Yesterday I was so proud of myself.
As you probably know, it’s National Teacher Appreciation Week. Events are planned for each day at E’s preschool. Monday’s event calls for all the kids to bring in homemade cards for their teachers and teaching assistants.
So by mid-afternoon yesterday, I sat E. down at her art table with construction paper, markers and stickers and let her color the cards to her little heart’s content.
After she finished her two cards (which included sweet, personal messages to each of the teachers that I may have helped her with), I carefully stacked them with her other stuff for school, including this month’s tuition check. I mean, I was firing on all cylinders. I’m never this prepared for a Monday morning.
When DadJovi took her to school this morning, she ran up to each of her teachers and gave them her cards. He said they both seemed genuinely happy — and perhaps a little surprised — and gave her big hugs. Her teacher even thumb-tacked her card up to the bulletin board. He said he thought it was a bit strange that he didn’t see any other cards, but we pay extra for her to be able to go earlier than the start time (9 a.m.) so there were only a couple other kids there.
Again, feeling proud of myself, I planned to run to Costco at lunch to get a giant fruit bowl for tomorrow’s event — breakfast for the teachers. But by midday I decided to wait until after work.
Then, just before I left for Costco I checked this week’s lineup one more time to re-confirm that tomorrow is breakfast day. Then, for the first time, I read the dates — May 9-13. No, no, no, noooooooooooooooooo!
How could I have screwed that up? I blame other bloggers. I read some other blogs over the weekend about Teacher Appreciation Week this week. After some Tweeps confirmed that I’m not crazy, I turned to Miss Google and confirmed that yes, THIS WEEK is in fact the official Teacher Appreciation Week. Look, there’s even an official looking graphic with the dates:
I mean, there’s an apple AND a blackboard. How much more official can you get than that?
Why would E’s school eff with us like that? As if I need another reason to feel confused.
So now I’ve not only ruined the surprise for NEXT Monday, but I’m sure all the other parents think I’m just trying to be a kiss ass or something.
And here’s the most pressing issue — do I have to make more cards for next Monday?
This is too funny. It really does not make sense why they are doing it a week later or are they?? I think you just may have to make more cards, just saying. 🙂