Last night was another one of those nights. Just as I was about to go to bed around 11:30, I heard the cries of “Mommy! Mommy!” I went running in expecting either a nightmare or an emergency potty situation. But instead, I was greeted by a suddenly very sick little one. She didn’t have a fever, but she was very stuffy, sneezing, coughing and just all-out miserable.
I tried to lay down with her and comfort her, but she was freaking out. She was sobbing and last time we mixed sobbing + head cold it resulted in massive vomit all over her comforter and bed. So I wasn’t taking a chance. I brought her out to the living room and tried rocking her for a bit. When they didn’t work and she started crying to “watch a show,” I caved and put on one episode of Dora. That seemed to chill her out and when it was over, she was ready to try and go back to bed.
Again, I thought I’d lay down with her a bit, then finally escape to my own bed (remember, I’m still recovering from ebola or something). But she held tightly to me like a spider monkey all night long and I ended up spending the whole night in there. Thank God she has a double bed. But restful, it was not. There was lots of soothing, crying, pulling Mommy’s hair (as I blogged before, she likes to pull her hair when she’s sleeping or upset. When she has to opportunity to pull my much-longer hair, she grabs on and doesn’t let go), cries for back rubbing/singing and head butting/kicking me in the face all night.
Honestly, I’m glad to do it. There’s nothing sadder than a sick wee one. But since I’m coming off of my own illness — where not only was there no one to take care of me like that, but my mom duties never ceased — I started thinking at about 3 a.m. that she has no idea how lucky she is.
In my sleep-deprived state, I started thinking of all the things I do that someday she’ll soooo wish someone did for her. Now, I’m not talking the basics like feeding, clothing, paying for education, doing laundry, providing entertainment, etc. (man, kids are lucky). But I’m talking about some of the extras. Here’s my short list of things I wish someone did for me:
- Hair brushing: How glorious would it be to have someone brush your hair every day? She runs when she sees a brush. Dummy.
- Baths: Not only is her bath drawn to the exact right temperature, but it comes filled with organic paraben-free bubbles and tons of cool toys. And then, someone sponge cleans her body and washes her hair, including a scalp massage. I’d pay for that service.
- Books/Singing at bedtime: Every night, either me or DadJovi spends about 30 minutes reading books, telling stories and singing songs to send her off to La La Land. Can I request that someone with a sexy accent, say celebrity French chef Eric Ripert, provide me with the same turndown service every night? Eric, call me.
- Quartering grapes: OK, maybe I don’t need my grapes quartered but I HATE being the one to do that task. I mean, how annoying is it to cut grapes? They never stay still, your fingers get so sticky and each grape is so small anyway. But after one guilt-inducing article by Dr. Sears, I went back to grape-cutting at least until she turns 4. Bastard.
- Ass wiping: OK, maybe that’s going too far. I’m good on that one.
So what have I forgotten? What tasks to you do for your kids that you wish someone lovingly performed for you?
I would love to have someone pick out a cute outfit for me everyday. Heck, I would settle just for something that matches and is weather appropriate!
GOOD call. And how about adorable socks and bows to go with each outfit. If you follow my Twitter stream you probably know that some days I can’t even manage to get matching sneakers on my own feet!