Remember how I’m toying with the idea of trying a tri? Well, if I’m really going to do it in just two months (gulp!), I figured it’s time I spend some quality time with my bike.
This morning, I got up early, loaded my bike in the car and headed to the West Orange Trail in Winter Garden.
It’s one of my favorite spots in Central Florida, and we’ve ridden on the trail many times. Last fall, we even celebrated my father-in-law’s 79th birthday with a long bike ride together, so if you’re interested in many more pictures of the trail, check out that post.
When I left my house at about 7:15 (I’m not much of a morning person, so that’s as good as I could do!), it was so humid and miserable. To be honest, I considered bailing (I’m also not that much of a dedicated exerciser). But I was pleasantly surprised to find it was (or at least felt) several degrees cooler on the trail, plus it’s mostly shaded.
I’m going to have to work on my bike riding self-portrait. I don’t know how Meghann does them so well without wrecking!
When I’m on the West Orange Trail, I’m always excited to pass by two of my favorite sights. The first is a shed where a crazy FSU fan always updates the messages on his billboard.
Seemed like a good message for the day.
The second is the bridge that passes over the Turnpike. It just helps remind me that this trail follows old railroad tracks through “old Florida.”
My plan going into the ride was to do 10 miles, then possibly run a couple miles, depending on how I felt. It’s 5 miles from the Winter Garden station to the next one, at the Orange-Lake county line. But when I got to the county line, I was feeling pretty good and then I noticed that the trail kept going. I took a look at the new map and decided to check it out.
Apparently Lake County hates miles markers, though. I looked at this and thought, “Oh, it’d be nice to see the waterfront. It can’t be that far.” Famous last words.
Know what didn’t help me on my quest for the waterfront? Hills. WTF Florida? I thought you were as flat as me in 7th grade. Guess not.
Those bee-atches sucked! About half-way up every hill I hit, I had to stand up on my bike. And every time I did, I heard the Tour de France announcers in my head saying, “She’s left the saddle!” with a hint of shock and disappointment. Oh well. At least I made it up them.
I did find two reasons to love the hills. The most obvious reason was physics — what goes up, must come down. Coasting (actually flying!) downhill is just flat-out fun and reminds me of flying down hills and all Evel Knievel stunts my cousins and I used to do on our grandparents’ farm.
The other reason I liked going up the hills was it gave me a valid reason to stand up and give my poor inner thighs a break. Those puppies were chafing. I chose my riding shorts poorly today.
About 4 miles in, I had a no duh moment — there’s a reason bike shorts exist. That extra material is your thighs’ friend. Note to self: invest in more biking shorts. And the padding would help too. Let’s just say all my ladybits still aren’t over the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth.
So, as you can tell, the hills were kicking my ass and my thighs were screaming in pain — and the mystical waterfront was nowhere to be found. I finally gave up at mile 3 and started heading back.
Going back was OK but it was starting to heat up. And there were times that I felt like some of the walkers runners on the trail were moving faster than me.
But you know what? I made it. And at the end of the day, I logged 16 miles on the bike. Not bad for a morning. Needless to say, though, the run did not happen.
After loading my bike back into my car, I hobbled down Plant Street in downtown Winter Garden to get some coffee. I’m glad I did. I found my new favorite place — Axum Coffee. Have you ever seen Pour Over Coffee? First, you choose your beans:
Then, they grind your beans and brew it right in front of you by placing the grinds in a filter and pouring super-hot water over them. Very cool. The nice coffeeman (I think Starbucks would sue me if I called a coffeemaker at another establishment a barista) explained how you can see the grinds “blossom” during the process.
It was delicious and only $2.75 for a large. Know what was even cooler? Check out their sign:
100 percent of their profits? Wow.
Meanwhile, back at the homestead, DadJovi and E. were on their own adventure. They went for a walk this morning, and look what was wondering around our neighborhood — a peacock!
Oh, Florida. You never fail to surprise me.
What was your biggest exercise equipment fail? And is there a magic cure for chafed inner thighs? Please tell me that there is.
Hills can kill ya. I like to hit the Seminole trail over in my neighborhood, but usually I only do little 5 mile rides — I’m a wimp. And no way I’m going out until this humidity dies down. You are a brave woman. That coffee place looks great though!
I’ve never done the Seminole trail. I’ll check it out!
I love a lot about Winter Garden. There’s a great French restaurant/bakery where we usually have lunch afterwards. It’s a great trail with lots of facilities, parks, etc., so it’d be a great place to bring your son too! On weekends, I’ve seen kids learning to ride bikes on the trail!
I love the West Orange Trail! …well, most of it…the very end (in Apopka) is kinda crappy…but I really enjoyed the trail overall. (My husband and I rode it last fall.) I must say though, that FSU/Gators shed freaked me out at first – I looked at it and immediately felt like I was in a horror movie! And yes, the hills surprised me too – I had no idea central FL had so many hills!
Yeah, I’ve heard the Apopka end of it isn’t very nice, so we always stick to the other end of the trail. Glad to hear confirmation of that!
And yes, the shed is creepy. Cool But also very creepy. I Googled it after the first visit and found some old article that talked about how it used to be done by the guy’s father and after he died, he just kept the tradition going. Hard-core FSU fans, indeed!
And those hills are no joke on the Lake County trail. I’ve always heard Cleremont is hilly but didn’t realize just how hilly it really is! One of these days, we’ll head over to some of the west coast trails!
I love the West Orange Trail, too! However, like a couple other people mentioned, the Apopka part is pretty freaking sketchy. I had a guy walk right in front of my bike, almost daring me to hit him. We saw a couple fires right off the trail, too.
I love that shed – it cracks me up. I always thought that it was an old bar or something.
The Husband and I like to ride towards Winter Garden, go out about 10 miles, and then stop for lunch in Winter Garden on the way back. It’s a nice little break from downtown Orlando. 🙂
I didn’t realize the trail went further past that one station in Clermont. My mom lives out there, so I am sure the hills were crazy! Awesome that you made it to Axum! It’s really great that they donate everything. The wifey is hooked on them and their creme brulee latte. Below is a link to a picture of the last one she had from there:
If you haven’t been there yet, try the french bakery, Sweet Traditions. They have a really good BLT and brie.
I went to middle school over near the crazy FSU barn and never realized it was there until a few years ago. There is also a crazy house near there that does a very very large decoration display for Halloween and Christmas.
Look at you doing 16 miles, that’s so awesome! If you go out to the trail again let me know, I’ve only been once & am always looking for new places to run & avoid boredom. Plus, I love that French cafe in Winter Garden, so good!
The trick to bike self portraits is to take them while going 5 mph 😉 I’ll show you when I come and crash at your house and you take me to a food truck pod. You know, one day… 😉