It’s been a long, ugly week ’round these parts. I woke up feeling awful on Monday but thought maybe the burger I’d had the night before at the neighborhood Halloween party was to blame. But as the day wore on, I got worse. I’ll save you the gory details, but I haven’t had this many stomach issues since my first trimester (no, I’m not pregnant).
Today is day 4 of the stomach bug and I’m so sick of being sick! I’ve been living on toast all week, and even that sends my stomach into hysterics. It’s one way to lose weight, huh? Although I know as soon as I’m feeling better I’ll make up for the lost calories. This has been the worst week (or best, depending on how you look at the situation) to get sick — all this Halloween candy is just taunting me. Would it be wrong if I admitted that I hid some Reese’s from my husband and daughter for when I’m finally feeling better? Don’t judge. You try eating toast with butter all week as dozens of Fun Sizes call out to you longingly.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that I ended up sick. It capped off what was a painful Halloween of sorts around here. Sunday morning, we were all up bright and early to cheer DadJovi on in the Daytona Beach 1/2 Marathon:
When we got to the Speedway to watch him cross the finish line, E. got so excited to see him that she tripped and faceplanted on the pavement. Like many drivers before her, she left a little piece of herself at Daytona International Speedway.
I’m not sure who looked more banged up after the race:
DadJovi did great, though! He finished 9th in his age group and 97th overall. Not bad for someone who just started running again just 10 months ago.
That night, we headed out to go trick-or-treating with our friends. But before we could even make it to our first house, E. wiped out so bad — AGAIN — this time, tearing the hell out of her knee. Poor Tink. Luckily it wasn’t anything some free candy couldn’t solve.
All was going well for awhile, but then there was another fall. And this time, the other knee got scraped. We figured it was time to cut our losses and head home.
Oh, if only the string of bad luck had ended there. Unfortunately, that’s the last picture my camera took. A moment later, as I tried to keep E. from tripping yet again, I dropped my camera, lens down, and now it won’t open. Super. If I ever feel better again, maybe I’ll figure out how to get if fixed.
Now can someone bring me some more Pepto please?
What a horrible week, so sorry. Falling kids is like biting your lip. Once you bite your lip, it seems you keep biting it in the same spot, k=once kids fall, they seem to fall all day!
No kidding! It was unbelievable. Every time we finally tried the blood and tears from the last fall, down she went again. Glad to know she’s just not abnormally clumsy (although my childhood nickname may have been Grace … I just sayin’).
Ouch, that sounds like a rough past couple of days for you and E. Congrats to Jim on the half marathon though that’s awesome.
P.S. – Remember tripping into (and bear hugging) the palm tree at St. Augustine? Ha yea you were never the most graceful person.