I have a confession that might make you hate me — I have the most amazing work schedule on the planet.
I haven’t gone back to my full-time salary since having E., so that means I’m in the office Monday through Thursday, and I have every Friday off (I’m ducking as you throw things at me).
It’s perfect. OK, maybe being independently wealthy and only working when I felt like it may be the absolute perfect schedule, but this will do.
That means E. doesn’t have school on Fridays either, so Thursday nights are our party night! (DadJovi hates us, too, by the way).
Friday nights we tend to do things as a family after DadJovi gets home from work, whether it’s dinner up the street at one of our spots or mini-golfing. And by the time we get home, it’s always bedtime for E.
So I’ve started a new tradition for us recently — Thursday night movies. I’ll put one in shortly after we get home, and let E watch it as I’m making dinner/cleaning up from dinner. That way she gets the special treat of watching a movie after school, but it’s still over before it gets too late.
Tonight, for the first time, I forced encouraged her to watch one of my all-time favorites from childhood:
I freaking loved that movie as a kid. I can’t remember if I saw it in the theater or not. It came out in ’84, so I would have been 7. You’d think I’d remember things like that. But I definitely remember having it on VHS and watching it over and over. Somehow I think I probably watched it way past the age-appropriate age.
I just remember thinking that it was so hilarious, and I loved all the celebrity cameos in it.
E. is a big fan of The Muppet Show 3-D show at Hollywood Studios, so I knew she’d like it. But I think she actually loved it, which made my Muppet-loving heart soar.
And it was another example of something that I’d forgotten I know — the lyrics to ALL the songs. I was busting them out, and I was surprised how well the movie itself aged. We watch a lot of kids movies ’round these parts, and this one didn’t feel like it was 27 (gah! I’m old) years old. Well, I think there’s one thing that hasn’t aged so well. Check out Joan Rivers.
Yeah, I think she sucked the fat out of Miss Piggy’s cheeks during the shoot and has been implanting it in her own cheeks ever since. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Joan Rivers (if you haven’t seen “Piece of Work” yet, you MUST rent it. She’s one ballsy, funny chick). I just hate what she’s done to herself.
But speaking of pig love, my absolute favorite part of the movie is the wedding. On my own wedding day, I kept singing “Somebody’s Getting Married Today” all day. Watch it and I dare you not to sing along.
It’s so good. So good.
But now I’m so pissed at Past MomJovi for making a colossal wedding failure. How did I not include “He’ll Make Me Happy” in my wedding at all? It’s so beautiful. If I had a do-ever, that very well may have been our first dance song. Don’t get me wrong, I loved our choice (a Johnny Cash cover of The Beatles “In My Life”), but I think the Piggy/Kermy version would have been sweeter.
Shockingly, I can not find a clip of this scene ANYWHERE. But there are plenty of covers out there. My new friend Tim and his turtle have my favorite version below.
But seriously, isn’t that song to die for?
Needless to say, Thursday night movies was a hit (well for me at least). Although I think I’m going to drive DadJovi crazy by continuing to think of new ways we could have done our wedding differently five years ago. Anyone else still obsess over details like that? And what was your first dance song?
We just got married 2 months ago. We are both huge Muppets fans (LOVED the new movie!) so we had my 12 yr old cousin read “he’ll make me happy” as a reading during the ceremony. We tweaked it so it was third person, and it was awesome! It actually sounded really touching, and not muppet-y, which was both cool and sad.
Our first song was “Lay and Love” by Bonnie Prince Billy.