I’m a HUGE Twi-hard. I tore through all four books in record speed after my cousin first lent me her copy of Twilight. I’m not sure what it is about them, but I really adore the books (I could live without Bella, or Jacob, for that matter. OK, fine, I just read them for Edward and the Cullen Coven.)
Seriously, this is how much my cousin Jen (who, by the way, is a very successful merchandising executive in her 40s and not at all who you’d picture when you hear TwiHard) and I love them. Look what she did to my front yard before the release of New Moon:
Yes, those were hundreds of vampire teeth all over my yard. DadJovi was horrified and quickly ran to his car that morning “before someone saw him.”
I’ve seen every movie on opening night, I’ve read the whole series twice (OK, fine, I’ve read Breaking Dawn three times), I’ve read Midnight Sun (again, more than once. Will she just finish the damn thing already, dammit!), I’m more than partially obsessed with Robert Pattinson, I have a New Moon lunchbox, for God’s sake, but I’m afraid I have a horrible confession: I might be over Twilight. GASP!
I think Edward is pale from the shock of my confession.
My stunning realization came this weekend when I convinced my husband that ordering Eclipse on Pay-Per-View was a good idea. He actually didn’t hate Twilight, although he so deeply despises New Moon that he stopped watching less than an hour into it. We’ve been watching Eclipse all weekend because I don’t think he can take any more than small doses at a time (he fast-forwards through every conversation about feelings — which there are a lot of and he cannot figure out why Jacob Black doesn’t ever wear a shirt. True quote: Even the Hulk found time to wear clothes).
Maybe it’s his mocking of it, but it’s starting to work — the movie just doesn’t do it for me. When I saw it in the theater, I enjoyed it much more than New Moon (those 4 cabernets could have had something to do with it). Or maybe it’s because Eclipse, the book, really annoyed me. How could there even be a choice between Jacob and Edward? Team Edward all the way!
But even I have been feeling sort of labored to finish this movie. Even one of my favorite scenes in all the books — the tent scene — just doesn’t do it for me.
I still love the books, so I’m going to lay a lot of the blame at the feet of the filmmakers for the series. They just can’t rescue the teen angst and make it enjoyable in a movie format. It’s so melodramatic, to the point of laughable at times. And honestly, how hard is it to make good CGI wolves?
You know what really crystallized my nagging feelings of disappointment this weekend? The boy wizard.
ABC Family had a Harry Potter marathon on Sunday. I found myself flipping off Eclipse yesterday to watch Harry Potter, time after time. I’ve also read (and re-read) the HP series, and it’s something I can’t wait to share with my daughter when she gets older. DadJovi has been wanting to read them, too, but decided he’s going to wait and read them to her in another few years so they can enjoy them for the first time together.
But the great thing about the Harry Potter movies is that they are wonderful complements to the movies. On their own, they’re still amazing movies.
But what does this say about my supposed undying love for Edward? I feel like it’s a break-up of sorts. I know I’ll always have a special place in my heart for him like anyone you once passionately loved. But I think I may have finally outgrown him.
Oh, but my night was just saved. I just realized as my husband fired up the DVR that I have the best of both worlds coming up tonight — Robert Pattinson in The Goblet of Fire! Team Cedric!!
You know I was never ON Twilight…so I don’t have to get off it. 🙂
Just read Twilight and you’ll see. I recommend reading over the movies any day.
Oh, and I’m not sure why you haven’t read the Harry Potter books yet either. You’re really missing out!