Thursday was E’s last day of school. Starting in the fall, she’ll be in Pre-K. Then kindergarten. Then graduating high school and leaving our house forever, and OHMYGOD make time slow down!
It’s been such a great year, though. For starters, she hit the teacher jackpot.
And no, her teacher is not missing half of her head. DadJovi was in charge of the picture and he doesn’t have my Syracuse education –> you NEVER shoot into a window. Photo 205 taught me that. He’s close to hitting the rule of thirds, though, so he gets some points.
Anyway, not only is E’s teacher one of the sweetest and most patient people ever (she does have five kids of her own, so she has a lot of practice wrangling toddlers!), but she’s also a former high school math teacher. Here’s something you probably don’t know about me — I’m horrible at math. Like really bad. Well, let me clarify. Algebra and me were pals. All the way up through Algebra III. Calculus was a bitch but I somehow survived and did fairly well. But basic math? It trips me up all the time. I’m notorious for multiplying 2×3, for example, instead of adding it. And like most TV people, my brain thinks in increments of 60 (the clock) rather than 100. And well, it leads me to make some very dumb mistakes when it comes to basic arithmetic.
So far, though, it seems like E is inheriting her Daddy’s math skills.
Yes, I can verify that — E. can count to 100. It’s her new favorite thing to do every time we get into the car. Nope, not annoying at all. Darling actually. On a completely unrelated note, when is someone going to come up with a universal sarcasm font by the way? Just curious.
As you can see from that picture, E. got an end-of-the-year report card, or as DadJovi likes to think of it — what are all the things that she needs to do better RIGHT NOW?
For starters, apparently she doesn’t recognize the number 0. I don’t blame her. Who wants 0 of something (unless it’s calories)?
She’s already better at geometry than me
I think my mad grammar skills are in there somewhere, though.
You see that? Those are Pre-K skills. I hope this isn’t the peak of her academic excellence, but if it is, it feels pretty good for today, at least.
And I’m not sure exactly what this means, but I have a sneaking suspicion that her teacher also struggles to deal with Miss Independence at times.
Seriously, can someone translate that for me because I have no idea what it means. Why is the “but” crossed out? And why is “expresses some independence” underlined? I’m confused. And next to it, the “often” box was checked. Is her teacher trying to say that E. is ready to get her own apartment? Because that’s how I read it.
Over the summer, her teacher encouraged us to keep working on number recognition, particularly digital numbers, and to keep practice writing letters.
Hands down, though, this was my favorite part of the progress report:
“I love E’s enthusiasm for school and learning. She has been the ideal student and is a great example of how to be a good friend. I will miss her sweet hugs.”
Allow me to gush for just one moment, but how great is that? At 4, I’m not very worried about things like reading and math, but the part about her being a good friend? Well, that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Being a parent is so hard. Every hour of the day brings a new challenge I never anticipated. But reading that makes me feel like we must be doing something right.
And I do give her school a lot of credit. Since we made the switch to this school, she’s just continued to grow and thrive every day. And this year, watching her grow from 3 to 4 has just been so much fun. She’s this fun, social little person now who loves her friends and experiencing new adventures with them.
Am I the only one hearing Sarah McLaughlin sing “I will remember youuuuuuu” in my head as I look at these pictures. </wipesawaytears>
Yup, it’s been a great year.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to collapse in a heap in the corner, sobbing and in the fetal position. It’s all going too damn fast!
Who was your first teacher? Are you better at math or reading or one of those freaks who excels at both?
She sounds so much like Brett in so many ways – especially the counting! He actually asks us to turn off the radio so he can count 🙂 And no, you’re not the only mom crying about the last day of preschool!
That’s too funny! E. hasn’t asked us to turn off the radio … yet. But that totally sounds like something she would do, too! I totally approve of their future union. He is an Eagles fan, right?!?
It’s so hard to see them grow up!!! I am in serious denial that B is almost done with Kindergarten. L starts in the preschool class next week – she can’t wait.
I am a dunce at math, but definitely excel in reading/grammar. Dan is really good at math. I’m hoping both kids take after us!
So cute!! And way to go, E! That is a stellar report card. I’m totally with you – I think at that age, actually at any age really, being called a good friend is more important than reading or math skills. That’s one thing I wish for every day – the ability to teach D how to be a good person. If all else fails she can get a tutor for school subjects. A tutor for being a good person/friend, though? Not so much.
And I’m a freak – good at both math and reading/spelling/grammar/etc. 😉
That is such an awesome way of looking at it — you’re right, you CAN’T teach being a good person beyond a certain point, right? I mean, I suppose that’s a constant battle and learning process, but it’s definitely not a lesson that you want to wait to start late in the game. Or wait a minute, could this be the next Kumon? Think of how much money we could make teaching rotten kids to be nice. Jocelyn, I think we have our get-rich plan!
And given that D. is your child, I’m sure being a good person will come naturally to her!
A. She is so cute.
B. I mean like REALLY cute.
C. My almost-kindergartener BEGS me to do math homework all of the time. This and this alone has led me to believe that they gave me the wrong child at the hospital. Could it be just a mutant math gene is taking over the youngsters?
You’re very sweet, thank you! The school picture with the apple is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I mean, could she look any happier? It’s almost a joke in our family how excited she is in it. She went through a big phase where she would only look sideways in photos, so I drilled into her that she couldn’t do “side-eye” for the school photo. I think she’s just so happy to not be doing it!
Begs to do math homework? What kind of freak are you raising. Um, I mean, your child sounds delightful. 🙂 But seriously, that’s awesome. Too cool. I just hope they keep this love of learning throughout school. It’s so nice that they’re so excited to LEARN, for now at least!
And our country needs a generation of mutant math whiz kids! That’d be the best plague ever!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
He may just be a mutant. In addition for asking for more math homework – he also asked for BEETS for dessert the other night.
I shall make that appt to have his head checked for signs of antenna.
She is so so cute!!