Hello! If you’re reading this today, chances are we’re both at Central Florida Blogging Conference, aka #CFLBlogCon.
I’d love if you found me in person today to say hello. Here’s what I look like, including what I’m wearing (unless, of course, I changed my mind for the 432nd time this week).
I’ll be speaking today at 11:45 on the topic of “Fitting Blogging Into Your Life,” with two fabulous women I’m lucky enough to call friends, Michelle from Crazy*Running*Legs and Christine from Cook the Story.
Use every opportunity today to seek out someone new and say hello. I met tons of people at last year’s inaugural conference, and since then, I’ve become good friends with many of them, including Carolina and Victoria. Can you believe that we’ve only known each other for a year, ladies? Time flies when you’re level jumping in your friendships because we share so much about ourselves online!
And be sure to find the fabulous Bess Auer and thank her for organizing this amazing conference and giving us all the opportunity to learn and grow together. I hear from other bloggers all over the country who are so jealous of our vibrant blogging community here in Central Florida. Don’t let today pass without meeting people who blog about your subject area but also those from different genres. You never know when you might make a friend for life.
If you’re coming to this page after our presentation, I apologize for talking too fast and rambling. No, I’m not writing this after the fact but I have a feeling that that’s what I’ll do. Regardless, I hope there were some nuggets of information in there that will help you on your blogging journey.
In the coming days, I’ll be sharing the results of the survey that we included in the presentation, as well as some of the other takeaways from the talk.
Since I wasn’t organized enough to get business cards made (I’m just going to pretend I was honoring the spirit of paperless for this conference), I’ll put all of my homes across the Interwebz below.
— Follow me on Twitter: @momjoviblog.com
— Like my (new!) Facebook page: facebook.com/momjoviblog
— Follow me on Instagram: jackiec44
— Follow me on Pinterest: momjoviblog
That should be enough ways for me to invade your life.
Thanks for stopping by to say hello! And if we meet at one point in the day and I forget your name by our next meeting, I apologize in advance. My memory is crap these days (hence me blogging so that I don’t forget everything I do in life!)
Enjoy Blog Con!
Leave a comment if we met today, including a link to your blog, so I can come say hello, too!
I am one of those jealous bloggers from across the country that wishes I had a vibrant blogging community! Hope you guys have an awesome time!!!
Great job today! Conference was super fun and really informative.
Hope we get to play together soon!
Jackie, you did a great job today! Loved your shoes! Ha… Fashion blogger here! Thanks for all the great tips… The three of you seem to be great friends! Xoxo, G
Great job!!! And I loved your outfit!