After completing the Disney Royal Family 5K, I knew I needed something to keep me running. I haven’t quite pulled the trigger yet, but I think a couple friends have peer-pressured encouraged me to do a 10K at the end of this month.
I’ve only run one other day this week, so when I got up this morning, I knew I had to start putting some serious miles in if I’m going to be ready to run 6.2 miles in a few weeks. I don’t work on Fridays, so I knew it’d be a good day to get in a longer run. My only time limit is that I need to get home before DadJovi leaves for work.
I really didn’t want to run to do, but I dragged myself out of bed and sort of stumbled outside. My new strategy is to get out the door as soon as I can — even if I’m still half asleep — before I have the chance to talk myself out of going.
The beginning of the run was annoying because it was taking the Garmin forever to locate satellites. That thing makes me crazy some mornings. I finally gave up waiting and just started running. It eventually came on but by that point, I wasn’t really sure how far I’d run already. So I just kept going.
I’m lucky to live in a neighborhood with a lot of lakes and interesting streets. There are even a few brick-paved streets, which I totally count as cross-training. But it all keeps the unenjoyable task a bit more entertaining. Where is that elusive runner’s high? I’ve yet to experience it.
My pace was super slow today but I was more concerned about covering some distance. And except for about a block when I had to walk because I was battling the iPod I ran the whole thing! Somehow it got stuck in a loop of Britney Spears’ songs, which I thought I’d deleted from my workout playlist. The whole incident actually pissed me off. Every time I hit forward, a new Britney song came on — and there’s only 4 on the list. So I kept getting stuck in the same 4 songs. I was personally starting to blame Britney herself. But I finally won the war and got back on track with music I actually wanted to hear.
When I got home, here’s what the Garmin told me:
When I got inside, I used (I’m pissed off at the changes on MapMyRun and boycotting it), and calculated I’d run .64 before the Garmin turned on. That means I ran 3.85 miles this morning — a new distance personal best!
So maybe I can do the 10K. I just might get lapped by 8-year-old and 80-year-old runners alike.
You can do the 10K and you WILL do the 10K. I am so excited for you!
I’m telling you — the trick to the Garmin is to leave it charging on the windowsill. Turn it on while leaving it on the sill, put on your shoes, etc., and the satellites should be loaded when you’re ready. I ran in Baltimore last year and forgot that trick, and even though I was right along the water with no tall buildings, it still took more than .5 to catch up. Grrrr.