Remember my angst over whether E. should take dance lessons or not? Well, the gamble has paid off. She couldn’t be happier.
Her weekly lessons are the highlight of her week. When she wakes up each day, she asks if it’s ballet day. And as soon as one lesson is over, the countdown for the next week begins.
This week, her class had its first “recital.” I put that in quotes because it was just in the dance studio (the bigger kids had a real recital last weekend at a local elementary school with full costumes and an audience). But for this show, E’s teacher wanted them to get the feel for a show without the pressure. So for once, all the parents got to sit in the dance studio during class and watch the kids perform what they’ve been learning so far this session. And we were encouraged to applaud … gladly!
They started off by running through all the positions. It was, in a word, awesome. (E. is in the back row, middle, in the black leotard and pink skirt).
Then, they went through a couple Halloween songs they’ve been practicing. I took videos of those, too, that someday I’ll free from my phone. All I can say it that E. had a major wardrobe malfunction involving a witch’s hat. Hopefully she learned her lesson that the show must go on. Right, Janet?
Then, it was time for her new obsession — tap. Since starting her dance classes, I got her the movie “Annie,” and now it’s a full-fledged love affair. I have to agree with her on this one. I mean, how cool is it to make noise with your feet? Especially when you get to dress up in skeleton costumes and play tambourines at the same time?
But wait, there’s more! As if all of that wasn’t enough, each class finishes up with gymnastics.
The applause was thunderous. But then again, we were an easy crowd and they were easy to love.
But now the debate is on in our house. When this session ends in December, do we switch to something different in the spring (like soccer)? Or, do we ride this train until she’s ready to get off? Can a 3-year-old get burned out on ballet?
How cute! Congratulations E!
I say let her decide if she wants to continue on with dance, or switch to something else…although I have a feeling we all know what her answer is going to be…
Omg I love it!! It is so adorable how far down E. plies. 🙂 I say let her ride it as long as she wants. If she’s having fun, and you guys enjoy where she is, then why switch now?