My husband and I share a computer at home. He usually uses Chrome and I use Firefox. That means we can both remain logged in to Facebook at all times. We’re lazy like that.
I tell you this so that you don’t think I’m just a snooping wife when you read the following sentence.
So, I was browsing my husband’s newsfeed tonight (see, right there) because my brand-spanking new Instagram for Droid app is being funky. I wanted to see if my pictures are being posted twice on other people’s feeds because for some reason, I’m getting two sets of likes and comments for my Instagram pics. Weird.
Anyway, as I was looking for my picture, I saw one of his friends post the following status:
I have that SAME EXACT NIGHTMARE often. Like, really often. At least once a month, if not more. And I graduated college in 1999.
In my version of the dream, it’s the last week of school before graduation and I suddenly realize I’m still enrolled in a class that I thought I’d dropped at the beginning of the semester. I run all across campus trying to buy back the textbook that I’ve already sold (clearly I needed the beer money) and I’m begging anyone and everyone in the class to share a semester’s worth of notes (of course the bastards won’t share).
It’s always the same professor, which is weird because I’m not actually sure anymore if it was even a professor I had in college. And it’s always in the same auditorium. I can’t even place which auditorium it is in real-life on the Syracuse campus (although I think it was in Maxwell, surprisingly not Newhouse).
Many of the other details are always the same too. I’m always tearing through my desk at our house on Clarendon Street, desperately trying to find any notes from the first couple weeks of the class. And then I try to run to make it to the class and it’s that dreamlike run where you feel yourself trying to run but it feels like your whole body is underwater. No matter how hard I struggle, I can’t get any closer to the class.
When I finally arrive, it’s always at the end of the class, the professor glares at me and I know I’m screwed.
Every time I have the dream, I wake up feeling really panicked and I spend that entire day convinced I’ve forgotten to do something important.
I just never thought other people were having THE.SAME.EXACT.DREAM. I’m narcissistic like that.
I’ve always had really vivid dreams, so I know I should write them down. One particular Holocaust-related nightmare I had after seeing “A Beautiful Life” 15 years ago STILL haunts me. Hey, if that Twilight chick can turn a dream about a sparkly boy into a global phenomenon, then maybe I should start paying attention to my dreams, too, right?
Robert, have you ever wanted to play a mean, unyielding professor? Oh man, there’s my next dream!
But seriously, why do I have the same dream over and over again? What does it mean? Are any of you amateur dream sleuths? Is it just one of those dreams a lot of people have? I’m 13 years out of college, so if DadJovi’s friend is right, I only have to endure one more year.
I hope its replacement isn’t worse.
Do you have any recurring dreams or nightmares?
I have the same dream all the time. That same one. I’ve read that it’s pretty common and my husband does has it too. Mine is usually a chemistry class that I forgot to go to all semester or a photography class where I have some big final project and I haven’t taken any pictures. I didn’t even take chemistry in college!
I graduated in 2000, so 2 more years of this?
Since I’m a year ahead of you, I’ll let you know if my dreams stop next year!
I seriously just can’t believe how common this dream is. Wonder if it has anything to do with something specific about your personality/history because my husband has never had it and I was talking to my co-worker this morning about it and she never has either. So strange! I’m intrigued!
Ah, the reoccurring school dream! I too have one and it’s very similar to yours! In mine I’m about 3 weeks from graduation though…and its always a math course or Spanish that I’m scrambling to find a way to finish even though I gadnt gone to class all semester. It’s comforting to know I may only have a couple years left to suffer through this!
Isn’t that so strange that we have the same exact dream? And I keep hearing from people on Twitter that they have it too. I’m just struck by how similar everyone’s dream is. Seriously, is this some psychological phenomenon that I had no idea existed. Next time, I hope that in my dream it’s a psych class I forgot about and at least I can ask the professor! I’m going to go all “Inception” on this dream and make certain things happen!
Hi there,
For past many years I also see in my dream that I am having a final that I do not know that much about it and if I take the exam am going to fail. I graduated from college on 1977 and still after all these years I am having this nightmare at least two or three times a week and it seems so real. The dreams are not exactly the same but in all of those dreams there is an exam that I am not able to pass. I thought I am only one having these dreams until I search for my dreams and found out I am not only one. I appreciate it if some one can tell me what is going on, I hate this nightmare.
Thanks, Ben
Weird, I’ve had a similar dream as well, and it’s only been happening recently. Mine usually revolves around not being able to find where my final exam is taking place, and I’m running around trying to figure it out. I just figured it was because I’ve been considering grad school lately. I had no idea it was so common!
It’s really bizarre how common it is! And just think, if you go to grad school, you have many more years ahead of having the same nightmare! Seriously, though, it’s got to mean something. I think I need to look into this.
Mine is the same as Jessica’s – it’s usually me scrambling to figure out where the final exam is. But it’s always for a class I have never heard of, have no knowledge of or in my dream know that I skipped classes all semester. The other similar one I have is that I have to play a piano recital, but I can’t remember how to play piano. Which is really odd, b/c I have never played piano and in my dream it is not that I don’t know how to play, it’s that I once knew how to play and now can’t remember. I am always behind a curtain waiting to go out and just keep telling myself that once my hands are on the keys, I’ll remember. Wha??
I have tons of recurring dreams – I often visit the same places over and over again – they exist in my dreams, but aren’t real places. I often dream of dolphins and whales, too.
I have pretty bad nightmares, though that has def gotten better over time. In my late teens and early 20s I was always waking up screaming. There were some doozies in there that still upset me if I think about them now and I am 34!
I feel like the amt. that I dream has decreased in general as I have gotten older, which is a bummer cause I have had some great dreams! I am a pretty science based gal, and don’t think my dreams mean too much beyond my brain organizing itself while I catch some zzzz’s. But I love dreams!
I have the same dream! It’s usually in college or medical school, and I am told that I will FAIL out of school if I don’t pass the exam. And I panic because I show up and I haven’t studied. And it all feels so real, until I wake up with my heart racing! I thought that the dream would stop, but my parents still have the same exact dream (and they are in their 60s!)
Nooooooo! They’re STILL having the dream? You mean it’s not going to end for me next year? Crap. Can you run some sort of medical study for me and figure out why the heck so many of us have the same exact dream? K, thanks.
Hey, so this isn’t about your actual blog, i just typed in “why my instagram pics have 2 sets of comments on Facebook” and this blog came up 🙂 Haha. Anyways, I am just wondering if you figured out how to fix it/why it does that? I can’t figure out how to fix it. Also, are your double comments on the actual Instagram app or Facebook? Thank you!
Sorry Molly but I haven’t figured it out either! One thing I was able to figure out with the two sets of comments is that one set was getting added to the picture itself. The second set was added to my activity of tagging someone in the picture. For some reason, I haven’t been able to tag Facebook friends directly from the Instagram app. So I tagged them on Facebook, it entered an activity item in the newsfeed and people started commenting on that. Weird. I’ll let you know if I come across a fix.
Hi there,
For past many years I also see in my dream that I am having a final that I do not know that much about it and I am going to fail. I graduated from college on 1977 and still after all these years I am having this nightmare at least two or three times a week and it seems so real. The dreams are not exactly the same but in all of those dreams there is an exam that I am not able to pass. I thought I am only one having these dreams until I search for my dreams and found out I am not only one. I appreciate it if some one can help, I hate this nightmare.
Thanks, Ben