How is it Wednesday already? Holiday weekends really take it out of you, huh?
And we really got our holiday’s worth this weekend. Despite the hot, hot, hot weather, we braved the weekend crowds at Disney on Sunday for two reasons: a) it’s the last time we can hit the parks before we hit our seasonal passes’ summer blackout period and b) even though DadJovi and E. had already been to Stars Wars Weekend, they were missing one crucial souvenir — a picture with Chewie.
So we got up early Sunday morning and headed over to Hollywood Studios. By the time we reached the entrance, we were all dripping in sweat. But we were cheered up by the welcome committee — Storm Troopers!
We made a beeline for the Chewbacca line. In case you missed last week’s Star Wars Weekend update (I PROMISE, this is my last one!), DadJovi and E. waited patiently for awhile last weekend to get their picture taken with Chewie when disaster struck — another kid puked all over E. Is that not the grossest thing you’ve ever heard?
DadJovi has the weakest stomach ever but I think he was even sicker over the fact that he missed a photo opp with one of his favorite people aliens ever. This time, he was not going to be denied. By the time we got to the line, it was already looooooong. But luckily, it was in the shade. So DadJovi got into line while E. and I wandered a bit and played on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground (my new favorite spot at Hollywood Studios).
When our turn finally arrived, we even got a mini bonus — an ewok!
Since DadJovi hit most of the biggies last weekend, we didn’t bother waiting in too many character lines. But there was lots of other stuff to see.
And then it was parade time …
After another ride on Star Tours (this time, we got Hoth, Admiral Akbar and the Death Star — I’ve now hit all six scenes!), we headed home, all completely exhausted.
And you’d have thought with a day like that, we’d all sleep all night. But for some reason, E. woke up at 11 p.m. SCREAMING. She was insane, yelling and hitting at me as I tried to soothe her. DadJovi eventually got her to wake up (it was the only way to calm her down) but it was the start of a very long night. I think she and I finally feel asleep at about 4 a.m. on the couch. I don’t know if the aliens and all our recent viewings of Star Wars was too much or what, but we’ve decided to put a temporary moratorium on Stars Wars viewing in the meantime just in case.
On Monday, I dragged us off the couch at 8 a.m. and headed over for our swim lessons. Another disastrous lesson. Only two days left!
Then, we headed over to Daytona to spend the day with my father-in-law on the world’s most famous beach! Nothing like a couple hours on the beach to relax you and give you another reminder why we live in Florida. Views like this are good for the soul.
And how much better does food taste on the beach? Her apples tasted so good, she had to show them off.
Yes, it’s a hassle to battle the crowds and heat, schlep four chairs, 6 buckets, 4 shovels, a cooler, lots and lots of sunscreen, towels and a boogie board all the way down the beach. But it sure does make a certain beach bum happy. Totally worth it.
I’m jealous you guys got to go. Our weekend was too packed to go. I’m hoping we can go this weekend and that I can finally make it on Star Tours. Glad to see the little got to the see the wookie without being puked on this time. 🙂 Where is the carbonite Donald located?
The Star Tours line actually wasn’t too bad most of the day (around 60 minutes) but get your Fast Passes as soon as you get there. We were in the doors by 10 I think and already the fast passes were for 1:30.
The Donald was in Jabba’s Hut, the huge tent filled with Star Wars weekend merchandise and lines for some of the characters (C3P0, R2D2, Luke, etc are in there — although I don’t think it’s very well organized. It’s not clear who you’re waiting for because they swap them out). The tent is back by the Aerosmith roller coaster.
But the coolest thing in there was the most realistic light sabers I’ve ever seen! They even make the swishing sound as you slash them through the air and they’re pretty heavy. They’ll let you play with one for a few minutes!
Try got get out! It’s fun. And the parade is at 12:40. There aren’t a lot of good viewing spots because it ends at the Mickey hat where there’s a stage set up.
Thanks for the info! It’s been decided that we are definitely going! 🙂
We hit Jabba’s Hut when we were there a few weeks ago and will most likely go again because there is a shirt my wife wants that was very popular and sold out.
You have probably already heard or may have seen my million posts but it was posted today that Star Wars Celebration is coming back to Orlando in 2012! 🙂
LOVE the family picture!! Looks like you guys had great long weekend. Monday was such a great beach day!
We are thinking about getting season passes to Disney after this summer is over (I think blackout days start soon, so we might as well wait!). B is CRAZY about Star Wars right now and the kids are finally at an age where they can enjoy it without stressing US out.
Looking forward to meeting you tonight. Yay!