This is the post that I never wanted to write. But I knew the day would come. I just hoped that there would more time. There’s obviously never a good time for these things; but when it comes, it just takes your breath away.
My dear cousin Rachel died on Saturday. I REFUSE to say she lost her battle to cancer. I’ve never seen anyone fight with more passion, courage, strength and grace than she has these past five years. To say she lost her battle is to discredit everything she did to extend her life as long as possible.
I don’t know quite what to do with myself now. Since her brother called me last night to share the horrible news, I’ve mostly been in shock. This was her Facebook status update on Wednesday afternoon.
Once again, her strength and joy for life tricked us all into thinking that she she was “OK.” Of course, she hasn’t been OK in years, but every one of us were praying so hard that she’d at least make it through one last Christmas with her two young children. I’ve never known anyone who loves Christmas like Rachel; I just can’t stop crying for so many reasons, but among them, I pray so fervently that the timing of this doesn’t forever ruin her favorite holiday for her children.
I need more time to collect my thoughts on this. I’m too raw and emotional to adequately say the things I want to say about Rachel. As some of you may remember, I helped Rachel set up her own blog last year. I’m going to let Rachel’s words help me get through these next few days:
Here’s some more information you know and this is the information that messes up the context of my reality for most of you. I am happy, most of the time (although the last couple of months have been particularly difficult). I love to laugh and make jokes about everything, including my cancer. I find humor natural and therapeutic. I can laugh at myself, my situation and you! I smile a lot and I love my big extended family. I want to be at family get-togethers and I want to be there looking good without talking/thinking about cancer. I see you when I am healthy enough to leave my house, thus I tend to “look good” when you see me. I always tell you I am “doing ok” because if I am out of the house and enjoying life and seeing you, I AM doing okay. I am hopeful and upbeat and joyous most of the time. I like to dance and sing and I tend to speak my mind. I believe in God and feel his presence and his love around me. I put a lot of work in to living my life to the fullest and I tend not to complain or dwell too long on the negative. Given what you all know about me medically and also considering what you know about me personally, I guess I can see why the following reality check may be needed. I just don’t want to change the boundaries of our relationship based on a small little word, but here goes. The reality check. I am dying.
Powerful stuff, huh? You can see why I was constantly in awe of her.
I’m not sure when I’ll be back. I’ve half-written my Atlantis post and some other projects but everything just seems frivilous and silly today. I’m also going to try and get ahead on some work in case I’m able to go home to Pennsylvania this week for services.
Until then, I leave you two thoughts. One, this our our Team Rachel bracelets. And it’s exactly how I feel today.
In addition to my bracelet, today I’m also wearing my Team Rachel t-shirt from one of her fundraising walks. It contains the mantra she lived by over these past five years. Here’s how Rachel put it on her blog:
Remember, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain! Bring on the storm, I am ready to dance!!!!!
Save a dance for me Rachel. I know we’ll be together again.
Ah man this sucks. So sorry for your loss 🙁 What’s really weird is that I was JUST thinking about her yesterday and wondering how she was doing. It was just a random fleeting thought — about someone I had never met. Obviously her story and her fight do not end here. There are so many memories that you and your family have to share – she is lucky to live on through you. *Hugs*
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll be thinking of your family and about those two little kids. This just breaks my heart. 🙁
Oh, MomJovi…if I were there I would hug you and let you cry…Rachel tried as hard as she could and let go only when she had to…I’m so glad you were there for her all along the way.
I am so sorry for your loss. Cancer really sucks and it always seems to take those with so much life in them. I’ll be thinking about and praying for you and your family.
Tears. We just lost my husband’s cousin–34, a wife, mother to her 2-year-old boy–to cancer a couple of months ago, and just…it’s horror. Your cousin’s fight, her family’s pain, that horrendous disease. I’m so very sorry for your loss.
Thanks Leah. My cousin was 34 also. Horror is a great way to describe. Like I’m sure you’re doing, all I keep thinking about is her husband and kids. Not only did our extended family lose a beloved member but I just keep thinking of the giant hole in their little family. Thank you and I’m so sorry for your family’s loss as well.
I’m really sorry, Jackie. I know that there is never anything that anyone can say to make it better, but I’m thinking of you.
I’m so sorry. That is just heartbreaking. Prayers for your entire family…hope you get to make it home for services.
So sorry for your loss Jackie, Sounds like Rachel was pretty amazing. Cancer sucks!
I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and all of your family. That bitch cancer steals far too many beautiful souls. #FuckCancer
oh man, so so sorry to hear that. just sucks beyond belief. hold your girl and hubby tight tonight, and know that her passing is helping a lot of us remember what is actually important tonight. 🙁
Jackie, I’m so sorry for your loss. There are never any words at a time like this. Hugs.
Jackie, I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are prayers are with your family. She sounds like an amazing and classy woman!
Oh, Jackie, I am so so sorry. I know no words can make this better. 🙁 My thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family