with a day off (Monday) it’d be OK to return to the gym today. I thought wrong.
This week’s Best Body Bootcamp workouts are power workouts, and today’s in particular included a lot of pushing on the wrists. When I was doing pull motions, such as the inverted rows (essentially an upside down push-up) the wrist hurt but was still OK. But when I tried to do crossover push-ups, I was in serious pain. Somehow I still did three sets of 10/side but I was done after that. I attempted the remaining two moves and just could not do them. The one I could not do at all and the other I had to heavily modify for the sore side.
And then I started to cry at the gym. For real.
I think the bad day plus my frustration with my progress caught up with me. It wasn’t a full-fledged cry but there were tears. I’ve never not been able to complete a workout and it was really upsetting.
I know it’s just one day but I am worried that my wrist may have lingering effects for awhile. I should probably just stick to cardio tomorrow but I’m afraid tomorrow will be my last chance for the week to workout. I leave on Thursday for my trip back to Syracuse with my college roommate and BFF Missy, and sure we may squeeze some exercise in between hangovers and trying to stay warm, but I’m not optimistic.
So I just went through tomorrow’s strength training workout and found a lot of modifications for the plan that will help me avoid putting any weight on the wrist.
If you’re rolling your eyes reading this whiny post, believe me, I’m right there with you.
In fact, even E. called me out on it tonight. When I was giving her a bath, she said, “Mommy, why don’t you tell me about your day at work and I’ll tell you about my day at school.”
“OK,” I said, “but Mommy didn’t have a very good day today.”
I proceeded to explain some of these things to her and although she gave me lots of sympathy over my “boo boo,” the rest didn’t seem to make sense to her.
Then I said to her, “What was the best part of your day?”
“My favorite part was that my job this week is line leader so I get to always go first for everything.”
“And what was the worst part?”
“When Daddy left after dropping me off. I got really sad. I miss you two so much during the day that sometimes, I pretend I have to go potty and I go into the bathroom and cry. I wish you were my teacher, Mommy.”
And then I cried for the second time today.
How heartbreakingly sweet is that? DadJovi says she was playing me (“She’s never been sad for me to leave at dropoff. She’s already playing with her friends by the time I leave.”) but I think it was sincere.
I assured her that I miss her every minute of the day, too, but tried to convince her that sometimes being apart makes our time together that much more special.
I’m not sure she was buying it but it seemed to appease her for now. Separation and responsibilities are complicated topics for bathtime and I’m sure I could have done it better. But I was too busy feeling ashamed that my bad day is so lame next to her worst moment.
So it’s time to turn my attitude around. In the words of Scarlett, “After all, tomorrow is another day.”
How do you shake off your bad moods? What are your tips for bouncing back from bad workouts?
Sorry to hear about your rough day 🙁 And whether E is just saying that or not..that is one heck of a line. Not that I would know, but are kids quick enough to make up that kind of stuff? (Either way, I say believe her!)
Thanks Kelly! Yeah, I think there was probably some truth to her statement, with just a touch of hyperbole thrown in for good measure!
I cried with you (on the inside)…I can’t tell you how many times I have hidden myself away to cry when life gets too big…but, ohmygosh, all it takes is a few words from the mouth of babes…E is definitely a keeper…who cares if she is playing you…it shows how sensitive she is to others’ feelings that she knew exactly what you needed to hear…you are a good mom, J…
That is such a sweet comment, thank you! Getting mommy praise from one of the best moms I know means a lot. Your daughter and I talked about it this morning and said sadly, this will not be the last time she cries in a bathroom at school. I just hope she always learns to bounce back stronger than before. This emotional stuff is hard work, huh?
It’s amazing how their little words can rip us up sometimes. Keep channeling Scarlett. Our worst days can’t touch hers.
Seriously. It’s not like I had to deliver a baby or kill a Yankee yesterday, so all in all, things weren’t that bad!
And yeah, our kiddos just have the power to slay us, don’t they? It’s so hard to resist the urge to attempt to bubblewrap their hearts. Even when lessons are good for them, they’re still hard to watch.
Way to lay on the guilt trip there, E. Geez. I hope today is a better day!!
Nooooo kidding. Plus, she knows I’m leaving tomorrow for the weekend, so I fully suspect there is more guilt tripping coming!
This morning’s workout was 1000 percent better and I brought my right computer to work, so already it’s off to a much better start!
Hope your day today is going better!
I’m so with you – I’ve cried at the gym. I also puked one time at the gym. There’s also the time I got an endless bloody nose at the gym and cried that time too. That one was really bad.
I hope your wrist gets better!
Your daughter seems like an old soul – I just love that.
Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s cried at the gym. And yeah, your reasons are way more valid than mine! Bloody noses are so frustrating. I don’t get them very often any more but I used to get them ALL the time when I lived in Syracuse.
Hoping the wrist improves, too. Man, I feel like such a hypochondriac this week between my wrist and alopecia!
And yes, E was definitely born an old soul. Sometimes I can’t tell if she’s 5 or 35. Plus, she uses logic and reasoning way too effectively. Arguing with her is usually a losing battle!
Sounds like a rough day all around. And leave it to the littles to pull and tug on our heart strings like that. It’s killing me already that my youngest will start pre school in the Fall if not before than. And I do not want to think about it too much – the last baby leaving the nest. 🙁 Hope the rest of your week is better!
Growing up and watching them go out into the world is so bittersweet, huh? It’s wonderful and hard, all at the same time.
Your littlest will love it though! And just think of all that free time you’ll have! (well, sort of. I know we rarely REALLY have free time).
Thanks for the comment!
oh boy, hear ya on the rough days! this week has been full of ’em. just one of those that everything comes down at once – our one rabbit is sick, which is super sad and also super $$. i have t make a sheet cake for 45 people for my cousin’s baby shower this weekend and i have never made one before (i am literally having nightmares about it, it is stressing me out thinking i will screw it up!). we have a wedding to go to this weekend, and some guests for the weekend so that means the house had to get cleaned and the spare room cleaned out (we have a tendency to just throw junk in there all the time and it is my hubby’s messy room to begin with). my hubby is away for work, so his extra hands to help with all this are nowhere to be found, but he is flying back for the wedding, so i also need to get his clothes dry cleaned (i tried 3 places this AM and none were open! did dry cleaners suddenly start sleeping in??). We need to find money for a wedding gift and since he is only home for 29 hours, there will be a lot of airport driving going on. oh, and tears. yes, i will most definitely be needing a sat night dance floor to blow off steam, thank you wedding!
hope you day is continuing to be better than yesterday!
Um, you win. I’m EXHAUSTED just reading about your weekend. I’ve had weekends like that before (although I’ve never had to make a cake like that. Yikes!) and I know how stressful and overwhelming they can be. Good luck with everything, and yes, LET LOOSE at the wedding. And remember — you have a year to give wedding gifts. I’ve given money later more than I’ve given it at the event. And I remember when we got married, it was actually nice to have it spread out over a few months.
Good luck!