Happy Easter everyone! Hope your day was eggcellent (oh boy. Sorry, couldn’t resist at least one Easter pun).
After a late night at our friends’ wedding (more on that later because it was, quite possibly, one of the most fun weddings ever), we all slept in some. Even E. didn’t get up til almost 9, bless her heart. Had she known the Easter Bunny had this waiting for her she may have been up earlier:
Delivering baskets is hard work. He even had a few nibbles of the snack we left out for him:
The basket held Tangled, Pinnochio, Kung Fu Panda (after we got it on Netflix this week, we were all obsessed. That bunny is timely if nothing else) and some Matchbox cars, since E. asked me why she didn’t have any cars the other day. I felt like a bad pseudo-feminist mother — of COURSE she should have some cars and trucks to smash around.
And of course, candy. Although we the Bunny showed amazing restraint this year. My father-in-law picked up some candy for us at Angel and Phelps in Daytona Beach, which is where all of DadJovi’s Easter basket candy came from as a kid, and he got a chocolate bunny, a fudge-filled egg and a bag of jellybeans for E’s basket. That’s it! And there were NO complaints from E about there not being more. Hallelujah. I always go way overboard, so this was a nice change and one that I hope becomes a tradition.
For a bit, it looked like Easter morning was going to be a bust. The first movie E. wanted to watch was “Tangled.” We popped in the Blu-Ray disc and settled in. The castle showed up on screen, the water was moving in the foreground. Then nothing. We watched that water moving for 8 minutes. The clock was moving but we couldn’t get it to go past that screen. After some Googling, we discovered on the Disney Movies site that apparently most Blu-Ray players need a firmware update before playing Tangled and Tron. WTF? Not cool, Disney.
Thankfully, we had gotten the combo pack since we take DVDs on the road with us, so all was not lost. After those hiccups, it was time to let our hair down (how amazing is the horse and the chameleon? I don’t watch “Chuck” but I now have a cartoon crush on Zachary Levi).
E. settled in to watch the movie and crash some cars and trucks around.
After watching half of Tangled and most of Pinocchio (except for the “scary” parts — um, how creepy is Pleasure Island? It’s been years since I’ve seen that movie but um, men going around kidnapping “bad boys” and taking them to an island to turn them into donkeys? There’s all sorts of hidden messages there, no?), I decided E and I needed to get outside for awhile.
This was our project:
My father-in-law’s neighbor sent them home with us yesterday. She’s this adorable old Vietnamese woman who’s a legendary gardener. I swear she’s the plant whisperer. She told us to just take the geranium cuttings, stick them in the ground, water them good and then let them dry out. Supposedly it’s idiot proof. Flowers, meet your idiot keeper. I hope you don’t die.
E. was a great little helper until I unearthed the most exciting thing ever for her — worms. Lots of them. She was in heaven.
By the way, no comments — mental or otherwise — about her outfit. She picked it out and I’ve learned to pick my battles. Pairing a green polka dot shirt with yellow striped pants does not rise to battle-worthy for me, especially after a morning of chocolate.
We got all the cuttings in the ground and E decided that a) worms look like snakes but “without mouth-es” (her way of pluralizing words is to add an -es sound to the end of everything) b) she wants a pet worm and c) we have a worm family living in garden, complete with a mommy, daddy and E worm.
I just hope those worms work their magic on our new flowers.
Since we didn’t want to eat until tonight, we decided to take advantage of our hot weather and head to Blizzard Beach for a couple hours. Man, I love our Disney water park passes. I’ve been meaning to do full reviews of the two parks, so I’ll show you another day just how amazing they are.
We got home around 6 and we were all STARVING. Luckily, I decided to take this year off from cooking (it’s been a long couple weeks) and I left it in the very capable hands of Honeybaked Ham.
Avert your eyes from that ingredient list. It was worth every artificially sweet bite. Even E., our quasi-vegetarian, gobbled up piece after piece of ham. On our Easter menu was the ham, Honeybaked Ham’s cornbread dressing and mac and cheese and green beans with potatoes, onions and tomatoes that we cooked in the slow cooker (thanks Mark Bittman for the recipe!). We finished things off with pecan pie (again HH’s) and a scoop of Fudge Tracks ice cream. I didn’t take pictures because, well, I’m not a food blogger.
And now, to quote my father, I am D-U-N done.
Happy Easter!
Very nice day! And Honey Baked Ham is so worth every ingredient ahhhh yum! We had it for lunch and dinner. I may need to try the idiot proof flowers, I dream of the pretty yard but somehow it never appears. Guess I better get my butt out there this year!
We don’t do too much candy, either. Just a small, hollow bunny, one box of peeps, one egg full of jelly beans and one M&M specialty easter thing. Mostly toys and books. They think it’s awesome.
Love E. with the worms! No fear. Love it.
Well I’ll keep you posted Tara. They’re not looking so hot today but I think they need some time to grow some roots. We have spent more money than I care to think about on our yard over the years — yet it still looks like crap. Our biggest downfall is that we don’t have a sprinkler system so all our plants are dependent on us and Mother Nature. They don’t stand a chance. I worry about the geraniums standing up the summer heat, so we’ll see!