I’m a bloggie newbie so I was super-excited when my BFF Katy Widrick (social media superstar, healthy living advocate and definitely one of the coolest chicks I know) told me that Jeanette of J’s Everyday Fashion was organizing a Ladies Who Blog dinner.
So MomJovi got to play dress up for a change and eat somewhere with no crayons, kids’ cups and chicken nuggets in sight. Yay for me! And I got to eat a WHOLE MEAL without having to entertain a 2-year-old while quickly shoveling food into my mouth. It was luxurious! Plus, the fact that I got to meet so many other cool and smart chicks was a big bonus!
In addition to Katy and Jeanette, some of the other blogging goddesses included Kim from Pulse of Central Florida (and my IRL neighbor, we learned last night!), blogging veteran Laura of DaFoodie Blog, iknitty.com (and many others!) and Meghann of Graduate Meghann.
We ate at Nelore, a new Brazilian steakhouse in Winter Park and it was delicious. My husband was definitely jealous of the all-you-can-eat meat and more than a little annoyed that I didn’t bring a doggie bag home. I promised him it’ll be our next date night.
Meghann did a very cool wrap-up of all the goodies we got to sample (including some great photos of the cute Brazilian waiters carving our meat!). Click here to check out her blog. I hope she doesn’t mind I linked to her photo above — I’m still trying to learn all the do’s and don’t’s of the blogging world!
As great as last night was though, I’m dragging today. At about 3 a.m. I heard a giant crash in my dining room. I ran out to find my 2-year-old on the floor, after she was sleepily making her way toward my room and fell over her art table chair! Normally I would have taken her back to her room, but those two glasses of wine at dinner made me just tired enough that I just brought her to our bed — which meant not much sleep for me for the rest of the night!
But it’s time to get the coffee IV drip going because we’ve got a playdate at the splash park. I think I need a cloned version of myself for days like today!
It was such a fun time though and I hope I’ll have more opportunities in the future to pick their blogging brains! Thanks to J for organizing and to Nelore for making us feel so welcome!
Glad you had a good time! 🙂