During the massive Spring Cleaning of 2011, I also tackled another big project — packing up the rest of E’s baby clothes. I’ve already gotten rid of the majority of them at our yard sale and the biannual consignment sales in our neighborhood. But every time I think I’ve sorted through them all, I find another bag stashed under a bed or in a closet. I can’t believe one child had so many clothes.
As I was sorting through the clothes, I made two piles — one for my cousin who just had a baby daughter a couple months ago and another for the trash. I can’t believe how yellow spit-up stains get after just three years of storage! Things that were hardly stained when they went into the vacuum-sealed bags are now yellow and brown. Gross.
While going through the bags, I found one that made me weepy. I had to make E. hold it up to show just how much she’s grown.
This is E. holding the onesie up at 3 years, nearly 4 months old:
And this is E. wearing that same onesie at 12 weeks old.
Why is time seem to be in warp speed now that I have a child? It’s going too fast. My baby is already slipping away. Granted, she’s been replaced by a wonderfully entertaining, funny, smart and awe-inspiring little girl, but there are some days when I just want my little bitty baby back.
But I soldiered through and got the big box of girly goodies ready to ship to Pa to baby Olivia.
I knew I should have waited to send that box. Guess what I found last night as I finished up the last closet? Another bag of clothes! This one is full of newborn outfits, so I’m sure they would be too small for Olivia already. Luckily I have a HUGE family so another cousin is due with her first daughter next month.
One girl grows up and another is born. I just wish it didn’t have to happen so dang quick.
It does seem like time flies when you have kids. Will it ever slow down again? Probably not.
I love how E’s expression is exactly the same in both photos. She is adorbs.