I’m home sick with E. today. There’s nothing like waking up to a screaming toddler at 1 a.m. only to discover she’s puked all.over.her.bed. Like amounts of vomit that I didn’t think were possible out of someone so small. I quickly got her into the bath and got her as cleaned as well as could be expected in the middle of the night and without my glasses. I’d run from my bedroom when I heard the yells without grabbing them and she was too hysterical for me to travel the 20 steps there to get them. And heaven forbid that DadJovi hear any of this.
It was a long night that included two more puking incidents (including on yet another set of sheets and comforter), three loads of laundry, another bath, Toy Story 2 and less than three hours of sleep. Somehow, she was up by 7:30 and quickly puked another two times and now has a slight fever. It’s good times all around.
So if anyone wants to volunteer, here’s where I could use some help today. Really, there’s got to be someone I can hire for these jobs, right?
— Washing the other set of sheets and puked-on pajamas from last night. I’ve been waiting for the comforter to finish drying in the dryer but it’s taking forever.
— Making two beds with the sheets. There’s not much I hate more than trying to wedge fitted sheets on E’s bed, which is pushed up against a wall. It makes me sweat, curse, hurt my knuckles and sometimes pull a back muscle. Maybe I should wear the Garmin and see how many calories it burns.
— Make.me.coffee. Somehow the kitchen seems really far away right now and every time I’m out of E’s sight for more than 5 seconds, she flips out (and currently I’m trying to type around her feverish body while she watches Madagascar 2. It’s not easy).
— Call our pediatrician. I HATE making that call. She’s a family friend and very understanding but I always feel like the crazy mom for calling over common kid illnesses. Kids puke and get fevers right? I just have no internal gauge to know when something’s call-worthy. But this is the third time in six days that she’s puked. She’ll do it, then seem fine for a couple days. She’s not eating anything weird, so I don’t know what’s up.
— Stay home with her. OK, I’d hate to outsource that one since I know how bad she’s feeling, but I can’t help but feel guilty for not being at work today. I remember what it was like before I had a child and co-workers would call in sick because “their kid was sick.” Now I realize that they had no other choice. Our family members are limited around us and I try to save those favors for true emergencies since they’re about an hour away. So I’ll try to get some work done at home today but I hate that I will be out of the office all day.
— Is it possible to outsource showers? Because I know I was there for most of the puking and its fringe benefits — spray. So a shower is pretty necessary but see the entry three bullet points above — I’m not getting any alone time today.
So what are your sick day pet peeves?
Poor things – both of you! I hate to add to your already complete list but in addition to needing someone to make you coffee, don’t you wish you could have someone come and make YOU breakfast, lunch and dinner today? I guess you could order take-out but then you are likely to feel guilty over spending the $ on the food and delivery. Give E a hug for me and best wishes for a speedy recovery 🙂
So sorry E. is sick! The puking sickness is the worst. Hope she is feeling better soon.
I am sorry for BOTH of you. I am going to pretend that my son will never get pukey ok?