Note: So, um, yeah. I’ve been writing this post for more than a week. Life just has an annoying way of getting in the way lately. So rude. I thought about scrapping it, but dammit, I already edited all the photos for it. So with an intro like that, enjoy!
My alma mater Syracuse University is now a part of the ACC. The pain will come later when my team plays my husband’s team Duke — twice — in basketball, but for now I’m celebrating the move since it means Syracuse football is within driving distance again! (yes, I realize I could have driven over to Tampa to watch us play USF over the past couple years, but a SU-USF showdown doesn’t sound very exciting does it?).
As you may recall, last year, we made the drive to Tallahassee with our friends, who are big FSU fans, for the FSU-Duke game. They apparently liked watching weaker teams get the crap beat out of them because they were on board with heading up for the FSU-Syracuse game. Um, thanks?
Like last year, the kickoff was set for 3:30 p.m. so we didn’t leave until Saturday morning. We were out the door by 7:30 a.m. and by a little after noon, we were pulling into our pre-arranged tailgating spot.
We spent the next couple hours hanging out, playing that toss-the-rope-around-a-pole game (I’m sure it has a technical name), eating and obviously, drinking.
This is the tallest I’ve ever looked in a picture. Fine, I’ll admit it, my friend was standing in a hole. But it was nice feeling like Michelle or Paula for a change.
As we were hanging out, I was eyeing the drinking games going on in the tent next to us. They must have sensed my desperation to recapture my youth because awhile later they came over and said, “Is there a woman here who wants to play Flip Cup? We need one more.”
You didn’t have to ask me twice.
Here’s what these young Florida State fans weren’t expecting — that this old Syracuse fan is a masterful Flip Cup player. I was worried I’d be a bit rusty, but I’m happy to report I’m still a one-to-two-flip player. And taunter.
Sadly, our team couldn’t pull out the win, but it sure was fun to play again. Why don’t we play Flip Cup more often in real life?
As it got closer to game time, we made our way over to Doak Campbell because we wanted to see some of the pregame pomp. And our Syracuse boys needed all the help they could get in the morale department. Let’s go Orange!
Although I admit that I do enjoy seeing Chief Osceola ride out onto the field and tossing his flaming spear, I just couldn’t get on board with it that day. I was too nervous for our boys. I think E best summed up my feelings. “I hope that horse poops on the field,” she said. Such a good call.
Poor Otto looked scared on the sidelines. Well, as scared as a smiling orange can look. Poor Otto.
As our team heading into the locker room for the pre-game intros? Well, they probably should have just stayed in the locker room.
With tomahawk hands flying and chant after chant in the air, us Syracuse fans settled in for a very long afternoon. Very long.
Right as the game was starting, I checked Instagram and saw Meghann had posted a picture from her seats … and it was nearly my same view. I started looking around and lo and behold, I spotted her a couple sections away, standing to take pictures of her crew. I sent her a quick text and a moment later, we were meeting in the middle.
Thanks for the picture, Meghann!
That was the probably the last time I smiled that half. By halftime, we were already down 38-0 and I’d had to hear what quickly came to become the worst 8 words in the world “That’s good for another Florida State FIRST DOWN” over and over and over again (by the end of the game, I’d hear it 20 times).
Not good.
But at least I had some support.
And the weather was perfect (slightly overcast and in the high 70s), so that helped. Some. But not much.
By the third quarter, the girls were done watching the action on the field.
I couldn’t blame them. I wished I was watching anything but the game, too, but everyone was kind enough to stick around and watch Syracuse’s only scoring play, a field goal, with me before we headed out. Final score? 59-3. Ouch.
I really needed a win before heading out of Doak Campbell, so I decided to try and recreate our magic with getting a picture with the Blue Devil at least year’s game.
E and I made our way all the way down to the front row (no one was fighting us poor, suffering Syracuse fans) and after a lot of waving, I finally got Otto’s attention.
He came and went quickly (I think he was afraid Florida State would score again in the 30 seconds we talked to him near the end zone) but he paused long enough for one quick picture. One quick blurry picture. Sigh.
E was super excited though, and I was excited to finally get HER excited about something Syracuse related. So I’ve got that going for me.
I know within a couple weeks I won’t remember the score and I hope that by next year (or at least in the next decade) I won’t even remember that we lost the game. But I will always remember how happy E was to FINALLY meet Otto. It’s about time. That damn Blue Devil has been manipulating her heart for too long.
What memorable moment of yours was ruined by a blurry photo?
what a dreadful game! I hope next year goes better. As for my crappy picture story; Bill Clinton was coming to the New York State Fair, my friend and I waited several hours to meet him –remember, his on my special list ;-). Once he came over to us, I shook his hand and turned around for the picture my friend was taking (the last one on the camera –before the all digital era). Right after he left, my friend says “I’m not sure what I got in the picture”. When the picture came out, it was a beautiful close-up of Bill, I was nowhere in the picture… we blamed it on the wine slushie.
Oh no, Marie! That’s a disaster!! I would have been devastated for a long, long time about that! And how funny is it that it really wasn’t that long ago that we didn’t have digital pictures? I was trying to explain that to E recently and it just wasn’t registering. “What do you mean you couldn’t see the pictures, Mommy? They’re right there!” Kids.
OK, you win. That story is way sadder!
You’ve seen photos of my niece on Twitter and IG… my heartbreak blurry photo was of the moment my sister brought her home from South Africa the first time. She’d shown her photos of our parents for weeks to get her excited about seeing strangers. She saw my Dad, and her face LIT UP! I snapped the photo, just as someone blew past me in the airport, and bumped into my arm. Blurry photo.
Fortunately, there was a moment later in the day that made up for it. :>)
But, I feel your pain.
I hope that horse poops on the field, too. (It’s the Gators’ turn today with FSU. I’m already dreading it.)