For weeks, Missy, one of my dearest, closest friends in the world was telling me that there was a show that I HAD to watch. In fact, she was getting downright mad at me that I wasn’t listening to her begging. She said I needed to watch this show so that we could discuss it.
Unfortunately, this show wasn’t available on my On-Demand channels (even though it was on hers in Boston) and I’d already canceled my Hulu Plus account after one month that pissed me off with the service. When was I going to have time to watch a show on my laptop? So I put it off and put it off.
Finally, I had some glorious time alone at home last weekend when DadJovi took E to the Sadcus and I thought, “Maybe I’ll finally give that show a try Missy has been harassing telling me about.”
And within 10 minutes, I started texting her furiously and laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks.
The show is called “Best Friends Forever,” and sadly, it only survived a six-episode run on NBC. I remember hearing about it but the name totally turned me off. I thought it was going to be another “Two Broke Girls” about a couple of young things living in the city. I don’t need to see any more shows about those bitches. They have no idea how good they have it with their long brunches, more than semi-annual visits to the salon and clothes that aren’t bought exclusively at Target and Costco.
But “Best Friends Forever” is NOTHING like that. It’s about US, well, sort of. The premise is that these two girls, Jessica and Lennon, met early in college and became instant BFFs … exactly like me and Missy. Jess has moved from NYC to California with her new husband but in the first episode, he serves her with divorce papers (that he sent by second-day FedEx, not even first day!) and Lennon tells her to fly back to their apartment in New York that night.
Thankfully, DadJovi has never served me with divorce papers, but when they talk about what it was like with Jess moving so far away, it reminded me of moving away from my other BFF Colie and the place we shared in DC for four years after college. Although I was excited to start my new life with DadJovi, I was devastated to leave her behind. It, for lack of a better word, sucked. Hard.
The show, though, is HILARIOUS. Like laugh-out-loud-and-pee-in-your-pants-if-you’ve-ever-had-a-baby funny. Here’s a little clip that shows what happens when Jess sees her ex-husband frolicking with a new woman on Lennon’s boyfriend’s Facebook feed.
In that same episode as Short Bangs, they also keep referring to a guy as Meaty Calves, and their college friend, Rav (who I have a total crush on now) sighs to Lennon’s boyfriend, “I’ve been hearing about ‘Meaty Calves’ since 1998.” It made me think of our guy friends in college, too, and how they reluctantly put up with our antics and struggled to keep track of our rapid-fire discussions about random people.
The ladies on the show are in their mid-30s, so every cultural reference they make it geared right at me and girls. In one of our many text conversations about the show (I’d do one of those fancy screenshots of my phone if only Droid allowed them like iPhones, so you’ll just have to take my word for it), Missy said the way they nailed certain references is one of her favorite parts. From Umbro shorts to Drakkar Noir to Steel Magnolias, it was as if they’ve been spying on me and friends since 8th grade.
It was refreshing to watch something that lined up to the timeline it depicted. Every time I watch “Meet the Parents,” for example, I get so freaking annoyed when Pam claims to Greg that “Top Gun” was popular when she and Kevin dated. Um, no, no it wasn’t. You’re off by at least eight years. Have you people never heard of Wikipedia?
It’s clear that the BFF writers not only know how to research things on the Internet, they actually survived the horror of guys wearing Umbro shorts with socks under soccer sandals. Oh, mid-90s, you were painful at times.
Sadly, the show didn’t survive. I can’t understand it. Perhaps like me, so many others were iniitally turned off by the name. I’ve stalked every TV gossip site on the Web and for awhile, it looked like another network might pick it up for the fall. But this week, one of the leads was added to the cast of “Up All Night,” which is a show on paper I should love but just fails to connect the dots for me. So that one survives but BFF doesn’t? Like is so unfair sometimes.
To see more about the show, check out this preview of it below. Here’s an added bonus (and one that will blow your Gen Xer mind) — the show’s executive producer and director is none other than Kevin Arnold. Although, strangely, he goes by the name Fred Savage these days. He’s still just as adorable.
There is no way I can do justice in this silly blog post to the love and gratitude I feel toward my girls. They’ve saved me hundreds of thousands in therapy over the years and know me to my very soul — flaws and all.
Thank you Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parham for FINALLY creating a show that shows how female friendships really are and is a big love letter to the bond of girlfriends. I only wish we’d had more time to get to know you two better.
After you watch the show (because there’s no question you’re going to, right? RIGHT?!?!), check out Jess and Lennon’s adorable open letter to their fans on the Huffington Post.
Now, who can I send a letter to about bringing this show back from the Canceled Shows Graveyard?
{Edited to add a HOLY SHIT MOMENT! I tweeted a link to this post after publishing it, tagging @lennonparham and @Jessica_StClair and look what I got back:
I mean, how freaking cool is that? God, I love Twitter. And I love Lennon and Jess. These two will be HUGE. Mark my words. OK, carry on.}
Did you watch BFF before it was canceled? What are some of your favorite shows that met an untimely demise? And how much do you love your girlfriends, too?!?
Thank you for putting into words how great this show is! Couple things to add: supporting cast member Queeneta is amazing in the show and will go on to big things. I also appreciated how in the show they didn’t make it so Jess and Lennon were the only funny ones. I feel like some”chick”shows will focus so much on the girl leads at the other characters expense and that is not the case with BFF. Lastly, momjovi the scene with Jess in her laundry outfit reminds me of me and my costume glasses and how I used to take them off freshman year in stats class b/c I didn’t want Joe to see them. Who cares that I couldn’t see anything!
Never heard of it but will def check it out. My college friends and I would do the same name game – one of my favorites we had was “short guy with tall guy’s head”. It seriously was uncanny!
I mourn the loss of Pushing Daisies, loved that show while it lasted!!
And I heart my girlfriends, they are the best. My sister is my best friend, so she will always be the super BFF, but my closest friends from growing up and college and training mean the world to me. One is visiting for the whole weekend in 2 weeks, I am super excited!
Pushing Daisies has been on my list of shows to watch forever. Thanks for reminding me that I need to give it a try.
And how great are inside joke nicknames? It always reminds me a little bit of Seinfeld. Perhaps that’s why we did it without ever realizing it, but I LOVE your nickname for that guy. I think I know exactly what you mean!
Girlfriends rule! Enjoy your time with your friend!
I really wish I had a picture of him because it fit him so perfectly!
Def give Pushing Daisies a try, it was so so adorable!
I hate when you get into a show and then it gets cancelled. I hadn’t heard of this one but will check it out, it sounds funny. And oh em gee, Twitter is just the best!
Twitter rocks my world.
Definitely check out Best Friends Forever. Hope you like it as much as I did, even though it’s sad to be such a fan now that it’s gone forever. I’ll never understand network programming.