Since she’s been about a year, E. has been a pretty good sleeper. Sure, there were the odd sleepless nights here and there when teething or illnesses kept her (and me!) up. But for the most part, she goes to bed and stays in bed.
Plus, she’s always been a pretty late sleeper. The earliest she ever gets up is 7. Usually it’s more in the 8, 8:30 and sometimes as late as 9 range (I’m ducking as you all throw things at me. But hey, she hasn’t napped since 2, so she’s got to make it up somewhere!).
Lately, though, she’s kinda obsessed with crawling into bed with us during the night. It doesn’t happen every night. In fact, I’d say it, on average, happens no more than 2 to 3 (tops) nights a week. And for months, it was simply her crawling into bed around 4:30 and cuddling up close and falling right back to sleep. Frankly, I love it. She’s never been a super cuddly baby, so I love when she does it.
And then there are nights like last night.
At about 2:30 a.m., I heard her get out of her bed through the monitor (I have no idea how the sounds of her tiny feet hitting the ground wake me up every time, but it always does, even from the deepest sleeps. Side effect of being a mom, I guess — supersonic hearing).
I waited for her to get to our room. And I waited. And I waited. I was about to get up to see if she was in the bathroom when she finally appeared in my doorway and started pointing to the living room TV (our bedroom is just off the living room) and started saying “show” over and over again. Meaning: she wanted to watch TV. At 2-freaking-30 in the morning. What is she, a college student all the sudden? Next is she going to demand I make some munchies, too?
Me: “No, it’s night-night time.”
Her: “No, I want to watch a show. Show. Show. Shooooooooooow”
Then the tears start. I tell her to come to my bed, thinking she’ll lay down and fall right to asleep (because there’s no way she’s really awake, right?)
Me: “Lay down and let’s go to sleep.”
Her: “No, I want shoooooooooow. Shooooooooow. Shooooooow. Shoooooooooooooooow.”
Then she really started crying. Like yelling, screaming, tantruming crying. Have I mentioned yet that it was 2:30?
I’m not going to lie. After about 5 minutes of this, I almost caved. I really did. I almost started surfing through the channels in our bedroom. But then a voice in my head told me to stand my ground (er, bed) and not allow it. Otherwise, it’d be a slippery slope of night parties. Next thing I’d know, I’d have Charlie Sheen for a daughter and instead of sleeping at night, she’ll just be waiting (if you don’t get that, then you need to start catching up some Charlie Sheen interviews immediately. It’d gold, people. Gold. But I digress).
After another few minutes of her crying in my ear and demanding a show, I gave her a choice — stop crying right now and you can sleep here or go back to your bed.
She finally started to calm down but there was still cries for shows for at least 20 more minutes.
Needless to say, when the alarm went off in the pre-dawn hours for my run, I was even crankier than usual. But I forced myself out of bed and left a conked out E and DadJovi sleeping.
When I get back, he says to me, “When did she come to our bed?”
Me: “You’re joking, right?”
Him: “No, I never heard her come in.”
Me: “You didn’t hear her SCREAMING in OUR BED for 30 minutes because I wouldn’t let her watch a show?”
Him: “No. She was crying in her room?”
Me: (getting increasingly annoyed) “No, not in her room. IN. OUR. BED.”
Him: “Nope, guess not.”
Seriously, are dads just missing those hearing powers? Does that only come from actually carrying the child? Unbelievable.
So, we survived the showdown.
Please tell me my child isn’t the only one looking to burn the midnight oil? How do you deal with nighttime tantrums? What’s the strangest thing your child has done during the night?
We had a family bed (well beds, a queen and a double pushed together with the mattresses and box springs just directly on the floor) until Cal and Mack were 5 and 2, respectively. Then we got them bunkbeds and transferred both of them into there. Even though everyone warned us, “You’ll never get them out of your bed!”, it was actually really easy. They never balked. They have never once come back into our bed or even wanted to. Maybe because they had each other? For about a year they both slept on the bottom bunk (a double bed) together. The only times they have woken us up during the night is when they have been sick. Maybe we are just lucky? But then, there were those FIVE years where we all slept together, LOL (I nursed each one forever, so it was just so much easier).
I might’ve punched my husband in the face in your situation. 🙂
Love the family bed. E. slept with us for her first 12-15 weeks exclusively and then started sleeping portions of the night in her crib but always finished the night with us. I don’t worry about her “never sleeping on her own.” I just worry about her holding raves in the middle of the night! 🙂
I think it’s the 3-thing… there were no terrible 2’s in our house, but now at 3, we have a much-more demanding, independent child who launches into major meltdowns when things go wrong (like pancakes not being on the dinner menu last night). And dads never hear anything — I have to kick my husband out of bed to deal with the kids if I want help.
Oh I know the pancakes battle so well, too. The food wars never really cease here. After listening to a NPR story recently about a “soft parenting” approach to dinner wars, I’m trying to learn to let go of control and let her eat what she wants rather than what I tell her to eat. It’s hard as hell and I’m sure I’ll write about it soon. But yeah, pancakes (or the lack thereof) have started many a tantrum here, too
Our son asked for a book at 3 am last night, but as soon as he got it, he laid back down… little ones are full of surprises! (by the way, my husband can’t believe that your Dadjovi slept through the whole thing!)
At least your son requesting something reasonable like a book. Lord, is my child just a huge TV junkie? I hope not. And yeah, I can’t believe he slept through the whole thing either. Still haven’t quite forgiven him!