For some mind-blowing reason, my daughter’s pre-school was closed today for a teacher service day. (Really, for 2-year-olds? E. better be the smartest toddler in Florida by the end of this year). I had a big work meeting in the morning, so our trusty babysitter came over for a few hours to watch E.
I got home around 12:30 and usually I would use that time to run errands, grocery shop, clean the house, etc. But it’s been a really busy and chaotic few weeks and I’ve been feeling a little guilty that I haven’t been spending enough QT with E. I’m really missing our Mommy-Daughter bonding days now that I’m working more hours.
So I pulled a DadJovi and made a spontaneous decision: We’re going to Disney World!
Today, our parking lot tram driver said one of the best things I’ve ever heard at Disney: “See that orange line over there? As you get off this train, I want you to leave all your heavy stuff behind. All your stress, your worries, your bad moods. As you cross the line, I want you to be light. Kids, be good. Moms and Dads, stop thinking and enjoy the day” (it’s a rough paraphrase but you get the idea. It was, in a word, beautiful.)
So we took his words to heart. I stopped thinking about all the work I should have been doing instead. About the grocery shopping that needs to be done. About the piles of laundry that still need to be washed, folded and put away. The bills that need to be paid. And we just played.
And our friends came to play, too! But first, they squeezed in a power nap (wish their habits would rub off on a certain non-sleeping 2-year-old I know and love)
After the Sleeping Beauties woke up, it was parade time!
A quick sidebar to this happy story. Can someone please explain why some people are such jackasses? Today’s example: Our little ones were happily and, may I say, patiently waiting for the parade to start by sitting in the stroller. We weren’t in the front row of the parade route but the people in front of us were sitting, so the kiddos would have easily seen all the action.
Then, at the last minute, a family wedged their not-so-small bodies in the tightest spot ever, completely blocking E’s and K’s view:
Our little ones had to look over that stroller in front of them for the whole parade and could only see the characters when they were directly in front of them. We would’ve picked them up or moved but it was surprisingly packed today, so there really wasn’t any wiggle room. To my amazement, the kiddos didn’t complain or whine once about the obstructed view — even as they craned their tiny necks for better views.
Oh, the power of having a friend by your side! For my part, I shot as many dirty glances as I could. Are people just rude, oblivious or dream-crushing children-haters? But I digress.
After being cramped in place for so long, it was time to let our little ones stretch their legs on the playground in Mickey’s Toon Town.
The long lines kept us off most of the rides today but it was still so fun to go enjoy a beautiful day with some beautiful friends. Little-known fact: pixie dust can keep the stress away for a little while anyway. I mean, what could really be wrong in the world when you’re having this much fun?
And at the end of the day, my faith in humanity was at least partially restored when not only did another mom make room for me, E and our stroller on the packed monorail back to the parking lot, but she also shared a spare juice box with us.
Disney really can be the most magical place on earth.
Big ups on the spontaneous-ness, I totally support that. That’s quite a view you guys were given for the parade…down in front!
Awesome! And yes, people are jackasses. Seriously, what is wrong with people?
And Florida is awesome 🙂
Nothing like a 70-degree day in early January to make you feel like you can conquer the world!
Living spontaneously is the easiest way of feeling free.