For the past 3+ years, I’ve had a constant companion. She wasn’t the best or the brightest but she was efficient. She was always there for me and allowed me to go places I never thought possible. Although she was never the most popular or on top of the latest fashions and trends, she was dependable.
She just wasn’t fun.
So, after a lot of thought, research and annoying questions posed on Twitter, I finally made the plunge last night.
Hello lover …
Good-bye Blackberry. Hello Droid.
I thought long and hard about this one. I’m a Mac evangelist (well, not technically but I would if they paid me! I’m just a big fan) so I really wanted an iPhone for a long time. But frankly, I love Verizon more. I travel often enough to Pennsylvania and DC and AT&T has NEVER worked there. My friends with iPhones there never get to use them as, well, phones.
I waited patiently for the long-rumored iPhone to Verizon event to occur but I’m tired of waiting. So, Droid it is!
I have no idea what I’m doing with it yet, other than the fact that tonight I downloaded about 12 free apps that are completely rocking my world:
- Air Horn: This is HILARIOUS. It makes all kinds of air horn noises, from a Vuvuzula to a shot-clock buzzer to, my favorite, the Reggae Horn. I’ve already made the mistake of playing with this one in front of E. She’s obsessed. Crap.
- Disney World Wait Times: No more making our way all the way back to Fantasyland, only to learn that the Peter Pan ride is 75 minutes long. Score!
- Pandora: Until I figure out to get my iTunes on this bad boy, this may be my music lifesaver since I’m currently iPod-less (our old one finally bit the dust)
- DroidLight: Um, my Droid can also be a flashlight?!? Awesome.
- And, the highlight so far, Classic Tetris. OHMYFREAKINGOD. You have no idea how obsessed I was with Tetris during college. It was the only good thing on my old banged-up computer. Freshman year, my BFF and I would play it for hours as we knocked back some 40s. (I know, how cool were we? Don’t hate us because we were so awesome). My addiction was so bad that I dreamed of straight lines and squares in my sleep more nights than I care to admit. This could be the end of my already limited social life. I’ve missed this game so much but I resisted getting it for the Wii or my computer. But it just seems so easy to fit in a quick game (or 20) on my phone. I’m doomed.
I know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other, perhaps more, um, serious apps out there. My nice salesman Tyrone showed me how it’s also a GPS device and Google voice enabled. But for now. I have some shapes to arrange.
Got a Droid? Tell me what other apps I need to get. What’s your favorite thing to do on the Droid?
Wow, I had no idea those apps were out there and I have totally downloaded them. SO useless and yet SO AWESOME! I had Classic Tetris originally, but had to do a factory reset because I am like cell phone kryptonite, and I lost it and now it’s not on the Market anymore!
Anyway, thanks, I know this is an old post but I just saw it.